Table 1. TRANSLATING "THE" INTO GERMAN Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural Nominative der die das die Genitive des der des der Dative dem der dem den Accusative den die das die Table 2 PATTERN FOR "EIN" M F N P Nominative ein eine ein eine Genitive eines einer eines einer Dative einem einer einem einen Accusative einen eine ein eine (This pattern is followed by SEIN, KEIN, DEIN, IHR, UNSER, EUER, IHR) Table 3 ADJECTIVE ENDINGS FOLLOWING "DER" WORD M F N P Nom -e -e -e -en Gen -en -en -en -en Dat -en -en -en -en Acc -en -e -e -en Table 4 ADJECTIVE ENDINGS FOLLOWING "EIN" WORD M F N P Nom -er -e -es -en Gen -en -en -en -en Dat -en -en -en -en Acc -en -e -es -en Table 5 UMLAUT LETTERS AND DOUBLE S 1. You can use the "Type Accents" checkbox inside of Word Translator for Windows in order to make the keyboard produce German umlaut characters. 2. Alternatively, you can use the Alt key together with the numeric keypad to produce German umlaut characters. The following table shows how this can be done: ....alt + 132 N.B. ....alt + 148 The numbers on the left MUST be ....alt + 129 entered using the numeric keypad ....alt + 142 on the right of the computer ....alt + 153 keyboard. The NumLock key must have ....alt + 154 been pressed prior to using the numeric ....alt + 225 keypad. TRANSLATING In translating from German to English and English to German, it must be remembered that word for word translation is impossible as the German sentence construction is quite different from the English construction. TRANSLATION FROM GERMAN TO ENGLISH 1. Enter Windows and then Word Translator for Windows. 2. Enter the word processor which is accessible from WINDOWS. "Write" and "Notepad" may also be used if you do not have a proper word processor. 3. Type in the German document, remembering the umlaut letters. 4. Using the mouse, point to "set-up" in the top left-hand corner of the screen. Click the LEFT button on the mouse. 5. With the mouse, point to "document translation" and click. Point to the "down arrow" to the right of "Current Dictionary" and ensure that this is GERMAN-ENGLISH. Then click on O.K. 6. With the mouse, move the cursor to the beginning of your text. Hold down the LEFT button and move the cursor to the end of the text. The background will change color to indicate that the text is "blocked". Now press TOGETHER the LEFT shift key AND the LEFT Ctrl key. In the window which appears you will be offered the translations of the English word. Highlight the one you which is most appropriate and click on "Choose". This word will appear in the lower Window. Repeat this for the whole text. 7. A window will now appear and you can choose to paste the translation in place of the original text, or have it pasted elsewhere. Make your choice and click on the appropriate button. 8. It is best, at this stage, to print the literal translation and then rewrite the translation in English format. ------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH TO GERMAN 1. Follow the instructions 1 through 5 above but ensure that the "Current Dictionary" is ENGLISH-GERMAN. 2. In your word processor directory type out the English draft of the document but DO NOT type the word "the". Word Translator for Windows will give the translation of "the" along with the noun in its correct for Masculine (der), Feminine (die), Neuter (das) or Plural (die) along with Nominative, Accusative, Genitive and Dative. 3 Move the cursor to the beginning of the typing then "block" the text as above. 4. WINTRAN will "pick" each word it comes to and offer one or more translations. If the English word is a noun and your knowledge of German is limited, choose the first word that has (der), (die) or (das) in front of it. The noun, with its correct nominative form of "the", will be printed in place of the English word. If the English word is not a noun, choose the first word which is NOT preceded by (der), (die) or (das). 5. If you are able to ascertain whether a noun is Nominative, Accusative, Genitive or Dative (see below for help), then choose the appropriate German noun. 6. When the literal translation has been completed and appears in the lower Window, follow Nos 7 and 8 above. GENITIVE/DATIVE/ACCUSATIVE sense. N.B. GENITIVE denotes POSSESSION - the English "OF THE" or 's DATIVE is used in German when the noun is the INDIRECT object of the verb. ACCUSATIVE is used when the noun is the DIRECT object of the verb 7. When you have printed the first draft, it is time to edit it as follows: 8. If the English noun is preceded by an ADJECTIVE this MUST be placed BETWEEN "the" and the noun, and it must have the correct ending added (using table 3). The adjective must agree with the noun to which it applies. 9. Following this it is necessary to check on each German verb which WINTRAN has produced. If the verb is in TWO words e.g. hat getun (English: has done) then the SECOND word (getun) must be moved to the END of the phrase in which it appears. 10. If a sentence comprises more than one phrase or clause, the subject noun and its verb are reversed i.e. "er hat" (English: he has) becomes "hat er". e.g. Today he has done the work = Heute hat er die Arbeit getun 11. In German an ADVERB (usually ending in in English) is the same as the adjective. 12. While the above will NOT give a perfect translation of English into German, it will produce a rough draft which will be easily understood by a German reader. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------