010.zip | Infection: Hymn.1865.A |
2144.zip | Infection: Hymn.2144 |
473.zip | Infection: Hungarian.473 Infection: Hungarian.473 |
7808.zip | Infection: HLLP.Pascal.7808 |
812.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Hungarian |
_1067.zip | Infection: Headcrash.A |
_17690.zip | Infection: HLLO.17690 |
_2144.zip | Infection: Hymn.2144 |
_923.zip | Infection: Hey_You.928.A |
aftrshk.zip | Infection: HLLO.4032.B |
arcreap1.zip | Infection: Hungarian.Reaper - Generation 1 |
att.zip | Infection: Hafenstrasse.781 |
attach.zip | Infection: HLLO.4505.A - Truncated (41 bytes missing) |
bontchev.zip | Infection: HLLP.Voodoo |
c_virus.zip | Infection: HLLO.Cvirus_1.9 |
cook7360.zip | Infection: HLLP.Cookie.7360 |
cook7392.zip | Infection: HLLP.Cookie.7392 |
cvirus19.zip | Infection: HLLO.Cvirus_1.9 |
cvirus20.zip | Infection: HLLO.Cvirus_2.0 |
cybertel.zip | Infection: Intrep.1092 |
evnbeepa.zip | Infection: HLLC.Even_Beeper.A |
evnbeepb.zip | Infection: HLLC.Even_Beeper.B |
f-prot.zip | Infection: HideNowt.1741 |
falcon.zip | Infection: HLLO.3424 |
femifbia.zip | Infection: HLLO.4032.A |
gh.zip | Infection: Hiperion.249 - Generation 1 |
glob7705.zip | Infection: HLLC.Globe.7705 |
globe.zip | Infection: HLLC.Globe.7705 |
gmb.zip | Infection: HH&H.4091 - Modified (23 extra bytes) |
gomb.zip | Infection: HH&H.4093 - Modified (18 extra bytes) |
h1865dem.zip | Infection: Hymn.1865.unknown? |
ha_l311g.zip | Infection: Ha_loop.311 - Generation 1 |
hacker-b.zip | Infection: Horse.1154.A - Generation 1 |
hacker-c.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Horse |
hacker-d.zip | Infection: Horse.1576 |
hacker-f.zip | Infection: Horse.1594 |
hacker_6.zip | Infection: Horse.1594 |
hacktc2a.zip | Infection: Hacktic (?) |
haf-1641.zip | Infection: Hafenstrasse.1641 |
hafn0781.zip | Infection: Hafenstrasse.781 |
hafn0809.zip | Infection: Hafenstrasse.809 |
hafn1641.zip | Infection: Hafenstrasse.1641 |
hafn1689.zip | Infection: Hafenstrasse.1689 |
hafn781.zip | Infection: Hafenstrasse.781 |
hafn809.zip | Infection: Hafenstrasse.809 |
hafnvrs.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Hafenstrasse |
haifa.zip | Infection: Haifa (?) |
halka720.zip | Infection: Halka.720.A - Generation 1 |
hallo.zip | Might be a PKLITE-packed Halloechen-dropper |
hallo_1.zip | Infection: Halloechen.2011.A |
hallo_2.zip | Infection: Halloechen.2011.A |
halloe.zip | Infection: Halloechen.2011.A |
halloech.zip | Infection: Halloechen.2011.A - Modified (473 extra bytes) |
hallowe1.zip | Infection: HLLP.Halloween |
hallowee.zip | Infection: HLLP.Halloween |
halochen.zip | Infection: Halloechen.2011.A |
halochnm.zip | Infection: Halloechen.2011.A - Modified (473 extra bytes) |
hamster.zip | Infection: Hamster.546 |
hapnewyr.zip | Infection: Happy_New_Year.1600.A |
happy-c.zip | Infection: Happy_New_Year.1600.A |
happy-ny.zip | Infection: Happy_New_Year.1600.A - Modified (473 extra byt |
happy.zip | Infection: Happy_New_Year.1600.A |
happynb.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Happy_New_Year |
happyny.zip | Infection: Happy_New_Year.1600.A |
haraki2.zip | Infection: HLLO.Harakiri.A |
harakiri.zip | Infection: HLLO.Harakiri.A |
haryanto.zip | Infection: Haryanto.981 |
hate.zip | Infection: Hate |
hates213.zip | Infection: Hates.212 |
hbt.zip | Infection: HBT.394 - Generation 1 |
headcrsh.zip | Infection: Headcrash.A |
hellrai@.zip | Infection: Hellraiser (?) |
helw-13.zip | Infection: Helloween.1376.A |
helw1182.zip | Infection: Helloween.1182 |
helw1376.zip | Infection: Helloween.1376.A |
helween.zip | Infection: Helloween.1376.A |
herm2015.zip | Infection: Hermanos.2015 |
hey_you.zip | Infection: Hey_You.928.A |
heyyou.zip | Infection: Hey_You.928.A |
heyyou_1.zip | Infection: Hey_You.928.A |
heyyou_2.zip | Infection: Hey_You.928.unknown? |
hh&h4km.zip | Infection: HH&H.4091 - Modified (18 extra bytes) |
hh4091m2.zip | Infection: HH&H.4091 - Modified (491 extra bytes) |
hh4093m.zip | Infection: HH&H.4093 - Modified (18 extra bytes) |
