Super Nintendo Entertainment System

SNES Emulators

Super PasofomiDownload SPW Here 1.3aCan run many games, in Japanese, shareware, Unstable at times;Win95
SPW DXDownload SPW DX Here1.1aNobuaki Ando has decided to go the way of Direct X and make a SPW that is just as slow as its predecessor, but now you get to see Japanese and a demo that can play up to 8mbit games! Whoo-Hoo! not...
VSMCDownload VSMC Here9702dWell, this version STILL Has the *lovely* 8 color yellow pallette, unless you register, however now you can play Chrono Trigger in yellow, and for ONLY 35$ you get to play it in 256 color!
ESNESDownload ESNES Here

Download ESNES without line-to-line graphics (faster) here

0.11aLord ESNES has made one of the BEST snes emulators to date. HiRom support has been added and speed increasing all the time! In this version, Vesa1 and 2 support, multiple sram loading, cheating, joystick, and FF3 and Chrono Trigger now work! And Mode7 is almost perfect!! Yay! this ;DOS
SNES '97Download SNES '97 for Win95 HereDownload Snes '97 for DOS here 0.0.1


SNES '97 now has many new fixes and runs many more games! ;Win95 w/Direct X

Here is the Dos port , from Trepalium! More games run, and this emulator has now bypassed most other snes emulators! ;DOS

TrepSNESDownload TrepSNES Windows Here

Download TrepSNES Dos here

0.3 Beta (Source)Recently discontinued, Trepalium is now making an Snes 97 DOS port, and helping Faraway with his emu ;Win95 and DOS versions
Virtual Super WildCardDownload VSWildcard HereBeta 1A Mac based SNES emulator ported to DOS, not far from where the VSMC is;DOS