These scripts all deal with JavaScript Button Effects. I'll show you some really neat buttons you can use on your page. Every entry now also has a Source Code Box so you may see the EXACT JavaScript code used to create the button.

Title: Alert Button
Details: 0.50 KB * Uploaded June 21 1997
Description: This is probably the simpliest Button JavaScript. Copy 4 lines of HTML into your document and you have a button alert! The button can have different words on it and the message can also be customized.

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Title: Apologize E-Mail
Details: 0.74 KB * Uploaded June 21 1997
Description: This script, when activated, makes the user send an apologetic e-mail - whether they like it or not! Very funny, but has no real use.

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Title: Button Link
Contributor: Sven David Hildebrandt (
Contributor URL:
Details: 0.91 KB * Uploaded January 10 2001
Description: This short script will turn an ordinary button into a link to any page. Easy!

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Title: Check All
Details: 1.47 KB * Uploaded June 30 2000
Description: Dynamically checks and unchecks all the checkboxes in a form when a button is clicked. Much easier than manually hard-coding the checkbox names, for sure. Updated to only require one button to check and uncheck all boxes.

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Title: Click to Submit
Contributor: Shawn Hafen (
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.09 KB * Uploaded December 5 2000
Description: Prevent the Return key from accidentally submitting a form. The user now MUST click on the submit button. Great!

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Title: Directional Buttons
Details: 0.53 KB * Uploaded June 21 1997
Description: This effect is practically unused. 6 lines of HTML give you back and forward buttons that act exactly like the ones in your web browser. This script is best used in frames where one frame is the 'menu' - It makes your users feel more secure when they know they can go back.

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Title: E-Mail Buttons
Details: 0.70 KB * Uploaded June 21 1997
Description: This effect, however, is over-used. A JavaScript button will bring up an E-Mail Window for your users. You can also include a predefined subject if you so decide. Both methods are demonstrated.

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Title: Fading Button
Contributor: Aidan Samuel (
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.46 KB * Uploaded January 29 2001
Description: (Internet Explorer Only) Move your mouse over the button and watch it fade to another color and then fade back to original color once you move your mouse off. The message on the button will even change after you click on it!

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Title: Headliner
Contributor: Jan Pijnacker (
Details: 5.69 KB * Uploaded February 22 1998
Description: When you need to present information on your site, you should consider this script. Appropriately named the Headliner, it presents a number of messages to your visitors in many different formats including a simple scroll, typewriter, expand, and just static text. Each message when clicked can take the visitor to a different URL! This script is really great.... Just check it out!

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Title: Image Button
Contributor: (
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.83 KB * Uploaded January 17 2001
Description: Easily create active buttons with any image. Repositions image when your mouse passes over it and moves again when clicked on. Easy!

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Title: Mr. Push Me!
Details: 2.96 KB * Uploaded June 21 1997
Description: Let JavaScript introduce you to the increasingly popular Mr. Push Me! Mr. Push doesn't mind the occassional push, but watch out if you over do it!

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Title: Pulldown Menu
Details: 1.23 KB * Uploaded June 21 1997
Description: Use JavaScript to help your visitors dynamically 'surf' your page. They simply use the pulldown menu to select a destination and then click Go! and they're there! This script also supports an endless number of destinations. Just copy the template and fill it in accordingly.

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Title: Random Link Generator
Details: 0.99 KB * Uploaded June 21 1997
Description: Are you feeling, I don't know.... A little random? Then check out this random link generator! It randomly selects a URL from a pre-determined list and sends the user there!

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Title: Subject E-Mail
Details: 0.57 * Uploaded December 4 1997
Description: Let your visitors send you e-mail with a predetermined subject!

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Title: Textarea Alert
Details: 0.83 KB * Uploaded June 21 1997
Description: Use JavaScript to alert your user with the contents of a text area! This also serves little purpose in the real world, but nonetheless is a great example of JavaScript. Type something in the box and hit 'Alert Me!'

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Title: Up & Down Box
Details: 0.45 KB * Uploaded January 7 2000
Description: Allows the user to increase and decrease the value in a textbox by clicking up and down buttons. Useful if you would like to allow the user to quickly modify a value in your form. A short script too, just a few lines.

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Title: Window Position
Details: 1.25 KB * Uploaded July 24 1998
Description: Do you not like where opens your new windows? Using this JavaScript, you can actually have the new window open wherever you want! Look at our example to see what we mean! Really neat!

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Title: Window Sizer
Details: 2.79 KB * Uploaded June 21 1997
Description: This JavaScript shows you different window dimensions. It helps you to customize your web pages with the dimensions that best compliment your web site.

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