We need to form a Contract with America! Fighting in a ditch comes naturally to me. That hurt! I am not a lizard! I don't think.... Quit it, you big meany. Now I'm going to shut down the government. Oh Candy, why do you have to be different? Hey! Don't rub it in! But I'm a Republican... I'd rather be hunting a giraffe. Ouch! You'd better talk to me the next time we're on an airplane together. Good thing I'm basically just a little piglet. Quit making fun of my name! Waaaaaaa! Abstinence is the best policy. That sucked. But I don't like heterosexuals either! Just because my mom says she's a bitch... I am NOT related to Quasimodo! I'll sic Rush Limbaugh on you! That's disgusting. You're disgusting. I'm disgusting. I hate cats. I hate welfare. I hate women. I hate minorities. I hate poor people. I hate Democrats. I hate liberals. I hate moderates. I hate Populists. I hate unions. I hate babies. I hate Bill. I hate Hillary even more. I hate myself. I hate the American people. I hate Mondays. I hate rabbits. Nixon was too liberal. I'm not like you. I'm the root of all evil.