1241.zip | Infection: Grune.1241 |
1575-d.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.A |
1575_b.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.B - Inoculated (Jerusale |
1591.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.A |
268-plus.zip | Infection: Grower.267 |
acid.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.A |
browse.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.A |
catar-v2.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.B |
catar-v3.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.C |
chromo20.zip | Infection: Glitch.449 - Generation 1 |
chromo30.zip | Infection: Golgi.385 - Generation 1 |
cook7360.zip | Infection: HLLP.Cookie.7360 |
cook7392.zip | Infection: HLLP.Cookie.7392 |
cossiga.zip | Infection: Grazie.883.A |
cossigaa.zip | Infection: Grazie.883.A |
cossigna.zip | Infection: Grazie.883.A |
cous_it.zip | Infection: Genvir.1680.B |
friends.zip | Infection: Grazie.1361.A |
g-1440.zip | Infection: Genvir.1440 |
gbreadmn.zip | Infection: Ginger.2691 |
gc1575-g.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.G |
gc1989.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1989 |
gc_1575a.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.A |
gc_1575c.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.A |
gc_1575e.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.F - Generation 1 |
gcat-a.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.A |
gcat-b.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.B |
gcat-bi.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.B - Inoculated |
gcat-c.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.C |
gcat-fg.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.F - Generation 1 |
gcat-g.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.G |
gcat-m.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Green_Caterpillar |
geek.zip | Infection: Geek.450 |
gen-217.zip | Infection: Genesis.217 - Generation 1 |
gen-226.zip | Infection: Genesis.226 - Generation 1 |
gen-238.zip | Infection: Genesis.238 |
gen-295.zip | Infection: Genesis.295 |
genc1000.zip | Infection: Genc.1000 |
genvir5.zip | Infection: Genvir.1680.A |
gerg-182.zip | Infection: Gergana.182.A |
gerg-222.zip | Infection: Gergana.222 |
gerg-300.zip | Infection: Gergana.300 |
gerg-450.zip | Infection: Gergana.450 |
gerg-512.zip | Infection: Gergana.512 |
gerg_222.zip | Infection: Gergana.222 |
gerg_300.zip | Infection: Gergana.300 |
gerg_450.zip | Infection: Gergana.450 |
gerg_512.zip | Infection: Gergana.512 |
gergana.zip | Infection: Gergana.182.A |
gidra469.zip | Infection: Gidra.469 |
gin2524g.zip | Infection: Ginger.2624.unknown? - Generation 1 |
ging2774.zip | Infection: Ginger.2774 |
ginger.zip | Infection: Ginger.2774 |
gliss.zip | Infection: Gliss.1247 |
glit449g.zip | Infection: Glitch.449 - Generation 1 |
glitc449.zip | Infection: Glitch.449 - Generation 1 |
glupak-m.zip | Infection: Glupak.393 - Modified (108 extra bytes) |
godo1792.zip | Infection: Godoy.1792 |
godoy.zip | Infection: Godoy.1792 |
gold-bug.zip | Infection: GoldBug (?) |
golg385g.zip | Infection: Golgi.385 - Generation 1 |
golg605g.zip | Infection: Golgi.605 - Generation 1 |
golg820g.zip | Infection: Golgi.820 - Generation 1 |
golgi10.zip | Infection: Golgi.465 - Generation 1 |
golgi20g.zip | Infection: Golgi.605 - Generation 1 |
golgi30.zip | Infection: Golgi.820 - Generation 1 |
golgi385.zip | Infection: Golgi.385 - Generation 1 |
golgi465.zip | Infection: Golgi.465 - Generation 1 |
gomez.zip | Infection: Genvir.1648.A |
got-627.zip | Infection: Gotcha.627 |
got-you.zip | Infection: Got_You |
gotc607.zip | Infection: Gotcha.607 |
gotc607g.zip | Infection: Gotcha.607 - Generation 1 |
gotc627.zip | Infection: Gotcha.627 |
gotc732g.zip | Infection: Gotcha.732 - Generation 1 |
gotc879.zip | Infection: Gotcha.879 |
gotc881.zip | Infection: Gotcha.881 |
gotch627.zip | Infection: Gotcha.627 |
gotch879.zip | Infection: Gotcha.879 |
gotcha-a.zip | Infection: Gotcha.879 |
gotcha-b.zip | Infection: Gotcha.881 |
gotcha-e.zip | Infection: Gotcha.607 |
gotcha1.zip | Infection: Gotcha.732 - Generation 1 |
gotcha4.zip | Infection: Gotcha.605 - Generation 1 |
gotcha6.zip | Infection: Gotcha.607 - Generation 1 |
gotcha7.zip | Infection: Gotcha.881 - Generation 1 |
gotcha9.zip | Infection: Gotcha.906 - Generation 1 |
gotcha9e.zip | Infection: Gotcha.905 - Generation 1 |
gotchaa.zip | Infection: Gotcha.879 |
gotchab.zip | Infection: Gotcha.881 |
grapje.zip | Infection: Grapje.1039 |
grog1200.zip | Infection: Grog.1200 |
grog2075.zip | Infection: Grog.2075 |
grog31.zip | Infection: Grog.1200 |
grower.zip | Infection: Grower.267 |
grune.zip | Infection: Grune.1241 |
grunt-1.zip | Infection: Grunt.346 |
grunt-b.zip | Infection: Grunt.427 |
grunt-c.zip | Infection: Grunt.473 |
grunt-d.zip | Infection: Grunt.529 |
grunt-m.zip | Infection: Grunt.359 |
grunt2.zip | Infection: Grunt.427 |
grunt427.zip | Infection: Grunt.427 |
gruntv1.zip | Infection: Grunt.359 |
grz-vx.zip | Infection: Grazie.883 - Generation 1 |
grz1361a.zip | Infection: Grazie.1361.A |
grz883a.zip | Infection: Grazie.883.A |
gup152a.zip | Infection: Guppy.152.A |
gup152ag.zip | Infection: Guppy.152.A - Generation 1 |
guppy.zip | Infection: Guppy.152.A - Modified (46 extra bytes) |
gv1.zip | Infection: GV.2865 |
gv2865.zip | Infection: GV.2865 |
gyro.zip | Infection: Gyro |
haifa-1.zip | Infection: Haifa (?) |
haifa-v.zip | Infection: Haifa (?) |
haifa.zip | Infection: Haifa (?) |
haifa_!.zip | Infection: Haifa (?) |
iumbrel.zip | Infection: Grunt.359 |
legaliz2.zip | Infection: Gotcha.1781 - Modified (473 extra bytes) |
legalize.zip | Infection: Gotcha.1781 |
lurch.zip | Infection: Genvir.1648.B |
morticia.zip | Infection: Genvir.1792 |
pogue.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Gotcha or MtE |
prodigy3.zip | Infection: Glupak.393 - Modified (108 extra bytes) |
pugsley.zip | Infection: Genvir.1600.A |
scan.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.A |
thing.zip | Infection: Genvir.1648.C |
trek-1.zip | Infection: Green_Caterpillar.1575.A |
ufester.zip | Infection: Genvir.1776 |
wednes.zip | Infection: Genvir.1312 - Truncated (14 bytes missing) |