to Get Rid of the Xoom Bar
By Byod
If you are one of the many people that were happy with their
Xoom accounts without that ugly frame they call the "XOOM
BAR" on your website, then you'll probably want to read this.
Because of Xoom's new offer of unlimited webspace for your
website, they had to add something to generate more profits.
To do this, they choose to add what they call the "XOOM BAR".
The Xoom bar is there for them to sell ad space on your site.
But in the process of adding this, they changed from what
people all loved, a decent host without any type of banner
ad or popup. This frustrated many people, although, as you'll
read below, it is quite easy to get rid of.
First you should know, that the actual url to your website
on Xoom is:
If you just go without the /_XOOM/ in the url, it will go
through the gateway that Xoom has setup on your account name,
this is part of the header. Xoom also put this gateway on
all directories within the /_XOOM/ folder. Why did they do
it twice? To keep us from finding out how to get rid of the
All you have to do to get rid of the Xoom Bar is target the
exact html document of your site, so to get rid of the Xoom
Bar do the following : instead of typing in:
to reach a website...
type in:
Voila, no more Xoom Bar.
A graphical look at how this works:
�1999 byod :