Home } Messages } Help Popups

Microsoft Windows help boxes are second-nature to most of us by now. How about having a similar popup help boxe on your web site!? When visitors put their cursor on an item you have defined as having a help popup, it will load very quickly because JavaScript is actually creating the entire HTML page for the popup! There are tons of customizations you can play with the tailor the appearance of the popups to your site. You have to see this script, it's great!




[ Need help popups to work in frames? Here's how! ]

JavaScript Source Code 2002: Messages: Help Popups

Simply click inside the window below, use your cursor to highlight the script, and copy (type Control-c or Apple-c) the script into a new file in your text editor (such as Note Pad or Simple Text) and save (Control-s or Apple-s). The script is yours!!!