++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + (> Night Crawler <) + + proudly presents: + + January 25, 1986 + + The Anarchy Files ... Volume III + + "Bigger and Better" + + A.O.A. radio productions + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * As in Manual I & II, I am in no way responsible for any damages, * accidents, or injuries incurred while working on an experiment from this * Manual. I did not make you to do these experiments, and as far as I am * concerned, this is for information only. Chapter IV: Gasoline Undoubtedly you have messed with gasoline before. This is really some flammable and useful shit. The peculiar thing about it though, is it can catch almost anything on it on fire except for the thing that the gasoline is sitting on. For example, wet a rag and cover it in gasoline and light up. After all the gasoline is burned away, notice the rag is still wet. Nothing happened at all to the rag. If you stuck a firecracker on the rag while it was burning though, The firecracker would have went off. Recently, As I have a pool and this is the winter months, I had a great chance to see the effects of certain things on ice. A pick-axe does a great job at getting you soaking wet, because as I was chopping away, the island of ice under me decided to sink and it was about 20 below. The water was very stagnant as it was sitting for a few months, and you could essentially call it liquid fart. This is the kind of water to use as a replacement for "Stinkum" (You can find that recipe on almost any BBS). But anyway, I started out by trying out a recipe from someone that said how to make plastique out of gas, oil, and styrofoam. Wanting to make some fool look like a complete asshole, I tried it, and as it turned out, It made him look like a complete asshole. The only thing it does is give the gasoline a base to melt through the ice without getting soaked. Dont even bother trying to make "C-4" from gas and oil. Chances are the oil wont light anyway unless its mixed thoroughly with the gasoline. Molotov Cocktail: ingredients: Pepsi bottle old rag joy detergent (optional) FLAMMABLE oil (optional) This is one of the simplist make-do bombs that you can make. It doesn't explode like some 10 year olds think, but when it busts it makes one hell of a fire. Just fill the bottle up with 3/4 gasoline, and any joy or oil you might want to add, and stuff the rag in. Wait 5 minutes for the gas to soak up into the cloth (cotton is suggested). All you have to do is light it and throw it in a window, or in your pool, or where ever a flame would please you. Gasoline isn't a great thing to start off explosives though. You could pour it on an m-80 and chances are the m-80 wouldnt go off when you light it. Oh yes, remember that gasoline evaporates at a very low temperature. If you put some in a milk jug and light the rim, you will probably get a 2 foot flame if you shook it before hand. Napalm for fun: 3 parts gasoline 1 part Joy Dish soap Just mix together and the dish soap will burn steadily for quite a time. You can also melt certain bar soaps into heated gasoline, but this evaporates your gas so I dont like it. This is good for a filler in your basic molotov cocktail. Chapter V: Roly Poly Match Heads... Match heads are your everyday pre-made explosives. Everytime you light one you can see how powerful they are. One small head fills up about 250 times its volume in flame and about an additional 75 more in smoke. You can see the increase in power by putting about 5 or 10 matches together and lighting them. Its not much of an increase if they are right next to each other but it has a tremendous gain in temperature. Here is a interesting concept as written by the /\/\aster: Ingredients: Tennis Ball A few scores of matches Sharp knife Take the knife and slice into the tennis ball. Make sure that the slot is big enough to pour match heads in. The Smaller the tennis ball the faster it will be to make the bomb. Start cutting match heads off the matches with a razor or the knife and pour into a cup. After you get about 5 packs dump them into the tennis ball. Do this until the tennis ball is packed tight. If you have it as tight as you can, and the matches are the so called "safety" kind, then throw it high into the air and run. As it touches the ground it will explode with a great flame. If that doesnt work then you have to try something else. Just make the slot about a 1/4" wide and put in a pile of gunpowder and a small fuse. You can just light the fuse and stand back. The tennis ball will send forth a column of flame and flaming projectiles (match heads) about three feet in the air. It's GREAT! You can probably think of a thousand