3551-aux.zip | Infection: SysLock.3551.A |
3551-prn.zip | Infection: SysLock.3551.F |
3551.zip | Infection: SysLock.3551.B |
483.zip | Infection: Siskin.Resurrect |
492.zip | Infection: SI.A Infection: SI.A Infection: SI.B |
66c.zip | Infection: Satan.612 - Generation 1 |
7son1.zip | Infection: Seventh_son.350 - Generation 1 |
7son2.zip | Infection: Seventh_son.332 - Generation 1 |
7son284.zip | Infection: Seventh_son.284 |
7son2842.zip | Infection: Seventh_son.284 - Modified (2 extra bytes) |
7son332g.zip | Infection: Seventh_son.332 - Generation 1 |
7son350g.zip | Infection: Seventh_son.350 - Generation 1 |
7son4.zip | Infection: Seventh_son.284 |
801.zip | Infection: Stardot.801 |
817.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Stardot |
948.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Screen+1 Infection: Screen+1.948.A - Modified (473 extra bytes) |
_1840.zip | Infection: Silent_Night.1827 |
anti-d.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.945 |
anti_d.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.945 |
apri1-a.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.April_1st.A |
apri1-b.zip | Infection: Suriv_2.A |
apri1-c.zip | Infection: Suriv_2.C |
arbeit.zip | Infection: Seventh_son.426 - Generation 1 |
argtina.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.Argentina |
awake!.zip | Infection: Sirius.600 - Generation 1 |
azusa.zip | Infection: Stoned.Azusa image file |
best-d.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.512 - Generation 1 |
bob.zip | Infection: Soldier.1480 - Generation 1 |
bootsec1.zip | Infection: Stoned.Standard image file |
bootsec2.zip | Infection: Stoned.Standard image file |
bulg-123.zip | Infection: SD.123 |
catalog.zip | Infection: SMEG.Pathogen |
comp101.zip | Infection: Small_comp.101.A |
converts.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.711 |
cookie.zip | Infection: SysLock.2232.A |
cooky.zip | Infection: SysLock.2232.A |
csw.zip | Infection: SVC.1689.F |
damien.zip | Infection: Stoned.Swedish.Damien image file |
decoy.zip | Infection: Swiss_Phoenix.927 |
drop_sex.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
drop_swd.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
durban.zip | Infection: Saturday_14th.669.A |
ebbelwoi.zip | Infection: Sirius.400 - Generation 1 |
elythnia.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
emf404a.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.404 |
emf404b.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.404 - Modified (4 extra bytes) |
emf625a.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.625 |
emfii.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.683 - Generation 1 |
enemy.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.709 |
enemy_a.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.709 - Generation 1 |
ffire.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Seventh_son |
fruitfly.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of S-bug |
gr.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of SVC |
haddock.zip | Infection: Stupid.1355 |
handi.zip | Infection: SillyC.215.A |
hero-394.zip | Infection: Siskin.Hero.394 |
hero-506.zip | Infection: Siskin.Hero.506 |
hero394.zip | Infection: Siskin.Hero.394 - Modified (473 extra bytes) |
holand_a.zip | Infection: Sylvia.1332.A |
holland.zip | Infection: Sylvia.1332.A |
holland1.zip | Infection: Sylvia.1332.A |
hollandb.zip | Infection: Sylvia.1332.A |
hongkong.zip | Infection: Sylvia.1332.H |
ibmnetio.zip | Infection: SysLock.3551.H |
ice9-199.zip | Infection: Silly_Ice.199 - Generation 1 |
ice9-224.zip | Infection: Silly_Ice.224 |
ital-803.zip | Infection: Stardot.801 - Modified (473 extra bytes) |
ital-805.zip | Infection: Stardot.789.A |
koh.zip | Seems to be a Stealth_Boot-dropper |
kranz.zip | Infection: Sylvia.1332.G |
lct3.zip | Infection: Satan.599 - Modified (471 extra bytes) |
liq-t3.zip | Infection: Satan.602 - Generation 1 |
macho.zip | Infection: SysLock.3551.A |
makestnd.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
maketorm.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
