
Nintendo Entertainment System

NES Emulators

Nes-LordDownload Nes-Lord here!0.3An emulator based on NESA, this emulator, written by CHECK, promises to be good, as it is very fast and already has a nice front end, new in this version, a cool midi when you start it, and the ability to make nes to exe!; DOS
NESticleDownload NESticle here!0.21THIS IS THE iNES KILLER!! Pretty good sound, game support, and its FREE!!!!!!!!! Comes with a DOS and win95/w dx versions! Get this now!!! New in this version:Fixed pallette, fixed DirectSound support, and the ability to change directories while in NESticle; Dos and Win95 w/DirectX 3.0
FamicomDownload Translated v3 here!

Download paso2Fam .3 here!

Version 3Wow! Great sound! Great speed! Recently discovered rotting away on an ftp site! Uses .fam format. Version 3 now has joystick support, a different pallete and more!! ;Windows 3.1/95
PasoFamiDownload PasoFami Here2.6bGood Speed, Midi Sound, but can be unstable at times-Win95
PasoFami DXDownload Pasofami Here 1.2aBetter Speed(?), midi sound, unstable, in Japanese, no crack, it's a demo(?) get the idea? In this version bugfixes and speed increase;Win95 w DX drivers
DNESEDownload DNESE hereAlpha 2DNESE is in preliminary stages, READ THE DOC! Tandrum's emulator look promising! Minor Bug fixes since alpha 1;DOS
iNESDownload iNES 0.5u Here0.6iNES has average speed, runs many games, bad sound, however and an incorect pallete; Win95
NESADownload NESA Here 0.17cannot run many games, no sound, for DOS
LandyNESDownload LandyNes Here ?.??LandyNES has been stopped for the present, cannot run many games, no sound
FC EmulatorDownload FC Here1.00No sound, uses Direct-X, for Win95

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