1530_a.zip | Infection: Rape.1882 - Generation 1 |
486.zip | Infection: Rage.486 - Generation 1 |
bad_reli.zip | Infection: Riot.378 - Generation 1 |
basilisk.zip | Infection: Rape.1639 |
beeper.zip | Infection: Russian_mirror.A |
c-ded.zip | Infection: Rauser.296 |
carpdiem.zip | Infection: Riot.469 - Generation 1 |
carpe.zip | Infection: Riot.472 - Generation 1 |
cris10.zip | Infection: Raver.449 |
cris2.zip | Infection: Raver.449 |
cris4.zip | Infection: Raver.449 |
cris40e.zip | Infection: Raver.449 |
cris6.zip | Infection: Raver.449 |
cris60e.zip | Infection: Raver.449 |
cris8.zip | Infection: Raver.449 |
crosseye.zip | Infection: Radish.8444 |
datarape.zip | Infection: Rape.747 |
datarp23.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Rape |
diav-b.zip | Infection: Red_Diavolyata.830.A |
diav-c.zip | Infection: Red_Diavolyata.830.B |
digipol.zip | Infection: Riot.822 |
doom.zip | Infection: Raver.449 - Generation 1 |
dr23.zip | Infection: Rape.2887 - Generation 1 |
dtarpe23.zip | Infection: Rape.2877.B - Generation 1 |
dtr.zip | Infection: Raubkopie.1888.A |
faces_80.zip | Infection: Riot.565 - Generation 1 |
hack-83.zip | Infection: Rauser.83 |
lythium2.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Radyum |
lythyum.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Radyum |
mirror.zip | Infection: Russian_mirror.A |
mlti.zip | Infection: Red_Diavolyata.830.A |
mlti830.zip | Infection: Red_Diavolyata.830.A - Modified (128 extra byte |
necrop.zip | Might be a ICE-packed Necropolis-dropper |
r-22.zip | Infection: Rape.2877.A |
radi8444.zip | Infection: Radish.8444 |
radish_1.zip | Infection: Radish.8466 |
radym448.zip | Infection: Radyum.448 |
radym502.zip | Infection: Radyum.502 |
radym503.zip | Infection: Radyum.503 - Truncated (1 bytes missing) |
radyum-b.zip | Infection: Radyum.707 |
radyum.zip | Infection: Radyum.519 |
rael.zip | Infection: Rael.3211.A |
raelm391.zip | Infection: Rael.3211.A - Modified (391 extra bytes) |
rage.zip | Infection: Rage.575 |
rage486.zip | Infection: Rage.486 |
rage486g.zip | Infection: Rage.486 - Generation 1 |
rajaat1.zip | Infection: Rajaat.679 - Generation 1 |
rape-10.zip | Infection: Rape.500 |
rape-v1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Rape |
rape.zip | Infection: Rape.2877.A |
rape022.zip | Infection: Rape.2877.A |
rape22.zip | Infection: Rape.2877.A |
rape22g1.zip | Infection: Rape.2877.B - Generation 1 |
rape500.zip | Infection: Rape.500 |
rape747.zip | Infection: Rape.747 |
rape747m.zip | Infection: Rape.747 - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
rapebasi.zip | Infection: Rape.1639 |
rapebasv.zip | Infection: Rape.1639 |
rat.zip | Seems to be a The Rat-dropper |
ratb513.zip | Infection: Ratboy.513 |
ratb545.zip | Infection: Ratboy.545 |
ratb671.zip | Infection: Ratboy.671 |
raub1888.zip | Infection: Raubkopie.1888.A |
raub2219.zip | Infection: Raubkopie.2219 |
raub_1.zip | Infection: Raubkopie.2219 |
raub_2.zip | Infection: Raubkopie.2219 |
raubkop.zip | Infection: Raubkopie.2219 |
raubkopi.zip | Infection: Raubkopie.2219 |
raus250.zip | Infection: Rauser.250 |
raus757.zip | Infection: Rauser.757 |
raus83.zip | Infection: Rauser.83 |
rcd472.zip | Infection: Riot.472 |
rcd472g.zip | Infection: Riot.472 - Generation 1 |
rce-981.zip | Infection: Requires.981 |
red-diav.zip | Infection: Red_Diavolyata.830.A |
redd-mod.zip | Seems to be a Red_Diavolyata-dropper |
redd830.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Red_Diavolyata |
redd830m.zip | Infection: Red_Diavolyata.830.A - Modified (128 extra |
reddiav2.zip | Infection: Red_Diavolyata.830.A - Modified (128 extra byte |
relzfu.zip | Infection: Relzfu.233 |
republic.zip | Infection: Republic.1206 - Generation 1 |
require.zip | Infection: Requires.981 |
requires.zip | Infection: Requires.981 |
rescue-g.zip | Infection: Rescue.3423 - Generation 1 |
retal.zip | Infection: Retaliator.1535 - Generation 1 |
revenge.zip | Infection: Revenge.1127 |
rigor373.zip | Infection: Rigor.373 |
riihi.zip | Infection: Riihi.132 |
rmirror.zip | Infection: Russian_mirror.A - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
rtl.zip | Infection: RTL.805 |
rubb2060.zip | Infection: Rubbit.2060 |
rubb3839.zip | Infection: Rubbit.3839 |
rubbit13.zip | Infection: Rubbit.1018 - Generation 1 |
rubbit21.zip | Infection: Rubbit.3811 |
rushhour.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Rush_Hour |
russmirr.zip | Infection: Russian_mirror.A |
rust.zip | Infection: Rust.1710 |
rzar461t.zip | Infection: Red_zar.461 - Truncated (57 bytes missing) |
satan205.zip | Infection: Rubbit.2060 |
satan206.zip | Infection: Rubbit.3839 |
stio.zip | Infection: Riot.390 - Generation 1 |
sunday-2.zip | Infection: Rape.2877.A |
unkn-nmy.zip | Infection: Rauser.757 |