ANARCHY PT.2 BY: AN-ARCH-IST(AN/AR/KIST) who regards all goverment as evil, and belives, as a political ideal, in living without any goverment; 2.any person who stirs up violent revolt against established rule. AN-ARCH-Y(AN/AR/KI)n.the absence or lack of goverment; hence, a condition of general confusion and terror resulting from the overthrow or disregard of laws. There! That's said and done. You don't know how many times i've been asked "but whats it mean? "I belive that there is a grey to this subject, and that it is not just white and black, like being a little bit pregnent. But enough bullshit, on with buisness. First, I take no responsibilty for the actions of others who use material within for legal, or illegal activities. 'Nuff said. I'm sure at one time or another, we've all taken a potato and stuck it up the tail pipe of a car to keep it from starting (yes, it does work). Well, I have a twist to this prank. All you need is a shotgun shell and a long piece of wire, yep, you geussed it. Take the shotgun shell, and shove it up the tail pipe of the car, until it falls in. After the car is driven a couple of miles, the muffler will heat up the shell, and explode it. Neat, huh? A lot of bombs require a fuse, and you may ask yourself, where do I get such a fuse? Well, ill tell ya. You make'm. The simpelest fuses can be made with a gunpowder mixture. Gunpowder? Let me back up. The general formula for black powder is, by weight, 15 parts powdered potassium nitrate, 3 parts powdered charcoal, and 2 parts sulfur. The ingriedents are ground, sepratly, as fine as possible, or fine enought to go through a 100 mesh screen. For a better quality powder, and 1/2 part of dextrine, and enough water to form a thick mush. Stir and mix well and then rub it through a window screen in a thin layer onto wax paper. When the particles are firm, but slightly damp, sprinkle them with 1/2 part fine graphite. Put them in a round bowl with a plastic cover and gently swirl them so they become rond and uniform. Next, put them on a winow screen and shake it gently until all thh proper size pellets have fallen through. Now onto the fuse. Use the dextrine but omit the graphite. Use a piece of cotton string and stir it into the mush, which is wetter then you you would use for gunpowder, and is well coated and hung to dry. Its brittle, so I spray on a aerosol plastic, and the coat it with a rubber mold compound,bought at any hobby store. Then mix 1 1/2 ounces of black antimony sulfide, 2 1/2 ounces of potassium chlorate,and 1 ounce of dextrine. They are mixed wet, because dry the could explode. Then add the dextrine and enough water to make a paste. Let it dry. To use, mix in enough carbon tetrachloride (bought at any auto store) to make it a paste, and dip end of fuse in. What you have is the same substance on the ends of flares and allows easier lighting of fuse. Just use an old flare striker. A simple but powerful bomb can be made by using the heads of every day safty matches. Not the blue tipped kind. Grind up enough heads to fill up desired pipe. Its tedious, but you can do quite a few while downloading or whatching t.V. Place the in a plastic bag first before inserting. The cuts down on possible sparks or powder getting in threads of pipe. The mouth of the bag is folded back over the threads,and the powder put in. It is also good to wrap the pipe with heavy wire to help increase resistance so the bomb will shatter instead of just a couple places. Drill cap, and hole size should be as close to the size of the wick as possible. The plastic bag should only cover the lower part of the fuse. Well,thats all for now. Until we meet again,let's be careful out there.