highland.zip | Infection: Highlander.477 |
hip.zip | Infection: Hiperion.254 |
hipe249g.zip | Infection: Hiperion.249 - Generation 1 |
hipe254.zip | Infection: Hiperion.254 |
hiperion.zip | Infection: Hiperion.254 |
hitchcok.zip | Infection: Hitchcock.1247 |
hitchkok.zip | Infection: Hitchcock.1247 |
hll16850.zip | Infection: HLLC.16850 |
hllo3008.zip | Infection: HLLO.3008 |
hllo3853.zip | Infection: HLLO.3853 |
hllo487b.zip | Infection: HLLO.4870.B |
hllodozn.zip | Infection: HLLO.Dozen |
hllogov.zip | Infection: HLLO.Gov |
hny-01.zip | Infection: Happy_New_Year.1614 - Generation 1 |
hny-02.zip | Infection: Happy_New_Year.1560 - Generation 1 |
ho1160a2.zip | Infection: Horse.1160 - Generation 1 |
ho1610a.zip | Infection: Horse.1610 |
ho1776a2.zip | Infection: Horse.1776 - Generation 1 |
hor1154a.zip | Infection: Horse.1154.A |
horns.zip | Infection: Horns (?) |
hors1160.zip | Infection: Horse.1160 |
hors1776.zip | Infection: Horse.1776 |
horsdrop.zip | Seems to be a Horse_Boot-dropper |
horse.zip | Infection: Horse.1154.A - Generation 1 |
horse1.zip | Infection: Horse.1154.A |
horse2.zip | Infection: Horse.1158 |
horse3.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Horse |
horse4.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Horse |
horse4_a.zip | Infection: Horse.1776 |
horse5.zip | Infection: Horse.1576 - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
horse7.zip | Infection: Horse.1154.B |
horse8.zip | Infection: Horse.2248 - Generation 1 |
horsev1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Horse |
horsev2.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Horse |
horsev4.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Horse |
howard.zip | Seems to be a Howard-dropper |
hr.zip | Infection: Hellraiser (?) |
hrs1154a.zip | Infection: Horse.1154.A |
hrs1154b.zip | Infection: Horse.1154.B |
hrs1154g.zip | Infection: Horse.1154.A - Generation 1 |
hrs1158a.zip | Infection: Horse.1158 |
hrs1160.zip | Infection: Horse.1160 |
hrs1160g.zip | Infection: Horse.1160 - Generation 1 |
hrs1576.zip | Infection: Horse.1576 |
hrs1576m.zip | Infection: Horse.1576 - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
hrs1594.zip | Infection: Horse.1594 |
hrs1610.zip | Infection: Horse.1610 |
hrs1776.zip | Infection: Horse.1776 |
hrs1776g.zip | Infection: Horse.1776 - Generation 1 |
hrs2248g.zip | Infection: Horse.2248 - Generation 1 |
hsp-1141.zip | Infection: Hellspawn.1141 |
hsp-923.zip | Infection: Hellspawn.923 |
hspawn.zip | Infection: Hellspawn.1141 |
hun473.zip | Infection: Hungarian.473 |
hun482.zip | Infection: Hungarian.482 |
hung-473.zip | Infection: Hungarian.473 |
hung-482.zip | Infection: Hungarian.482 |
hung482.zip | Infection: Hungarian.482 - Modified (473 extra bytes) |
hunk1015.zip | Infection: Hungarian.Kiss.1015 |
hunreapg.zip | Infection: Hungarian.Reaper - Generation 1 |
hym1865a.zip | Infection: Hymn.1865.A |
hym1962a.zip | Infection: Hymn.1962.A |
hym2144.zip | Infection: Hymn.2144 |
hymn1865.zip | Infection: Hymn.1865.A - Modified (473 extra bytes) |
hymn1962.zip | Infection: Hymn.1962.A - Modified (473 extra bytes) |
hymnpp.zip | Infection: Hymn.2144 |
kiss.zip | Infection: Hungarian.Kiss.1015 |
klaeren.zip | Infection: Hate |
lz.zip | Infection: HLLC.Even_Beeper.A |
mummy.zip | Infection: Incest.471 |
nman-b.zip | Infection: HLLO.Cvirus_2.0 |
ondra.zip | Infection: HLLO.Ondra |
pasc7808.zip | Infection: HLLP.Pascal.7808 |
psevolv0.zip | Infection: Hates.166 |
psevolv1.zip | Infection: Hates.190 |
qspawn.zip | Infection: HLLC.Even_Beeper.B |
spawnie.zip | Infection: HLLC.3351 |
sverd-b.zip | Infection: Hymn.1962.A |
unk.zip | Infection: Hungarian.Kiss.1006 |
ussr2144.zip | Infection: Hymn.2144 |
v1600.zip | Infection: Happy_New_Year.1600.A |
voodoo.zip | Infection: HLLP.Voodoo |
wonder.zip | Infection: HLLO.Wonder |
worm.zip | Infection: HLLC.16850 |
wrm17690.zip | Infection: HLLO.17690 |
xmas.zip | Infection: HLLC.Christmas.6888 |
xmas6888.zip | Infection: HLLC.Christmas.6888 |