ThumbsPlus 2.0c Release Notes ---------------------------- The online help contains bountiful information on the new features in version 2.0. From the Contents page, select "New Features in 2.0." If you're new to ThumbsPlus be sure to browse through the "Introduction" and "Getting Started" sections of the help file. Notable Information ------------------- o The new name of ThumbsUp is "ThumbsPlus" o Support is now included in 2.0c for WPG (Word Perfect Graphics), both level 1 and level 2, and for PSD (Adobe Photoshop) files. o Orphans (thumbnails for files that have been moved or deleted from another program) may be removed by tree, disk, or automatically. o Many problems have been corrected. The section "New features in Version 2.0" in the Help file mentions the changes and fixes for 2.0c. Known Problems -------------- o Colors and curves in GEM metafiles are not rendered properly. o Rotation by 90 degree increments does not always produce the desired results on the edges. o ThumbsPlus is unable to locate the preview bitmap in some CDR files, or mistakes an embedded bitmap for the preview. As a work-around, you can set up CDR to be loaded via OLE and create thumbnails for the few files with this problem. o Occasionally, ThumbsPlus will detect a problem with the index (.TUX) file, but not be able to repair it properly. In this case, manually delete the .TUX file and start ThumbsPlus. Ordering -------- From the online help file, select "Ordering." There's an order form included that you can print out. The various payment options are also outlined -- including Check or MO, Credit Card, and CompuServe online registrations. Contacts -------- Cerious Software Compuserve: 71501,2470 1515 Mockingbird Ln Suite 803 America Online: CeriousSW Charlotte, NC 28209 Internet: USA Tel: (704)529-0200 Fax: (704)529-0497 Australia, New Zealand & PNG: Patrick O'Sullivan Tel: 03 509 5250 P.O. Box 65 Fax: 03 576 0801 Armadale, Victoria 3143 Compuserve: 100240,273 Australia Internet: Discovery: 350952500 Japan: (Japanese localized version) Village Center Inc. Tel: 03-3221-3525 Kanda Jimbo-cho 3-2 Fax: 03-3221-3528 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Niftyserve: SDI00699 Japan Germany: (German localized version) Kelly Data GmbH Tel: 089 / 895 6260 Lena-Christ-Strasse 50 Fax: 089 / 895 626 99 82152 Martinsried Germany: (English shareware version) Der PD-Profi Tel. 0 84 32/1296 Schulstrasse 13 Fax. 0 84 32/8674 D-86666 Burgheim Denmark: Kelds Shareware Compuserve: 100342,1543 Aabrinken 3 7850 Stoholm Denmark