!nina.zip | Infection: Nina.unknown? |
1024-b.zip | Infection: Nomenklatura.1024 |
1701.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Cascade |
1701_0.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Cascade |
1701a.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Cascade |
1704_3.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Cascade |
1963-b.zip | Infection: Necropolis.1963.B |
1963.zip | Infection: Necropolis.1963.A |
4on.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of 4On |
512-a.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.A |
512-b.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.B |
512-d.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.H |
512-e.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.K |
512-x.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.H |
512.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.A |
513.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.P |
800drugs.zip | Infection: NRLG.985 - Generation 1 |
800flowr.zip | Infection: NRLG.1009 - Generation 1 |
800jewel.zip | Infection: NRLG.824 - Generation 1 |
800limo.zip | Infection: NRLG.755 - Generation 1 |
_1963-b.zip | Infection: Necropolis.1963.B |
_512_e.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.K |
abcoyot1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of BW |
advent.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of SysLock |
aids-c.zip | Infection: Number_1.13952.unknown? - Truncated (105 bytes |
aids.zip | Infection: Number_1.13952.A |
aids2.zip | Infection: Number_1.13952.unknown? - Truncated (105 bytes |
angela.zip | Infection: Npox.1708 - Generation 1 |
anticler.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Anti-Clerical |
backtime.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Prague |
beast-a.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.A |
beast-b.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.B |
beast-c.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.C |
beast-d.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.D |
beast-f.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.F |
beast-g.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.unknown? |
beast-h.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.H |
beast-k.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.K |
beast-m.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.M |
beast-n.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.N |
beast-p.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.P |
beast-t.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.T |
beast-u.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.U |
beast-v.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.V |
beast-x.zip | Infection: No_of_the_Beast.512.X |
bebe2.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Bebe |
c-death.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of DIR-II |
cad_kill.zip | Infection: Noon_beep.1163 |
cadkill.zip | Infection: Noon_beep.1163 |
cascphan.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Cascade |
cdc-npox.zip | Infection: Npox.1015 - Generation 1 |
cdeath4.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of DIR-II |
cdset4.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of DIR-II |
cf-252.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of BW |
chopin.zip | Infection: Npox.900 - Modified (1 extra bytes) |
clust.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Cluster |
clust2.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Cluster |
comdex7.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Icelandic |
command.zip | Infection: No_Frills.Dudley |
crackjac.zip | Might be a ICE-packed Necropolis-dropper |
da-mod1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Dark_Avenger |
da-var2.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Dark_Avenger |
da-var3.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Dark_Avenger |
darkdude.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Dark_Avenger |
dat1514g.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of DataCrime_II |
datacr-m.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of DataCrime |
dcii-b.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of DataCrime_II |
dir_ii.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of DIR-II |
doteat-2.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Doteater |
doteat-m.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Doteater |
druid.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Druid |
druid_a.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Druid |
druidv1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Druid |
dt-light.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Danish_tiny |
dummy.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Catphish |
ear-6.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Ear |
