Home } Messages } OverLIB

This JavaScript library allows you to display small popup information boxes to help visitors around your website. When their cursor is over a link, your message can be displayed in any of a number of box styles. And, since it is in a '.js' file, you can add the code to your site once and call it from every page of your site. Impressive!

(We've tried to demonstrate several of the box styles with the demonstration below. Of course, you could easily use all of one type on your site, or mix and match styles as necessary. (Just modify the onMouseOver section in the code.) Have fun!

Take a look at these small examples. A plain popup, or perhaps one with a caption. You can also make them stick when you click, plus, you can place any html you wish in them. There is lots more you can do like placing them on the other side of the mouse, snapping to a grid, fixating the position, having background images and lots lots more. Just take a look at all the features (from author's site).

Here's the code for the OverLIB examples above. You combine these features in so many ways it isn't possible to present them all. You imagination is your limit. Plain Popup
overlib('Nifty, ehh?')"

overlib('...and text here!', CAPTION, 'Caption here...')

Sticky Click
overlib('This one stays around for a while!', STICKY, CAPTION, 'Sticky')

HTML Caption
overlib('For example, a list:<UL><LI>Item 1<LI>Item 2<LI>Item 3</UL>')

Other side of the Mouse
overlib('Woo, on the other side!', LEFT)

Snapped to a grid
overlib('Snapped to a 20 times 20 pixel grid.', SNAPX, 20, SNAPY, 20)

Locked to a page position
overlib('We lock this one to position a specific position.', FIXX, 50, FIXY, 250)

JavaScript Source Code 2002: Messages: OverLIB

Simply click inside the window below, use your cursor to highlight the script, and copy (type Control-c or Apple-c) the script into a new file in your text editor (such as Note Pad or Simple Text) and save (Control-s or Apple-s). The script is yours!!!