mike.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
mikedrop.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
mini-i.zip | Infection: SSH.2770 |
mode.zip | Infection: Silly_Willy (?) |
multi2.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.927 |
noint.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
off-e.zip | Infection: SVC.1689.A |
onkelz.zip | Infection: Sirius.545.B - Generation 1 |
pathogen.zip | Infection: SMEG.Pathogen |
queeg-2.zip | Infection: SMEG.Queeg |
rc-492.zip | Infection: SI.A |
rce-3103.zip | Infection: SVC.3103.A |
rce-4644.zip | Infection: SVC.4644 |
result.zip | Infection: SMEG (?) |
riotmmir.zip | Infection: SillyC.144 - Generation 1 |
s-stoned.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
s91.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.894 - Generation 1 |
s_format.zip | Infection: Slow_Format (?) |
saddam.zip | Infection: Stupid.919.Queit.A |
sadist.zip | Infection: Sadist.1434 |
sandra.zip | Infection: Sandra.1809 |
sandra@.zip | Infection: Sandra.1809 |
sarampo.zip | Infection: Sarampo.1371.B |
sat-14th.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Saturday_14th |
sat-bug.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of S-bug |
sat612g.zip | Infection: Satan.612 - Generation 1 |
satan303.zip | Infection: Skid_Row.415 |
satan304.zip | Infection: Skid_Row.432 |
satan512.zip | Infection: Satan.512 |
satanbug.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of S-bug |
satyr355.zip | Infection: Satyricon.355 |
sayha-4k.zip | Infection: Sayha.4000 |
sb-457.zip | Infection: Swedish_Boys.457 |
sb-459.zip | Infection: Swedish_Boys.459 |
sb-538.zip | Infection: Swedish_Boys.538 |
sbdatamo.zip | Infection: Swedish_Boys.538 |
sbheada.zip | Infection: Swedish_Boys.457 |
sbwhywin.zip | Infection: Swedish_Boys.459 |
sc100.zip | Infection: Small_comp.100.A |
scer263g.zip | Infection: SillyCER.263 - Generation 1 |
scitzo.zip | Infection: Scitzo.1329 |
scr1948a.zip | Infection: Screen+1.948.A |
scr1948g.zip | Infection: Screen+1.948.A - Generation 1 |
scream4.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.927 - Generation 1 |
scream5.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.1031 - Generation 1 |
screamer.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.711 - Generation 1 |
screamii.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.838 - Generation 1 |
screen1.zip | Infection: Screen+1.948.A |
sd-123.zip | Infection: SD.123 |
sd_789.zip | Infection: Stardot.789.A |
sdot-600.zip | Infection: Stardot.600 |
sdot600.zip | Infection: Stardot.600 |
sdot600m.zip | Infection: Stardot.600 - Modified (56 extra bytes) |
sdot789.zip | Infection: Stardot.789.A |
sdot801.zip | Infection: Stardot.801 |
sdot801g.zip | Infection: Stardot.789.A |
sem0619.zip | Infection: Semtex.619 |
sem1000a.zip | Infection: Semtex.1000.A |
sem1000b.zip | Infection: Semtex.1000.B |
sem1000c.zip | Infection: Semtex.1000.C |
semtex-b.zip | Infection: Semtex.1000.B |
semtex-c.zip | Infection: Semtex.619 |
semtex-d.zip | Infection: Semtex.1000.C |
semtex.zip | Infection: Semtex.1000.A |
sen4625b.zip | Infection: Sentinel.4636.B - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
sen5173b.zip | Infection: Sentinel.5173 - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
sen5402b.zip | Infection: Sentinel.5402 - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
sent-1.zip | Infection: Sentinel.4636.B |
sent-1g1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Sentinel |
sent-3.zip | Infection: Sentinel.5173 |
sent-5.zip | Infection: Sentinel.5402 |
sent-5g1.zip | Infection: Sentinel.5 - Generation 1 |
sent-drp.zip | Infection: Sentinel.5 - Generation 1 |
sent-mod.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Sentinel |
sent4571.zip | Infection: Sentinel.4571 |
sent4625.zip | Infection: Sentinel.4636.B |
sent462m.zip | Infection: Sentinel.4636.B - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
sent4636.zip | Infection: Sentinel.4636.B |
sent5173.zip | Infection: Sentinel.5173 |
sent517m.zip | Infection: Sentinel.5173 - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
