EstMap 0.003á (C) 1991 MBP Works. Written By Massimo Barbero-Pini. The File contains: - ESTMAP.EXE : V0.003á Main program; Requires Vga, Mouse, (colour monitor recommended). - CONVCAP.EXE : V0.004á The Capture file converter for ESTMAP. - CONVPLAN.EXE : V0.003á The captured map converter. - SAMPLE.CAP : Capure file sample to use with CONVCAP. - PLANETS.CAP : Capture file sample to use with CONVPLAN. - ESTMAP.DOC : Program documentation. - CONVUTIL.DOC : User manual for conversion utilities. - CONTENTS.TXT : This file. - REGISTER.FRM : The registration form. This pakage is shareware and must be distributed as it is. This is a á release, not complete and not fully functional. UPDATES IN FINAL VERSION (ESTMAP1.0) - Correction of Vector Bug in Zoom Option - Fleets editor (insert and movements). - Save and Print fleets and planets orders. - Starbases (not yet presents in 0.003). - "More than 4 fleets in 1 sector" bug fixed. - More statistics. - A more complete user manual. - Convplan.exe working not only with 45*45 maps. Note from the Author I've not yet tested the capture files of the registered version of Esterian Conquest, but i suppose that are the same of the Test-Drive 1.11 release. This is a Test-Drive release. LIMITS of the Test Drive The Test-Drive release is exactly the same as the Estmap 1.0 but you can see and edit only 30 planets and fleets. At now, the Test-Drive release have only three small .ASC files to visually explain the use of ESTMAP. In few days we'll release a complete visual DOC. * * * * * * * * * * If you need to register Estmap compile and mail to us the Register Form.