PAYROLL USA VERS. 2.22 - ORDER / INVOICE# ASP-A3C_________ ANTHISTLE SYSTEMS & PROGRAMMING LTD. 563 Patricia Drive, Oakville, Ontario, CANADA L6K 1M4 Telephone (416) 845 7959 ORDERED BY: Order Date _____________ Company __________________________________________________ Street Address ___________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code ______________________________________ Telephone No. _____________________________ Person Ordering ___________________________________________ Title _____________________________________ Signature _________________________________ [ ] Check if this form confirms a telephone order already made SHIP TO (if different from above): Company/Attention __________________________________________ Street Address _____________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code_________________________________________ Telephone No. _____________________________ PAYMENT METHOD: U.S.$ Prices - Check or Money Order must be encl. ORDER DETAILS: AMOUNT [ ] CHECK IF 3 1/2" IBM FORMAT 720K DISKETTES NEEDED, (FOR PS/2 AND PORTABLES). If NOT checked we supply 5 1/4" 360K [ ] PAYROLL USA FULL REGISTRATION @ $149.95 ( BONUS: Your 1st Annual Tax Update is FREE, Regular Value $25.00 ) [ ] OPTIONAL, OVERNIGHT COURIER DELIVERY @ $20.00 If NOT checked, disks will be sent 1st Class Mail -------- TOTAL ORDER (Payment Enclosed) ======== POSTAGE to Canada is 30 cents (as of April 1988), 5 cents higher than U.S. Domestic rate. Insufficient postage may cause delay. PRICE GUARANTEED TO END MARCH 1991 ONLY. It may increase after that - it all depends on if we can sell enough of them at the this low ShareWare price to recover our huge development costs. You can help our sales planning by noting on the reverse side the name and address (and phone if you know it) of where you obtained the trial version of PAYROLL USA.