------------------------------------------------------------- PCjr HARDWARE GUIDE Updated: 7/6/86 ------------------------------------------------------------- CREATIVE FIRMWARE, INC. P.O. Box 850064 Richardson, Texas 75085 (800) 622-4070 (Ill. residents, (800) 942-7317) [i.e., ORDERS ONLY LINE] DRIVE IIA CONTROLLER -------------------- A PCjr second disk drive controller which plugs into the internal modem slot inside the PCjr. Allows you to add any IBM compatible double-sided (DS), double-density (DD) disk drive to the PCjr. [NOTE: the drive needs its own housing and power supply]. Texas residents add 6.125% sales tax. $3 for COD orders. Order line accepts VISA, MASTERCARD & AMERICAN EXPRESS. Drive II Unit (controller & floppy drive) $209.00 Drive IIA Controller 89.00 UPDATE: Creative Firmware will be introducing a memory board board which will feature 512K RAM, parallel printer port and clock/calendar. A hard disk controller and DMA options are being looked at for possible future products. ============================================================= ELECTRONIC SPECIALTY DEVICES (ESD) 407 Wyleswood Drive Berea, Ohio 44017 (216) 235-9550 EXPANSION BOX FOR THE PCjr -------------------------- The Expansion Box sits on top of the PCjr and comes with its own power supply (with optional fan), four (4) slots and room for two (2) half-height drives (or maybe 1 floppy with a hard disk). A hard disk controller package is in the works. Expansion Box (only) $250.00 Expansion Box w/1-360K drive 350.00 UPDATE: ESD is working on a 512K RAM memory board with DMA (Direct Memory Access) that will not interfer with the side bus operation to go in their expansion unit. Parallel printer port and clock/calendar will also be included. ============================================================= ============================================================= IMPULSE COMPUTER (now ALPHA COMPUTER) 7016 South 4th Street Midvale, Utah 84047 (801) 562-5008 IMPULSE 100 SERIES ------------------ Alpha Computer has purchased Impulse and are selling the 100 series side car units with memory, parallel printer port, clock/calendar or either/or. Alpha assures me they are trying to solve ALL problems with Impulse boards so, if you have had a problem, contact them. Model 100 (0K, parallel port, clock/ calendar only) $290.00 Model 140 (512K, parallel port, clock/ calendar) 355.00 Model 150 (512K only) 260.00 UPDATE: Alpha is working on two new PCjr products: a sidecar unit with DMA and extra power supply and a hard disk control- ler board. ============================================================= J&M SYSTEMS, LTD. 15100-A Central S.E. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87123 (505) 292-4182 PC2C ADD-ON DRIVE SYSTEM ------------------------ The PC2C controller replaces the IBM controller board and will support up to three floppy drives. Software included configures your DOS to recognize the second drive. You can purchase one of several available options: PC2C Controller Board & Software $149.00 PC2C Controller, Software, cable, with one external drive 295.00 PC2C with two external drives 449.00 PC2C with one external drive in dual casing 325.00 HARD DRIVE ADD-ON SYSTEM ------------------------ These PCjr hard drive systems come complete with case, power supply, cables, MS-DOS drivers, host adaptor and instructions for use. The drives can be attached to the PC2C disk controller (see above) or, with some modifications, to the original IBM PCjr disk controller board (CAUTION: This will void any warranties!). 10 Megabyte (Mb) system $750.00 15 Mb System 595.00 20 Mb System 995.00 [NOTE: This prices may be dated, contact J&M for current pricing information.] J&M accepts VISA, Mastercard or prepayment. All orders shipped by UPS ground with Blue Label at extra cost. ============================================================= KEY TRONIC P.O. Box 14687 Spokane, Washington 99214 (800) 262-6006 (7am-3pm Pacific time) KEY TRONIC PCjr REPLACEMENT KEYBOARDS ------------------------------------ Key tronic makes the following replacement keyboards for the PCjr (prices are suggested retail, many mail order houses have much better pricing.): KB5149jr-Numeric Key Pad $ 99.95 KB5150jr-IBM PC type 219.00 KB5151jr-Enhanced keyboard 255.00 All Key tronic keyboards for the PCjr are "plug compatible" meaning they do not need any type of interface or cables. Everything is included. In fact, I am typing this using the KB5150jr. I highly recommend it. (Biased opinion). ============================================================= ============================================================= LEGACY TECHNOLOGIES, LTD. 4817 North 56th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 (402) 466-8108 (in Nebraska) (800) 228-7257 (outside Nebraska) Electronic Bulletin Board (BBS): (402) 466-8114 [24 hours] 300-1200-2400 baud