sent5402.zip | Infection: Sentinel.5402 |
sent540m.zip | Infection: Sentinel.5402 - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
sentin-1.zip | Infection: Sentinel.4625 |
sentin-2.zip | Infection: Sentinel.4571 |
sentin-3.zip | Infection: Sentinel.5173 |
sentinel.zip | Infection: Sentinel.4636 - Generation 1 |
sentvar1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Sentinel |
sex-rev.zip | Infection: Stoned.SexRev_2.0 image file |
sex11.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
sf-404.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.404 |
sf-404m4.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.404 - Modified (4 extra bytes) |
sf-625.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.625 |
sf-683g.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.683 - Generation 1 |
sf-692.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.692 |
sf-711.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.711 |
sf-711g.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.711 - Generation 1 |
sf-838g.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.838 - Generation 1 |
sf-927.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.927 |
sf-927m.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.927 - Modified (50 extra bytes) |
sf-i.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.711 |
sf-iib.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.692 |
sf-stran.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.709 |
sf-strng.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.709 - Generation 1 |
shadb635.zip | Infection: Shadowbyte.635 |
shadb723.zip | Infection: Shadowbyte.723 |
shadow1.zip | Possibly a variant of Shadowbyte |
shadvar1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Shadowbyte |
shake-a.zip | Infection: Shake.476.A |
shake.zip | Infection: Shake.476.C |
shhs-b.zip | Infection: SHHS.600 |
shhs.zip | Infection: SHHS.585 |
shirley.zip | Infection: Shirley.4096.A |
shirleya.zip | Infection: Shirley.4096.A |
shirleyv.zip | Infection: Shirley.4096.B |
shit.zip | Infection: S_man.441 |
shrk1283.zip | Infection: Shark.1283 - Truncated (183 bytes missing) |
si-492.zip | Infection: SI.B |
siag1.zip | Infection: SI.A - Generation 1 |
sice199g.zip | Infection: Silly_Ice.199 - Generation 1 |
sice224.zip | Infection: Silly_Ice.224 |
silc106.zip | Infection: SillyC.106 |
silc215a.zip | Infection: SillyC.215.A |
silc292.zip | Infection: SillyC.292 |
silcr178.zip | Infection: SillyCR.178 |
sillywil.zip | Infection: Silly_Willy (?) |
silnight.zip | Infection: Silent_Night.1827 |
simple.zip | Infection: Simple_Minded.207 |
simple@.zip | Infection: Simple_Minded.128 |
simplex.zip | Infection: Simplex.504 - Generation 1 |
simulat@.zip | Infection: Simulate (?) |
simulate.zip | Infection: Simulate (?) |
sir400g.zip | Infection: Sirius.400 - Generation 1 |
sir545bg.zip | Infection: Sirius.545.B - Generation 1 |
sis-2225.zip | Infection: Sistor.2225 |
sis-2380.zip | Infection: Sistor.2380 |
sis-3009.zip | Infection: Sistor.3009 |
sis_2225.zip | Infection: Sistor.2225 |
sisk1017.zip | Infection: Siskin.Goodbye.1017 |
siskh394.zip | Infection: Siskin.Hero.394 |
siskh506.zip | Infection: Siskin.Hero.506 |
siskresu.zip | Infection: Siskin.Resurrect |
sist2380.zip | Infection: Sistor.2380 |
sister.zip | Infection: Sister.792 - Modified (127 extra bytes) |
sitxh.zip | Infection: Seventh_son.473 - Generation 1 |
skat673m.zip | Infection: Skater.673 - Modified (49 extra bytes) |
skid415.zip | Infection: Skid_Row.415 |
skid432.zip | Infection: Skid_Row.432 |
skidrow.zip | Infection: Skid_Row.432 |
slam703.zip | Infection: Slam.703 |
slim2.zip | Infection: Slimline2.230 |
slov-v30.zip | Infection: Slovakia.2041 |
slova202.zip | Infection: Slovakia.1956 |
slovak20.zip | Infection: Slovakia.1629 |
slovk20.zip | Infection: Slovakia.1629 |
slovk202.zip | Infection: Slovakia.1956 |
slovk30.zip | Infection: Slovakia.2041 |
slugg288.zip | Infection: Slugger.288 |
sm-patho.zip | Infection: SMEG.Pathogen |
sm-queeg.zip | Infection: SMEG.Queeg |
smalv115.zip | Infection: Smallv.115 |
smeg.zip | Infection: SMEG.Queeg |
