What do I do with the frog
Hint 1 of 12:
Remember that story about the frog prince?
Hint 2 of 12:
Remember what happened to the frog when it was kissed?
Hint 3 of 12:
It turned into a prince. Kiss the frog.
Hint 4 of 12:
Too ugly?
Hint 5 of 12:
Close your eyes.
Hint 6 of 12:
Smells too bad? You need to pin your nose.
Hint 7 of 12:
You can either use the clothes pin or your hands.
Hint 8 of 12:
Too loud? You need to plug your ears.
Hint 9 of 12:
Either use the cotton balls or your hands if they're free.
Hint 10 of 12:
No luck? Too disgusting? You need something for your lips.
Hint 11 of 12:
Like lip balm. Find it and come back.
Hint 12 of 12:
Now kiss the frog.