fix the big "bad data" loop when a connection drops unexpectedly through triple fault... if it happens 3 times to drop it --------------------------------------------------------------------------- add connect timeouts... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- do the saved uid stuff for the sun.. like setreuid() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- finish the klogd stuff (read the /* FIX */ comments) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUICK SUMMARY OF ESSENTIAL STUFF -------------------------------- ******************* Notes: 1. Don't allow SIGQUIT, SIGILL, SIGSEGV, etc. in actual version. Also, have make strip client bins. ******************* 1. All syslogd features 2. Add timeouts (all "FIX - add timeout"'s and the "to refresh" timeouts) =========================================================================== DETAILS ON ESSENTIAL STUFF -------------------------- 1. Syslogd features. Features are: A. Named pipes [and remote host logging] =========================================================================== 2. OSF has a /dev/kcon too... but we need to handle /dev/klog. [later] (do we? does klog automatically parse and pass msgs to syslogd?) ***** linux uses /proc/kmsg.. and same with stuff like bsd (kvm) 3. Load average / CHNGSERV [after release] [This is so that if the load average gets too high, we send] [the client to another streaming server. This doesn't ] [include the info server. ] (done on client side.. now just need to read loadavg [and what) (not] on the server side) --------------------------------------------------------- Figure out way to write to all SSL errors to files before they are erased (I don't see what actually erases them.. none call anythign like ERR_clear_data to the best of my knowledge) [ASAP.. if possible] ---------------- Make a function on server side that prints out certificates so we know who's using the server and who's not. [later.. before release] ----------------