service Legacy has a series of products which center around their basic product the LEGACY I. I will give a short description of the various expansions available for the LEGACY series. THE LEGACY SERIES ----------------- LEGACY I: This is an expansion box which is colored matched to the PCjr's casing and "sits" on top of the PCjr. Cabling uses the side bus interface and Legacy supplies a false side car to cover and protect the cables. The LEGACY I gives you four slots for expansion (see descriptions below), additional power supply and all cables. There is room for a half-height disk drive or hard disk. LEGACY II: Everything that the LEGACY I has plus a DSDD disk drive and floppy controller. LEGACY III: A LEGACY I with a 20 Mb hard disk and interface cards. LEGACY I $ 229.00 LEGACY II 425.00 LEGACY III 1095.00 L-Bus EXPANSIONS ---------------- L-Bus expansion cards fit the Legacy series slots to further expand and customize your system to fit your needs. EXP series are memory expansion cards using 64K RAM chips and can have up to 256K RAM on each card. Comes with software for RAMdisks. EXP-64K $ 99.00 EXP-128K 119.00 EXP-256K 159.00 64K RAM chip set 20.00 CPS is a L-bus card with a clock/calendar and a standard IBM parallel printer port. CPS $ 99.00 Hard Disk Interface is a two card system, one fits into any of the Legacy series slots, while the other, is attached to the hard disk. Drives can be 10, 20, or 30 Mb and Legacy assures me even larger sizes can be added by them tailoring a card for your drive. This system can accommodate up to three (3) hard disks. Hard Disk Interface System $595.00 Legacy also sells the following PCjr accessories: Legacy 2 Floppy Drive Controller $ 99.00 (replaces IBM controller to allow another DSDD drive to be attached) V-20 Microprocessor 20.00 (Replacement for the 8088 chip) 1200 Baud External Baud Package 220.00 (Volksmodem 12 w/software and batch files to get you up and going fast) Keyboard Buffer Cartridge 30.00 (The jrSynchro giving you a larger keyboard buffer) UPDATE: Legacy will introduce within a month (about May 1st) a Serial Port to put in the Internal Modem slot, giving a true RS-232C interface without needing an adaptor. Gives up to 9600 baud capability and true DTR. Will be addressed as COM1: and frees up the PCjr's serial port for other serial devices (like a mouse). An 8087 daughter board is being planned (you supply the 8087 chip) for about $90 and some software products that may well eliminate the need for the 8087 coprocessor for around $49.00. ============================================================= ============================================================== MICRO ADVANCED SYSTEMS (or MA Systems) 2015 O'Toole Avenue San Jose, California 95131 (408) 435-0596 PRO KIT ------- The Pro Kit gives your PCjr an additional 512K of RAM, a clock/calendar and parallel printer port. Does not require a power supply (unless you have an Internal Modem) and comes with software for RAMdisks, printer spoolers and clock access. A full one (1) year warranty. Pro Kit $399.00 [For IBM Employees ONLY price is $300] ============================================================= MOUSE SYSTEMS CORPORATION 2600 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara, California 95051 (408) 988-0211 PCjr MOUSE by MOUSE SYSTEMS --------------------------- C. Alan Pettit, Mouse System's National Retail Sales Manager, has informed me that they are closing out the PCjr line of mouse products. Now for the good news, while they last, Mouse Systems is selling out the PCjr direct connect OPTICAL mouse (plugs right into the serial port without a need for the Cable for Serial Devices) for the following prices: (Regular-$220) PCjr Mouse w/Pop-Up Menus $ 60.00 PCjr Mouse w/Pop-Up Menus & PC-Paint 80.00 NOTE: The mouse comes with a 3 YEAR WARRANTY! Also, note that Paint requires 384K to work on a PCjr. Send any orders plus $2.50 for shipping and handling to:(CA residents add sales tax) PCjr Special Mouse Systems Corporation 2600 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95051 ============================================================== =============================================================== MSC (formerly Micro Service Co.) 4764 Elison Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21206 (301) 325-6417 (Monday-Friday, 4:30pm to 9pm; Saturday, 9am to 5pm) EXPAND YOUR 128K MEMORY BOARDS ============================== MSC will take your soldered in Tecmar jrCaptain's, Microsoft Booter's and even the 128K IBM Memory Sidecar and bring them up to 512K! This gives you a full 640K to work with. All the above boards come back with a 90 day warranty to boot. SECOND DRIVE UNIT ================= This is a the basic 360K, DSDD disk drive which is controlled by altering the IBM card in the PCjr. This frees up the In- ternal Modem slot for other things. 