Date: 11 Oct 92 15:55:50 From: Moderators ( Subject: File 1--More Ah, Sordid administrivia CuD IS IN THE COMP.SOCIETY USENET HIERARCHY We continue to receive queries about the change-over from TO COMP.SOCIETY.CU-DIGEST. By now, your system should have switched over. It appears that there are glitches (or sysad tardiness) on some systems. If your system IS NOT receiving the comp version, check with your sys ad. WEEKLY SCHEDULE: CuD remains committed to a weekly schedule intended to publish about 50 issues a year (with a two week break over Christmas). The recent twice-a-week schedule is temporary, owing in part to a surge of material. The anticipated issue on the Software Publisher's Association (SPA) will be out in about two weeks followed by a second issue of responses. SUBMITTING ARTICLES TO CuD: The switch to the comp hierarchy has led to an increase in inquiries about submitting articles. A summary of guidelines for longer articles is available on request and may also be obtained from the FAQ (frequently asked questions) list provided when requesting a mail subscription. In general, we encourage all reasonable articles related to some aspect of "cyber-culture" that have something substantive to say. We do not publish 2-line "me too" agreements or 1-line "the previous poster should be shot" flames. We encourage opinions, debates, news summaries, book reviews, conference notices, conference summaries, legal information, research summaries or articles, technical blurbs, or other issues that are of interest to the diverse interests of computer culture. MAILING LIST GLITCHES: We apologize to those on the mailing list for the occasional mailing glitches (empty mail, garbled subject). The mailing list has increased by nearly 25 percent in the past two months. We had assumed that the change to the comp hierarchy would reduce the list, but for every reader that's switched to Usenet, we've added two who can't access Usenet. So, we've experimented with a primitive batch mailer that's not yet perfected. Let us know if there are any problems. Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253