places to use these babies... Chapter VI: Time delay fuses You are probably going to need this for when you decide to do bombs in bathrooms (Then you'll really be smokin' in the boys room). You want the bomb to go off (preferably) when you are in the deans office. Here is one from an old bulletin board message: One straw Glycerin Just wrap your fuse around the bottom of the straw, plug the other end with non absorbant fabric (thick cotton) and fill the straw with the glycerin. Light the top and it will burn down slowly. You should have enough time to get out of there quickly without anyone noticing. There is an alternative to this using electronics. Any idiot can make this... Materials: Solar Ignitor 9v battery 3 flexible wires a push button switch A 9v battery clip This is one of the easiest things you can make. Just Connect two wires to the Switch, one leading to the battery clip, the other to one lead of the solar ignitor. Connect the third wire from the solar ignitor to the other lead of the battery clip and then plug in the battery. Just attach the solar ignitor to the fuse of whatever you want to blow up and when ever someone presses or steps on the switch, KA-BLOOIE. The solar ignitors can be found at Toys 'R' Us and the rest at Radio Shack. If this circuit cant light tough fuses, then pack a few match heads around the solar ignitor for a good flame. How to make a welcome mat switch: You can also make a welcome mat switch for this circuit. Just cut two pieces of cardboard that will fit under your "friend"'s welcome mat. Glue Tin Foil to one piece, enough to cover it, and solder a wire to it. That is your first lead. take a wire with about 2 inches stripped from it, and poke it through the center of the other cardboard, and poke it back out the top about a half inch away (Much like you are trying to sew the cardboard with the wire). Now stick some foam rubber or carpet padding on the corners of the tin-foil coated cardboard, and glue the other piece of cardboard to it. You should now have two pieces of cardboard parallel to each other separated by 4 foam rubber pads at the corners. MAKE SURE THE WIRE AND THE TIN FOIL CARDBOARDS AREN'T TOUCHING! That will complete your circuit and as soon as you connect the battery your solar ignitor will go off. Just slip under his welcome mat at night and either ring and run, or pull his knocker with a string from across the street. Obviously, you should have some type of explosives or fireworks attached to his screen door. Chapter VII: Land Mines I'm not sure who really wrote this file although i think it's from The Poor Man's James Bond by Jurt Saxon. Its very simple. Just take a thick toilet paper tube, dip one end in wax until its sealed thick and stuff papers or pour very hard glue into that end from the other side of the tube and after you are sure its sealed fill it with gunpowder. You might want to put a hole for a fuse through the center of the tube (Its a lot easier to detonate if you have a fuse). Then pour some elmers glue on top of the gunpowder, after it dries pour a layer of crazy glue, then another layer of Elmers glue, and then dip it in wax. Wallah, Instant M-80. All you have to after that is attach your solar ignitor from the electronic fuse and put in some type of packaging. Bury a half inch below the ground and stick the switch in the ground about three feet ahead of it. Whenever the neighborhood kids come in your yard again, well you can imagine what happens. Chapter VII: Iodine Explosive A big asshole in your school who beats up hall monitors comes over and rapes your girlfriend. Well, for those times that M-80's and land mines are inappropiate or Just Wont work, I bring you Iodine Explosives... Ammonium Triiodine: (Also known as Nitrogen Triiodine) Iodine Crystals Liquid Ammonia Mr. Coffee filter papers Stir the Iodine crystals into the ammonia at a 1:5 basis. After a few minutes with stirring you should see solids beginning to form. Filter this out and mix with 1/2 its own volume in water to store. This is HIGHLY shock sensitive. A leaf could set it off and some assholes foot on his locker will do it too. One crystal is supposedly equivalent to a firecracker and there is in the neighborhood of 200 crystals in a teaspoon. To use just stick in a pop can and spill all over in front of his locker and when it dries, it is so fucking explosive it isn't funny. So don't let it dry on you! To test this out try it with 2 grams of Iodine and 10 ml of Ammonia and just throw a brick or a rock on it somewhere. Chapter VIII: Smoke Smoke is very useful sometimes. You can use it to disrupt class, Fool people into thinking its a fire, Get rid of some cops on your tail, or any of a # of things. Chances are you may have already made a smoke bomb... Easy Smoke bomb: Gunpowder Pipe with one end capped Fuse or soiled rag Fill the pipe with gunpowder but dont pack it down really tight. Make sure there are air pockets in there. Then stick your fuse into the uncapped end and light. You should have smoke piling out of there like crazy. Another Easy way to get smoke is with castor or motor oil. A few drops of these make a tremendous amount of thick black smoke. One method uses it to its advantage: Smoke screen for your car... Run a rubber tubing into your exhaust manifold from the drivers compartment. Find a bottle with a small neck that will fit the hose on the drivers compartment and fill it with motor oil or castor oil. Whenever you are getting a high speed chase, just insert the bottle into the hose. If your hose is too small, you will have to use a plastic squeeze bubble or drill a hole into the other end of the bottle and cork it. When you uncork it, air can get in and the oil will go down the tubing to the red hot exhaust manifold, burn, and make a lot of smoke. Sometimes you dont want smoke. You want a smokeless flame. That is not- so-easily accomplished with the following recipe: Materials: (by Zaphod Beeblebrox) 70ml concentrated sulphuric acid 30ml concentrated nitric acid 5g ansorbant cotton 250ml sodium bicarbonate 250ml beaker ice bath tongs paper towels Place 250ml beaker in the ice bath, add 70ml sulfuric acid, 30 ml nitric acid. Divide cotton into .7g pieces. With tongs, Immerse each piece in the acid solution for 1 minute. Next, rinse each piece in 3 successive baths of 500ml water. Use fresh water for each piece. Then Immerse in 250m lm Sodium Bicarbonate. If it bubbles rinse in water once more until no bubbling occurs. Squeeze dry and spread on paper towels to dry overnight. (Reprinted exactly as I have never tried this). This concludes Anarchy 3. In the next manual we will get into Plastic Explosives, and in anarchy 5 I will get into RDX, TNT, and Nitroglycerin. Anarchy 6 will deal with how to use these explosives I have shown you how to make and possibly what to do in a nuclear war threat. After that, who knows? Well, here's a bit o fun from TM 31-210 dep of the army tech manual: Improvised munitions handbook., DOA 1969 CHEMICAL FIRE BOTTLE Materials required: Sulphuric acid Gasoline Potassium chlorate Sugar Glass nbottle with stopper (Roughly 1 quattrytrt size) Smalll bottle or jatr with lid rag or absorbent paper (Paper towels, newspaper) string or rubber bands Procedure --------- 1. Sulphuric acid MUST be concentrated. If battery acid or other dilute acid is used, then concentrate it by boiling until dense white fumes are given off. Container should be enamel-ware or oven glass. CAUTION ******* Sulphuric acid will burn skin and destroy clothing. If any is spilled, wash it away with a large quantity of water. Fumes are also dangerous and should not be inhaled! 2. ERemove the acid from the haeat and allow to cool. 3. Pour gasoline into the large (1 quart) bottle until is is approximately 2/3 full. 4. Add concentrated sulfuric acid to gasoline slowly until botle is filled ith 1" to 2" from the top. Place the stopper on the bottle 5. Wash the outside of the bottle with clear water. CAUTION: if this is not done, the fire bottle may be dangerous to handle during use! 6. wrap a clean cloth or several sheets of absorbent paper around the outside of the bottle. tie with string or fasten with rubber bands. 7. Dissolve 1/2 cup (100 gm) of potassium chlorate and 1/2 cup (100 gm) of sugar in one cup (250 cc) of boiling water. 8. allow the solution to cool, pour into the small bottle and cap tightly. The cooled solution should be approximately 2/3 crystals and 1/3 liquid. If there is more liquid than this, pour off excess before using. CAUTION: Store this bottle seperately form the other bottle! HOW TO USE ********** 1. Shake the small bottle to mix contents and pour onto the cloth or paper around the large bottle. Bottle can be used wet or after solution has dried. However, when dry, the sugar-potassium chlorate mixture is very sensitive to spark or flame, and should be handeled acordingly.xD 2. throw or launch the bottle. when the bottle breaks against a hard surface (Target), the fuel will ignite. Well, there it is I hope it's a little more useful than a molotov. you won't give away your position (Such as with a molotov when the fucking wick is burning!). Have fun Also, pick up for 70 dollars or so a "Mega dart gun" it's fucking incredible. it'll go right through flak vests, 3/4" plywood, etc. if you ever have any problem with one of our officers of the law, stick him with one of it's 4" darts. HE HE HE