PostMaster v1.3 *************** This is a short help file to help you get started, all necessary information about how to use PostMaster you will find in the Help file within postmaster. **************************************************************************** PostMaster v1.3 is registered by Tropical Software, and Mark Jesiel, 1993. **************************************************************************** The Business, Personal, and custom buttons are all there for you to setup PostMaster to print on the size envelope of your choosing. The open and save buttons allow you to open address files for addresses you have previously saved, and the save button allows you to save these addresses for future use. A very useful feature unique to postmaster is that in the open dialog box, whichever address file you have selected, that address will be displayed in a window below the 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons so you don't have to remember the filenames for all your addresses. The address displayed in the window will be posted in the address window of the main postmaster window when you click 'OK'. The Print button does exactly that, Prints your envelope using the default printer. The Help button brings up the main PostMaster help system. This file contains all the information you will need to make PostMaster productive for you. The about button brings up the 'About' window, showing you the current version you are using. The Quit button quits postmaster without having to select close from the control button in the upper left corner. The Options button brings up a menu window with some seldom used functions. Change return address font-Changes the font used to display and print the return address. The display limit is 14 point, yet the printed output will use the size you selected. Also for printer fonts, that can't be displayed, the display font will not change, yet the printed output will. Change address font-Changes the font the address is displayed and printed in. Subject to the same rules as for return address fonts as detailed above. Open return address-Allows you to open an .ENV file for use as your return address. Save return address-Allows you to save a return address to disk for future use as either a return address, or address. Printer Setup-Allows you to configure PostMaster for use with either a Laser or Dot Matrix Printer. If you choose 'Laser' you will also have to select the feed position. The choices are Left, Center or Right feed. Center feed is the default. You only need to set this once, unless you want to change it or you delete your INI file. Mailing List-Opens the mailing list window, and lets you set up any number of 'lists' containing as many addresses as you want. You may then save your list for later use. In printing a full mailing list of envelopes, PostMaster takes the return address, and all font information from the main window, then will load your list, and print all the envelopes for that list with the push of one button. Register-Allows you to enter the registration number you receive from Tropical Software. This will change the program to be a registered copy and get rid of the 'remember to register' reminders. **************************************************************************** ****************************NOTES******************************************* **************************************************************************** When you first run PostMaster it will create a file called POST.INI This file contains information that postmaster uses upon startup. If you accidentally delete this file, don't worry. The next time you run PostMaster it will create a new INI file. You will however have to re-enter your registration number. DO NOT LOSE your registration number. DO NOT attempt to alter the INI file, if you do PostMaster may not run properly. If you do accidentally alter the INI file, then delete the corrupt file, and run PostMaster to create a new INI file. You will have to re-enter you registration number. **************************************************************************** Registration Information **************************************************************************** To register PostMaster, send $10 to the address below along with your name, address, telephone number, and Compuserve ID number. I will send you via Compuserve mail a personal registration number, and keep your inf. on file for future upgrades. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions concerning PostMaster you may contact me via Compuserve. **************************************************************************** Tropical Software 3137 Nautilus Court Orlando, FL 32827 Compuserve: 71554,3102 ****************************************************************************