1992.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Skism.1992.A |
2857-a.zip | Infection: Liberty.2857.A |
2857-d.zip | Infection: Liberty.2857.D |
2857-f.zip | Infection: Liberty.2857.F |
808.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Skism.808.A |
badb554b.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Bad_Brains.554.B |
badbrain.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Bad_Brains.570 |
badbrns.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Bad_Brains.570 |
blknight.zip | Infection: Lockjaw.520 |
broth321.zip | Infection: Little_Brother.321 |
brother.zip | Infection: Little_Brother.299 |
brother2.zip | Infection: Little_Brother.307 |
busted.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Busted.571 |
callme.zip | Infection: Leprosy.A |
cdc-lepr.zip | Infection: Leprosy.1306.A - Truncated (580 bytes missing) |
frog.zip | Infection: Leapfrog.A |
furious.zip | Seems to be a Leprosy-dropper |
fvhs-b.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Silver_Dollar.1874 |
fvhs-c.zip | Infection: Leprosy.FVHS |
fvhs.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Silver_Dollar.1644 |
ganjav4.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Little_Brother |
gdnght1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Lockjaw |
gdnght2.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Lockjaw |
grubba.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Skism.808.B |
justice.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Skism.808.D - Truncated (3 bytes missin |
l!1547.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Silver_Dollar.1547 |
l-0350.zip | Infection: Leprosy.350 |
l-aod.zip | Infection: Leprosy.555 |
l-clintn.zip | Infection: Leprosy.654 |
l-i.zip | Infection: Leprosy.666.I |
l-r-b664.zip | Infection: Leprosy.664.A |
l-sen493.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Seneca.493 - Truncated (7 bytes missing |
lapse.zip | Infection: Lapse.366 |
larry.zip | Infection: Larry.491 |
latenigh.zip | Infection: Late_Night.248 - Generation 1 |
lazy.zip | Infection: Lazy.720.A |
leap.zip | Infection: Leapfrog.A |
leapfrog.zip | Infection: Leapfrog.A |
lech1025.zip | Infection: Leech.1025 |
leech-2a.zip | Infection: Leech.1024.A |
leech.zip | Infection: Leech.1024.A |
leech2.zip | Infection: Leech.1024.A |
lehigh-a.zip | Infection: Lehigh.555.A |
lehigh.zip | Infection: Lehigh.555.A |
lemming.zip | Infection: Lemming.2160 |
lenin543.zip | Infection: Leningrad.543 |
lenin600.zip | Infection: Leningrad.600 |
lep-736.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Silver_Dollar.736 |
lep-a.zip | Infection: Leprosy.A |
lep-b.zip | Infection: Leprosy.666.B |
lep-d.zip | Infection: Leprosy.370 |
lep-f.zip | Infection: Leprosy.666.F |
lep-plag.zip | Infection: Leprosy.591 |
lep-rogr.zip | Infection: Leprosy.666.J - Truncated (115 bytes missing) |
lep-scrb.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Scribble |
lep-surf.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Surfer |
lep-var2.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Seneca.392 - Truncated (8 bytes missing |
lep-vipr.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Viper |
lep-xaba.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Xabaras |
lepbmod.zip | Infection: Leprosy.666.M |
lepro1.zip | Infection: Leprosy.666.H - Truncated (287 bytes missing) |
leprosy.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Leprosy |
leprosyb.zip | Infection: Leprosy.666.B |
leprosyc.zip | Infection: Leprosy.321 |
leprosye.zip | Infection: Leprosy.666.K |
leprot.zip | Infection: Leprosy.664.B - Truncated (41 bytes missing) |
lepsilvd.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Silver_Dollar |
lesson1b.zip | Infection: Lesson_I.205.A - Generation 1 |
lib1172s.zip | Infection: Liberty.1170 |
libert-m.zip | Infection: Liberty - Hidden with Turbo Anti-Virus |
liberty.zip | Infection: Liberty.2857.A |
liberty1.zip | Infection: Liberty.2857.F |
liberty2.zip | Infection: Liberty.2867 |
liberty_.zip | Infection: Liberty - Hidden with Turbo Anti-Virus |
libertya.zip | Infection: Liberty.2857.G |
likeit.zip | Infection: Leprosy.666.I - Truncated (8 bytes missing) |
lisa.zip | Infection: Lisa.666 |
little1.zip | Infection: Little.139.A |
lj-894.zip | Infection: Lockjaw.894 |
lj-898.zip | Infection: Lockjaw.898 |
lj-f318.zip | Infection: Lockjaw.Flagyll.318 |
lj-f371.zip | Infection: Lockjaw.Flagyll.371 |
loki.zip | Infection: Loki.1237 |
loki1234.zip | Infection: Loki.1234 - Generation 1 |
lokinatr.zip | Infection: Lokinator.973 |
lokjawd.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Lockjaw |
lokjawz.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Lockjaw |
lomza.zip | Infection: Lomza |
lovchila.zip | Infection: Lovechild.488 |
lovchilb.zip | Infection: Lovechild.488 - Modified (2 extra bytes) |
lovchilx.zip | Infection: Lovechild.488 - Modified (2 extra bytes) |
lovchldx.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Lovechild |
lovechil.zip | Infection: Lovechild.488 |
lowrcase.zip | Infection: Lowercase.864 |
ltpieces.zip | Infection: Little_Pieces.1374 |
lv.zip | Infection: LV.477 |
merde-4.zip | Infection: Loki.1234 - Generation 1 |
mindriot.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Skism.814 |
misery.zip | Infection: Leprosy.664.B - Truncated (42 bytes missing) |
ml-323a.zip | Infection: Lapse.323 |
ml-375a.zip | Infection: Lapse.375 |
ml_366a.zip | Infection: Lapse.366 - Generation 1 |
mndrt-b.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Skism.907 - Truncated (24 bytes missing |
mndrt2_.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Skism.907 - Truncated (24 bytes missing |
mtl-thnd.zip | Infection: Leprosy.591 |
newlock.zip | Infection: Lockjaw.808 |
newtaz.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Tazmanian.1973 |
nightcr3.zip | Infection: Leprosy.562 |
nite-vir.zip | Infection: Leprosy.666.N - Truncated (6 bytes missing) |
nukeit.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Skism.827 |
paradise.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Lesson_I |
paralost.zip | Infection: Lesson_I.300 - Generation 1 |
plague.zip | Infection: Leprosy.591 |
plague_a.zip | Infection: Leprosy.591 |
plaque-a.zip | Infection: Leprosy.591 |
rapbetr.zip | Infection: Leprosy.664.A - Truncated (54 bytes missing) |
rythem3.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Skism.808.A |
rythm808.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Leprosy |
seneca.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Seneca.381 - Truncated (8 bytes missing |
seneca2.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Seneca.493 |
senecab.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Seneca.483 - Truncated (8 bytes missing |
silver-b.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Silver_Dollar.8101 |
sw.zip | Infection: Lordzero.372 - Generation 1 |
thething.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Leprosy |
torm-358.zip | Infection: Lesson_II.358 - Generation 1 |
unlemmg.zip | Infection: Lemming.2160 |
ussr-516.zip | Infection: Leapfrog.A |
viper2.zip | Infection: Leprosy.666.unknown? |
vote.zip | Infection: Little_Brother.349 |
voterase.zip | Infection: Little_Brother.361 |
wigger.zip | Infection: Leprosy.666.P |
xabaras.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Xabaras |
xabaras1.zip | Infection: Leprosy.Xabaras |