Watch who your buying from, ripoffs are getting bigger and bigger.
seeing is believing. This stuff is UNREAL!!!
Buy it, try it.
very kind
Not as trippy as coke, keep you going for that second job!
Love that trip!
yeah if your ever near jewett city don't go for herb or anything
don't smoke in car it will reak for 2 days an its impossible to drive on it.
man is it fun
if this is a dea report to look cool- fuck off pigs
not good to get caught with
never felt this way before
Top Quality, big buds
Watch out, as I got some shitty acid from Thomas Halls.
VERY clean
Florida is THE place for e
red scored tablets, anyone heard of them?
Best roll I've had in awhile
west palm is a tight crew of deelers, they control when, where, how much, and it all depends on how "in" you are, this is mostly speaking of the middle-class hoodlems
great shit
as a general rule never take anything blue or purple.
better than Greatful Dead...with half a hit, peak comes quick(2-3hrs) then a come down for the same amount of time .... 1 tab, slow 5 hr climb (smiling and laughing all the feel like a mad hatter) at peak the visuals are very mad( even black and white photos have mad colors) peak lasts about an hour then another 5 hr come down. If you trip mainly for visuals this is what you want...Greatful Dead does come close, though its not as funny.
a walk in the clouds
well I know what your saying, Whip Its? On this list? Well I'm sick of seeing people getiing ripped off at clubs and raves buying a balloon with only 2-4 canisters in it (.58 cents each) for $5. Also you must be 18 to buy the canister, except Staship only cards in the daytime and you must either have a cracker (which releases into a balloon) or a whip cream dispencer ($24.98 before tax holds 2 canisters and 34.98 before tax holds 3). Starship also sell balloons there, make sure to get the solid color punch balloons (stronger) and not the tie-die ones(weaker)... PS...If you don't know much about whip its, they go great with lsd and ecstacy, even mj....but be sure to try them sober first so you know what your looking for.
Wow. It messed me up.
drug bust often, dont hang out.. I know...
Good trip, great visuals after 2
bags weight 2.5 but the quality
Some is really stale and old, most is seedy, but good.
Quality and size not up tp standard expected in New York or Chicago
Toke a hit of bud, and blast off to wounder land
the caps are the first thing to go leaving most people with mainly just stems.
it rocked
I wonder what large scale local operation this is? Definitely not imported.
I think it's the best drug ever
best acid I ever had!
Don't even bother
It's usually very good
1/8 will stink up a whole room.
Takes 2-3 farly big lines to get off if it's already cut. If you get a whole ball, it just takes one fatty.
buds are usually this good, but can range from better to worse
You better have a couple of days when you drop this stuff!