How do I get Magician past the wizard?
Hint 1 of 10:
You'll need to start by playing with the bird nest.
Hint 2 of 10:
Did you find the bird call (see the previous question for help)?
Hint 3 of 10:
You should try to get one of the eggs to hatch.
Hint 4 of 10:
An egg won't hatch unless it's kept warm.
Hint 5 of 10:
So try to call a bird to sit on the nest.
Hint 6 of 10:
Have Technician use the bird call when he's near the nest. Wait around for
one of the eggs to stand up (you may need to walk all three goblins up to the
tree limb before it will).
Hint 7 of 10:
You need to get the egg to stand still before you can do anything with it.
Hint 8 of 10:
Try to shock it a bit.
Hint 9 of 10:
By having Warrior punch it.