ELIMINATION WHIST FOR WINDOWS - VERSION 1.0 REQUIRED: WINDOWS 3.1 386DX - 25MHz or Higher 4 Megs of RAM / 2 Megs (Maybe?) 640 by 480 resolution mode ONLY (Shareware Version) 2 Megs of hard drive space STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: Windows compatible Sound Card SOUND CONSIDERATIONS: * NOTE: If you do not have a sound card turn "Sound Off" in the "Options" menu (default is on). * NOTE: At times you may notice that the players sentences are being cut off. This is because the sound is told to stop playing when the animation finishes. To correct this try slowing down the animation speed. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1 - If you are reading these instructions you have already passed the first phase of installation which is unzipping the file "elim.zip". STEP 2 - Start Windows STEP 3 - Open the Program Manager STEP 4 - Click on: File Run STEP 5 - In the command line box type: a:setup ** NOTE: "a:" refers to the path (drive & directory) you unzipped the files into. The file "elim.zip" can be unzipped onto one 1.44 floppy disk. If you have unzipped the files into a directory on your hard drive I suggest installing the game in another directory so the unzipped files can be deleted easily. STEP 6 - The setup program will then guide you through the programs installation into windows. STEP 7 - If all goes well (fingers-crossed), the setup program should have created a program group for Elimination Whist which includes two icons. The program icon, and the Help icon. ** THE INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE ** HOW TO PLAY Elimination Whist is a rather simple form of whist but has very subtle strategies. For information on how to play refer to HELP on the menu bar of the program or click on the HELP ICON that was created during the installation. THANK YOU for showing interest in this product. Any comments, suggestions, or advice would be greatly appreciated. If you like this game PLEASE REGISTER. Registering this product will get you the latest version (more opponents, animation & sounds) and give me much needed feedback. You will also recieve information on other products "in the works" and their expected completion dates. OTHER PROJECTS: TABLE TALK FOR WINDOWS - This game is along the line of the "HOYLE" series of games. It will contain a variety of card and classic board games (including Elimination Whist). The format will be very similar to Elimination Whist, just a wider variety of games to play. COMPLETION DATE: Late 1994 (time permitting) RING LEGENDS - This is no arcade game. It is a serious boxing simulation and encyclopedia. Match famous pugilists of the past against each other and find out who really was "The Greatest". No two fights are ever the same. Cuts, injuries, and fouls its all here. A wide variety of prefight options include the # of rounds, scoring system, referee tendancies, 3 knockdown rule, standing 8, and hometown advantage to name a few. There are 4 Play Modes which range from the full blown version which takes approx. 15 minutes (12 rounds) to a quick version that takes 5 seconds to complete a match. In addition, their are THREE MODES in which you can match the greats of the ring. Exhibition Mode, in which you can match any two fighters you wish in a series of bouts. League Mode, which lets you select a number of fighters (say ten, for top ten) and will keep a running total of the fighters records. Tournament Mode, which allows the user to select a number of fighters who will compete in a tournament. Imagine Rocky Marciano, Joe Louis, Jack Dempsey, and Muhammad Ali in a tournament. Who would win? Well, wonder no longer. RING LEGENDS can answer your questions! COMPLETION DATE: Late 1994 (Shareware Version) THANK YOU again for showing interest in this product. To Register Elimination Whist and recieve current information on future products send $20.00 U.S. or Canadian to: Barrie Bulin 331 Lynnview Way SE. Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2C 1T9 Or Call: (403) 236-5246 *****************************************************************************