{\rtf1\ansi \deff0\deflang1024 {\fonttbl {\f0\froman Courier PS;} {\f1\froman Symbol;} {\f2\fswiss MS Sans Serif;} {\f3\froman Courier PS;} {\f4\fswiss MS Sans Serif;} } {\colortbl; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue255; \red0\green255\blue255; \red0\green255\blue0; \red255\green0\blue255; \red255\green0\blue0; \red255\green255\blue0; \red255\green255\blue255; \red0\green0\blue127; \red0\green127\blue127; \red0\green127\blue0; \red127\green0\blue127; \red127\green0\blue0; \red127\green127\blue0; \red127\green127\blue127; \red192\green192\blue192; } *{\footnote WCDBRK} ${\footnote CodeBreaker} #{\footnote IDH_Code} +{\footnote WCDBRK:000100} K{\footnote CodeBreaker} {\b\cf9 Kenneth Fogel [74646,2157] } {\b\fs40\cf6 Code Breaker } {\b\cf9 Mike Kuhnkey [74250,1501]\par} \{bml display.bmp\} {\plain \f3 Your task is to discover the secret {\ul code\v\f3\ul IDH_code_pop} created by the computer.\line {\ul\{bmc bulb.bmp\}\v\ul IDH_Bright_Idea} Use the mouse to point and click on a colored button (on the right).\line {\ul\{bmc bulb.bmp\}\v\ul IDH_Bright_Idea} Point and click on a square of the gameboard to place your color. Start from the bottom row, after each guess you advance to the next row.\line {\ul\{bmc bulb.bmp\}\v\ul IDH_Bright_Idea} You may change your selections at any time.\line {\ul\{bmc bulb.bmp\}\v\ul IDH_Bright_Idea} Click the "Did I Get It Right" Button to See.....\line {\ul\{bmc bulb.bmp\}\v\ul IDH_Bright_Idea}The computer will declare you the winner or provide clues to assist you in uncovering the code.\line } \{bmc blclpeg.bmp\} Right Color, Wrong Position.\line \{bmc whclpeg.bmp\} Right Color, Right Position.\line {\ul\{bmc yuck.bmp\}\v\ul IDH_Bright_Idea} The clues only indicate the presence of a correct color and position. You are not told which position or color is correct! \page *{\footnote WCDBRK} #{\footnote IDH_code_pop} ${\footnote Code_PopUp} {\plain \f3 The code is made up of 4 out of 8 possible colors.\line Colors may, or may not repeat.} \par \page *{\footnote WCDBRK} #{\footnote IDH_Bright_Idea} ${\footnote Bright Idea} \{bml hotspot.bmp\}\line\b\fc2 Mike Kuhnkey\line\plain\fs18 COMPUSERVE [74250,1501] }