Put These In your [ALIASES] /on { %onick = 0 | %onicks = $opnick(0,#) if (%onicks == 0) { echo 5 There are no People with 4,1OPS on # | halt } if (%onicks > 0) { echo 1 -> OPS on # $+ :OPS: $+ # $+ : *1 } :next inc %onick 1 if (%onick > %onicks) { goto end } :msg raw -q notice $opnick(%onick,#) :OPS: *1 goto next :end halt } ;************** /vn { %vnick = 0 | %vnicks = $vnick(0,#) if (%vnicks == 0) { echo 5 There are no People with 4,1VOICE on # | halt } if (%vnicks > 0) { echo 1 -> Voices on # $+ :Voices: $+ # $+ : *1 } :next inc %vnick 1 if (%vnick > %vnicks) { goto end } :msg raw -q notice $vnick(%vnick,#) :VOICES: *1 goto next :end halt } /non { %nonick = 0 | %nonicks = $nopnick(0,#) if (%nonicks == 0) { echo 5 There are no People without 4,1OPS on # | halt } if (%onicks > 0) { echo 1 -> NON-OPS on # $+ :NON-OPS: $+ # $+ : *1 } :next inc %nonick 1 if (%nonick > %nonicks) { goto end } :msg raw -q notice $nopnick(%nonick,#) :NON-OPS: *1 goto next :end halt } ;************** Now Put These In Your [POPUPS] &Walls .MSG For Only &OPS:/on $?="What's Your Message??" .MSG For Only &Voices:/vn $?="What's Your Message??" .MSG For Only &NON-OPS:/non $?="What's Your Message??" .&Info On This ADDON:query <>Wall<>Addon<>By<>MaDdXnEsS<> | .play $mircdir $+ addon\info.mad That's It MaDdXnEsS! marilyn-manson@Nastything.com