360K Drive and altered drive card $299.95 128K to 512K Memory fixes 145.00 *** NPCjrUG Members get a 5% Discount at MSC *** UPDATE: MSC is working on an Expanded Memory board which will be able to bring the PCjr up to 8 Megabytes of RAM! I do not know at this point whether it will use the Lotus/Intel/Micro- soft standard or have any idea on what the price may be. ============================================================= RACORE COMPUTER PRODUCTS, INC. Corporate Office 10 Victor Square Scotts Valley, California 95066 (408) 438-7255 (800) 325-1833 (Information, orders) (800) 367-7599 (Technical support, problems) (800) 255-7227 (California residents) (801) 363-8720 (BBS number, 300/1200 baud service) Racore has an entire line of products dedicated to the PCjr and was one of the first to offer PCjr expansions. A change in pricing has resulted in substancially lower pricing. Seems Racore nows sells direct from the factory. Call the 800 order line listed above for more information. DRIVE TWO PLUS -------------- This is their newest update of the older Drive II. A second DSDD floppy disk drive comes in an expansion chassis with a power supply and one memory expansion slot. The chassis attaches to the PCjr and a special drive cable take the place of the original IBM version to allow the second drive. No software drivers are needed as DOS recognizes the added drive as the B: drive. A version of this product is available with factory installed DMA (Direct Memory Access). A clock/ calendar and parallel printer port comes standard. The PC/PCjr toggle switch which allows more IBM software to run on the PCjr is also included. HARD DISK DRIVE TWO PLUS ------------------------ This is a Fixed Disk version of the Drive Two Plus with a 20 Mb drive and DMA. A 10 Mb version is no longer available. LANpac JR --------- An IBM compatible local area network (LAN) allowing up to 250 stations with up to 1,000 feet between stations. Connects to PC, XT, AT or LANpac. You also need DOS 3.1 and Racore's DMA option. 256K/512K MEMORY PLUS --------------------- Now using 256K RAM chips, this is the upgraded 384K memory board which uses the internal slot in the Racore drive units. A special promotion for owners of the 384K cards is planned. You MUST have proof of purchase. KEYBOARD ADAPTOR CABLE ---------------------- Allows ANY IBM or compatible keyboard to work on the PCjr. PC ID CARTRIDGE --------------- Tricks software into thinking the PCjr ROM-BIOS is a real PC. This is not a keyboard buffer. CAUTION: Racore's DMA option will not allow the use of the side bus expansion port on the PCjr to operate correctly. Other options like SPC's drives or memory expansions will be rendered useless by this option. RIM drives which use the internal modem slot are also affected. No word on the Creative Firmware or J&M Systems add-ons. N = Available through National PCjr Users Group R = Available through Racore Corporation only. Drive II Plus $ 295.00 N Drive II Plus w/DMA 325.00 N 10 Mb Drive II Plus w/DMA 795.00 R 20 Mb Drive II Plus w/DMA 895.00 R 256K Memory Board 100.00 N 256K Memory upgrade kit 40.00 R 512K Memory Board 125.00 N LANpac jr 295.00 R Keyboard Adaptor Cable 39.95 R PC Keyboard w/Adaptor Cable 85.00 N XT (5151) Keyboard/Adaptor Cable 127.00 N AT Keyboard w/Adaptor Cable 107.00 N PC ID Cartridge 12.00 R *** SPECIAL PACKAGES *** Drive II Plus w/256K $ 459.00 Drive II Plus w/512K 489.00 Drive II Plus w/DMA & 256K 495.00 Drive II Plus w/DMA & 512K 525.00 *** UPGRADES *** DMA chip set $ 85.00 DMA/Drive Upgrade (floppy) 185.00 DMA/Drive Upgrade (Winchester) 185.00 ********>>>> MEMORY UPGRADE SPECIAL <<<<******** People with the old 384K internal memory board can get the new 512K board for $132.50 with PROOF OF PURCHASE of your old board. Contact Racore's sales office if you have any question. ============================================================= RIM ELECTRONICS, INC. 16890 Church Street, #203 [*NEW ADDRESS*] Morgan Hill, California 95037 (408) 778-1286 SASITALK SYSTEM --------------- This is a 15 Mb Hard Disk system using the PCjr Internal Modem slot for its hard disk interface and comes with DOS drivers and cables. An adaptor is available with a 300/1200 baud modem which uses a special version of the Shareware product PROCOMM (an excellent telecommunications program). RIM will give the NPCjrUG a 8% discount for 5 to 9 units ordered and a 10% discount for 10 or more units. Call me at (315) 635-9209 if you are interested. SASITALK w/Modem $945.00 SASITALK system 695.00 SASITALK Internal Modem only 295.00 SASITALK Host Adaptor and disk driver software, you supply SCSI controller and disk drive 95.00 ***>>> WITH ANY ORDER OF TEN OR MORE, THE NPCjrUG <<<*** ***>>> CAN GET AN ADDITIONAL 10% DISCOUNT <<<*** ============================================================= SYSTEMS PERIPHERALS CONSULTANTS (SPC) 9747 Businesspark Avenue San Diego, California 92131 (619) 693-8611 DISKITjr HARD DRIVES -------------------- Using the side bus of the PCjr and using an interface card of their own design, SPC has produced the most flexible system for adding a hard disk to your PCjr. The company insists on giving over the phone support to install and format their disks. They have gone to great lengths to fix any problems, be it hardware or software. The drives are known to work with Tecmar, Racore (except the DMA option), Quadram,Impulse and other memory expansions with no problems. At this time, SPC is giving the National PCjr Users' Group special pricing as follows: OUR RETAIL PRICE -------- ------- 22 Mb unit $1395.00 $ 850.00 34 Mb unit 1695.00 1195.00 Add $25.00 for shipping by Next-Day Air Contact me at (315) 635-9209 if you are interested. ============================================================= ============================================================= TECMAR INC. 6225 Cochran Road Solon, Ohio 44139 (216) 349-0600 jrCAPTAIN BOARD --------------- The anchor of the Tecmar PCjr line (sorry, couldn't resist) with gives your PCjr an extra 128K RAM, power supply, clock/ calendar, parallel printer port and a "Treasure Chest" of software giving you RAMdisk, video RAM setup, access of the clock and many other little programs which you may find useful. At one time, Tecmar was putting in 256K chips for owners who paid the cost to give 512K but problems with over heating occurred. Tecmar now recommends using their jrCadet (see below). jrCADET BOARD ------------- A memory only side car which can be populated with 64K chips to bring it up to 384K. The jrCaptain board is required for power and correct addressing of the RAM. At this time, Tecmar has a special promotion for owners of the jrCaptain. If you have proof of purchase, contact Tecmar's Customer Service, if you send them $153.00, they will send you a jrCadet with 384K! You must send them the money first and you'll have a long wait but it's the best price around. Pricing varies, 47th Street Photo sells the jrCaptain for $169.00 plus shipping charges. Check the latest Wall Street Journal or call them at (800) 221-7774 (in NYS, (212) 260-4410) ============================================================= ============================================================= TELEDYNE Product Design Engineering Teledyne Lewisburg #3 P.O. Box 51 Lewisburg, Tennessee 37091 CONTACT Jeff McKee at (615) 359-4531 TELEDYNE MULTI-FUNCTION MODULE ------------------------------ Code named "REX", this module will feature an expansion chassis connected to the PCjr's side bus. The chassis will have various options still being kicked around at Teledyne. Some but, maybe not all, are one 1/3 height, 5&1/4" DSDD disk drive, one or two 3&1/2" disk drives and two expansion slots in the 3&1/2" models. It will have its own power supply, ability to have up to 512K RAM, parallel printer port and clock/calendar, software for RAMdisks and drivers for the 3&1/2" drives. Options for the expansion slots will be a keyboard adaptor for any IBM (even the PCjr's) to act like a true IBM keyboard, DMA, extended memory (up to 8 Megabytes!), and a hard disk controller (with daisy chaining capabilities). At this time, Teledyne is looking for distributors and retailers for the product. Call or write Dave if you are interested. REX MFM (Multi Function Module) $485 ============================================================= TIAC MANUFACTURING, INC. 3084 Spring Street Port Moody, Britsh Columbia, CANADA V3H 1Z8 (604) 461-1626 (information and orders) PCjr NUMERIC DATA PROCESSOR PLUG IN MODULE ------------------------------------------ The jr-87 allows you to add an Intel 8087 Co-processor to your PCjr (the 8087 chip is not included). TIAC claims pro- grams which use the 8087 will operate 20 to 80 times faster with the jr-87 installed. jr-87 $ 89.95 [Based on the current exchange rate, this price may vary] ============================================================= ============================================================= XETEC, INC. CONTACT: MPG Associates Jim Pechin 7335 S. Hillside Wichita, Kansas 67233 (316) 522-6143 THE FX-500 ---------- A second disk drive expansion chassis which attaches to the PCjr (a la Racore). FX-500 $299.95 For 3 or more units 275.00 ea. UPDATE: Xetec will be introducing a 20 Mb hard disk with a DMA what won't interfere with the side bus to allow its use for memory expansions. Price will be under $1000, depending on OEM hard disk pricing. No date has been sent for intro- duction. ***************************************************************** * NOTE: This list was edited on July 6, 1986 in order to * * reflect updated information. * * * * Edited by Dave Wollmann. * *****************************************************************  E -------- -------