smiley.zip | Infection: Smiley.1983 |
socha.zip | Infection: Socha.753 |
sofi528g.zip | Infection: Sofia.528 - Generation 1 |
solar100.zip | Infection: Solar.100 |
solar122.zip | Infection: Solar.122 |
somethin.zip | Infection: Something.658 |
somethng.zip | Infection: Something.658 |
soup1km1.zip | Infection: Soupy.1072 - Modified (101 extra bytes) |
soupy.zip | Infection: Soupy.1072 - Modified (101 extra bytes) |
spanfool.zip | Infection: Spanish_Fool.1417 |
spanz.zip | Infection: Spanz.639 |
spar1258.zip | Infection: Sparse.3840 |
sparse.zip | Infection: Sparse.3840 |
split.zip | Infection: Split.250 - Modified (391 extra bytes) |
squawk.zip | Infection: Squawk.852 |
squeaker.zip | Infection: Squeaker.1091 |
sr-b.zip | Infection: Skid_Row.432 |
staf.zip | Infection: Staf.2083 |
stahlpl.zip | Infection: Stahlplatte.750 |
stahlplt.zip | Infection: Stahlplatte.750 |
starship.zip | Infection: Starship |
starshp.zip | Infection: Starship |
stealth.zip | Seems to be a Stealth_Boot-dropper |
steculi.zip | Infection: Sterculius.240 |
ster1.zip | Infection: Sterculius.273 |
ster1a.zip | Infection: Sterculius.280 |
ster2.zip | Infection: Sterculius.428 |
ster280.zip | Infection: Sterculius.280 |
ster2a.zip | Infection: Sterculius.440.A |
ster428.zip | Infection: Sterculius.428 |
sticky.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.927 - Modified (50 extra bytes) |
stimp.zip | Infection: Stimp.248 |
stink-06.zip | Infection: StinkFoot.1254.C |
stink1.zip | Infection: StinkFoot.1254.A - Modified (473 extra bytes) |
stk1254a.zip | Infection: StinkFoot.1254.A |
stk1254d.zip | Infection: StinkFoot.1254.D |
stk1273b.zip | Infection: StinkFoot.1273.B |
stnkfoot.zip | Infection: StinkFoot.1254.A |
stnkft2d.zip | Infection: StinkFoot.1273.B |
stnkft2e.zip | Infection: StinkFoot.1254.D |
stondrp2.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
stone.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
stoned-a.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
stoned-e.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
stoned-g.zip | Infection: Stoned (unknown) image file |
stoned.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper Infection: Stoned.Standard image file |
stoned_a.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
stpd1355.zip | Infection: Stupid.1355 |
stpd583b.zip | Infection: Stupid.583.B |
striker.zip | Infection: Striker.461 |
strikerb.zip | Infection: Striker.461 - Modified (81 extra bytes) |
stsv-c.zip | Infection: STSV.200.C |
stsv.zip | Infection: STSV.200.A |
stup1335.zip | Infection: Stupid.1355 |
stup583a.zip | Infection: Stupid.583.A |
stup583b.zip | Infection: Stupid.583.B |
stup583m.zip | Infection: Stupid.583.B - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
stup919p.zip | Infection: Stupid.919.Profesor |
stup919q.zip | Infection: Stupid.919.Queit.A |
stupida.zip | Infection: Stupid.583.A |
stupidb1.zip | Infection: Stupid.583.B - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
stupidm1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Stupid |
stupidm2.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Stupid |
stupidpr.zip | Infection: Stupid.919.Profesor |
su.zip | Infection: Su.571 |
su1antid.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.945 |
su1apr1a.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.April_1st.A |
su1apr1e.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.April_1st.E |
su1aprl1.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.April_1st.E |
su1argen.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.Argentina |
su1piazz.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.Piazzolla |
su1x1413.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.Xuxa.1413 |
su1xuxa.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.Xuxa.1413 |
su2b.zip | Infection: Suriv_2.B |
suic-a.zip | Infection: Suicidal.305 - Truncated (4 bytes missing) |
suicidlg.zip | Infection: Suicidal.305 - Truncated (4 bytes missing) |
sundevil.zip | Infection: Sundevil.691 |
suomi.zip | Infection: Suomi.1008.A |
suomi_a.zip | Infection: Suomi.1008.A |