ekoterr.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of EkoTerror |
faust_4.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Chaos |
fds.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of BW |
france.zip | Infection: Npox.900 |
genius-d.zip | Infection: Npox.1800 - Generation 1 |
genius-e.zip | Infection: Npox.1686 - Generation 1 |
genius.zip | Infection: Npox.963.A - Generation 1 |
geodes20.zip | Infection: Nympho.666 - Generation 1 |
getclock.zip | Infection: Number_1.13952.A |
ghst1963.zip | Infection: Necropolis.1963.A |
goober.zip | Infection: NRLG.901 - Generation 1 |
happynyb.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Happy_New_Year |
hrs1158m.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Horse |
hrsmod.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Horse |
hymnp.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Dark_Avenger |
igor.zip | Infection: Npox.963.B - Generation 1 |
infect.zip | Infection: NTIT.1578 |
itshard.zip | Infection: NED (?) |
j-gp1-g1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Jerusalem |
j-mum12g.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of AntiCad |
j-solog1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Jerusalem |
kidney.zip | Infection: NRLG.1038 - Generation 1 |
korea.zip | Seems to be a NJH-LBC-dropper |
mut_rock.zip | Infection: Npox.609 - Generation 1 |
nanite.zip | Infection: Nanite.332 |
nanny.zip | Infection: NRLG.1007 - Generation 1 |
narcosis.zip | Infection: Narcosis.1431 - Generation 1 |
natas.zip | Infection: Natas.4746 - Generation 1 |
naught.zip | Infection: Naught.712 |
naught2.zip | Infection: Naught.865 |
naz5984.zip | Infection: Naziphobia.B |
naz6128.zip | Infection: Naziphobia.A |
nazgul.zip | Infection: Nazgul.266 |
nazip2b.zip | Infection: Naziphobia.A |
nazipb_b.zip | Infection: Naziphobia.B |
nazipb_c.zip | Infection: Naziphobia.C |
nazipba2.zip | Infection: Naziphobia.B |
nazipbia.zip | Infection: Naziphobia.C |
ncu_li.zip | Infection: NCU_LI.1688 |
nec1963.zip | Infection: Necropolis.1963.A |
necrplis.zip | Infection: Necropolis.1963.A |
neuroqui.zip | Infection: Neuroquila (?) |
never.zip | Infection: Natas.4988 |
nextgen.zip | Infection: Nextgen (?) |
nigger-b.zip | Infection: NRLG.964 - Generation 1 |
nines705.zip | Infection: Nines_Complement.705 |
nines776.zip | Infection: Nines_Complement.776 |
nipple.zip | Infection: Nip.208 - Generation 1 |
no_clean.zip | Infection: Npox.1722 - Generation 1 |
nobock.zip | Infection: No_Bock.A |
nohope.zip | Infection: No_Hope.257 - Generation 1 |
nomenkla.zip | Infection: Nomenklatura.1024 |
nomnklat.zip | Infection: Nomenklatura.1024 |
noonbeep.zip | Infection: Noon_beep.1163 |
nov17-b.zip | Infection: November_17th.855.B |
nov17768.zip | Infection: November_17th.768.A |
nov17th.zip | Infection: November_17th.855.A |
npox-v10.zip | Infection: Npox.609 - Generation 1 |
npox-v11.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Npox |
npox-v20.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Npox |
npox11.zip | Infection: Npox.955 - Generation 1 |
npox1482.zip | Infection: Npox.1482 - Generation 1 |
npox1722.zip | Infection: Npox.1722 |
npox900.zip | Infection: Npox.900 |
npox900m.zip | Infection: Npox.900 - Modified (128 extra bytes) |
ntit1.zip | Infection: NTIT.1254 |
null-178.zip | Infection: Null.178 |
number1a.zip | Infection: Number_1.E |
number1b.zip | Infection: Number_1.E - Generation 1 |
number1c.zip | Infection: Number_1.C |
numone.zip | Infection: Number_1.12032 - Generation 1 |
nv17-855.zip | Infection: November_17th.855.A |
nv17855b.zip | Infection: November_17th.855.B |
nympho10.zip | Infection: Nympho.845 - Generation 1 |
nympho20.zip | Infection: Nympho.787 - Generation 1 |
oldefart.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of BW |
phasor10.zip | Infection: Nympho.230 - Generation 1 |
pox.zip | Infection: Npox.609 - Generation 1 |
quit-v.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Quit |
quit_m.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Quit |
redxv1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Ambulance |
redxv2.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Ambulance |
rooms.zip | Infection: NRLG.865 - Generation 1 |
seafood.zip | Infection: NRLG.853 - Generation 1 |
snowbird.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of BW |
solomon.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of ARCV |
test1.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of BW |
twltoes.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of BW |
v1eng.zip | Infection: Natas.4744 |
varicell.zip | Infection: Npox.1482 - Generation 1 |
x-3b.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of ARCV |
y-oldm.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Old_Yankee |
zhr-mod.zip | Infection: New or modified variant of Zherkov |