suprhack.zip | Infection: Superhacker |
suriv-1.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.April_1st.A |
suriv02.zip | Infection: Suriv_2.B |
suriv101.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.April_1st.A |
suriv_2a.zip | Infection: Suriv_2.A |
suriva.zip | Infection: Suriv_1.April_1st.A |
surrendr.zip | Infection: Surrender.513 |
susan1.zip | Infection: Su.571 |
sv41689a.zip | Infection: SVC.1689.A |
sv41740a.zip | Infection: SVC.1740 |
svc-3101.zip | Infection: SVC.3103.A |
svc-3112.zip | Infection: SVC.3112 |
svc-4644.zip | Infection: SVC.4644 |
svc-5.zip | Infection: SVC.3112 - Generation 1 |
svc-50b.zip | Infection: SVC.3103.B |
svc-mod.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of SVC |
svc.zip | Infection: Svir.512 |
svc1064.zip | Infection: SVC.1064.A - Modified (601 extra bytes) |
svc1064m.zip | Infection: SVC.1064.A - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
svc1689.zip | Infection: SVC.1689.A - Modified (601 extra bytes) |
svc1689a.zip | Infection: SVC.1689.A |
svc1689f.zip | Infection: SVC.1689.F |
svc1689m.zip | Infection: SVC.1689.A - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
svc1740.zip | Infection: SVC.1740 |
svc31-m.zip | Infection: SVC.1064.A - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
svc31.zip | Infection: SVC.1064.A |
svc3103a.zip | Infection: SVC.3103.A |
svc3103c.zip | Infection: SVC.3103.B |
svc3103m.zip | Infection: SVC.3103.A - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
svc4644.zip | Infection: SVC.4644 |
svc5-a.zip | Infection: SVC.3112 - Generation 1 |
svc60.zip | Infection: SVC.4644 |
svc64644.zip | Infection: SVC.4644 |
svcgrich.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of SVC |
svir-g1.zip | Infection: Svir.512 - Generation 1 |
svir.zip | Infection: Svir.512 - Generation 1 |
svs.zip | Infection: SVS.526 |
svv1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of SVC |
swe-drop.zip | Infection: Stoned.Swedish.Damien image file |
swededrp.zip | Seems to be a Stoned-dropper |
swedish.zip | Infection: Stoned.Swedish.Standard image file |
swiss143.zip | Infection: Swiss-143.143 |
sybl0853.zip | Infection: Sibylle.853 |
sybl0858.zip | Infection: Sibylle.858 |
sybl1200.zip | Infection: Sibylle.1200 |
sylvia-2.zip | Infection: Sylvia.1332.D |
sylvia-a.zip | Infection: Sylvia.1332.A |
sylvia-b.zip | Infection: Sylvia.1332.B |
sylvia-k.zip | Infection: Sylvia.1332.G |
sylvia.zip | Infection: Sylvia.1332.B |
sylvia1.zip | Infection: Sylvia.1332.B |
sys-adv.zip | Infection: SysLock.2764 |
sys-cook.zip | Infection: SysLock.2232.A |
sys-sysa.zip | Infection: SysLock.3551.A |
sys-sysb.zip | Infection: SysLock.3551.B |
sys-syse.zip | Infection: SysLock.3551.E |
sys-sysi.zip | Infection: SysLock.3551.A - Inoculated (Jerusalem) |
sys-var1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of SysLock |
sys-var2.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of SysLock |
sys-var3.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of SysLock |
syslk-b.zip | Possibly a variant of SysLock |
syslock.zip | Infection: SysLock.3551.E |
syslock1.zip | Infection: SysLock.3551.H - Modified (473 extra bytes) |
syslocka.zip | Infection: SysLock.2764 |
syslockc.zip | Infection: SysLock.2232.A |
sysmacho.zip | Infection: SysLock.3551.H |
sze1.zip | Infection: Sze.314 |
sze2.zip | Infection: Sze.351 |
sze314.zip | Infection: Sze.314 |
sze351.zip | Infection: Sze.351 |
t-1000.zip | Infection: Simple_Minded.128 |
test1.zip | Infection: S-bug.A |
u948.zip | Infection: Screen+1.948.A |
ussr948.zip | Infection: Screen+1.948.A |
v-948.zip | Infection: Screen+1.948.A - Modified (473 extra bytes) |
v12.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of S-bug |
v200.zip | Infection: STSV.200.B |
v483.zip | Infection: Siskin.Resurrect |
v6.zip | Infection: SillyC.96 - Generation 1 |
v801.zip | Infection: Stardot.789.A |
vanarchy.zip | Seems to be a Stealth_Boot-dropper |
version.zip | Infection: Slow_Format (?) |
vivaldi.zip | Infection: Shirley.4096.B |
whocares.zip | Infection: SillyC.181 |
wolf2.zip | Infection: Screaming_Fist.696 |
xmas.zip | Infection: SysLock.2764 |