The following is new to V2.1. 1) Point and click movement. Hit 'g' or 'Goto' from the menu, the cursor changes to a 'To' and you click where you want the guy to go. Note that the upper left hand corner of the force is the control square. This means that wherever you click, the upper left hand "square" of the force will try to place itself there. (Note that a troop - a size 1 force - isn't affected by this.) 2) Toughness modifiers of -1 and -2 for side and rear hits, respectively. 3) Aiming. If you don't expend any movement points, the guy is "aiming" and gets a 10% shooting skill bonus. Additionally, with the extra time spent, the force is able to find the soft spots better. Therefore, there is a +1 Weapon Strength modifier when Aiming at Size 1 forces within 10 squares, Size 2 forces within 20 squares and Size 3 forces within 30 squares. 4) Best of all: Comprehensive Morale Rules!! Each guy starts his Fear Factor at 0. Here's the modifiers: ["Per Size" means 1 (troop size), 2(mech), or 3(tank). So a tank blowing within 10 squares adds 30% to the Fear Factor. For "LOS" below, that's Line of Sight even if the guy isn't facing that direction - so even behind a trooper it would count (due to the general awareness of things blowing up around you...:)] +10% per size - Friendly Force dies within 10 squares +5% per size - Friendly Force dies outside 10 squares but within LOS +5% - Force takes 25% wounds in one turn. +10% - " " 50% " " -5% per size - Enemy Force dies within LOS Also, at the beginning of each turn, after the Panic Test, each force has its FF reduced by the following amount: -20% if more than 2/3 of the army is still on the battlefield and unpanicked -10% if more than 1/3 and less than 2/3 " " " " 0% if less than 1/3 of the army " " " " Also, each force has a morale modifier of "Never Panics" or -100% to +100% (always panics.) At the beginning of each turn, take the Fear Factor(FF) and add the morale modifier. If that totals over 0%, then you take a d100 roll. If it's less than the modified FF, the force panics. Example: Two tanks blew up next to a mech, giving a FF of 60%, the mech has a morale modifier of -20%. At the beginning of the next turn, if the mech rolls a 40% or less, it panics. After the morale roll, 20% is subtracted from the FF. So it'll take 2 turns for the mech to fully recover from the tank deaths. (Assuming >2/3 of the army is still around.) What's it mean to panic? Vehicles will make the minimum movement, including stopping. Non-vehicles will not be able to move *any* closer to enemy forces that they can see (that's an important note!) During Phase II, the forces have to shoot at the nearest enemy (within 15% anyways.) Also, panicked troops will have a -10% mod to their shooting skill and a -1 Weapon Strength modifier (for shooting wildly). Now, the FF ranges from -100% (in which case it's a "courage factor") to +100%. The only way to get into the negative range is to blow up the enemy. Once the FF gets to -80% or lower, the force is *so* charged, that he forgets his fear and spends the extra time aiming (believing he simply *can't* be hit!) This gives the force a 10% shooting skill bonus and a +1 Weapon Strength modifier regardless of range. So aiming and courage together can give a +20% (+2 Weapon Stregth) bonus. At the end of the battle, a Morale Modier bonus of -5% can be handed to the winning forces along with the regular shooting, toughness and hit point bonus (under the heading of "Nerves of Steel"). 5) The sound has been totally revamped with Jon Ratcliffs system. Note that you must run SETUP.BAT before running C7 to properly setup the sound (even if you don't have a card - choose "No Soundcard".) The drivers included are only a sample of the most popular ones. If you have a card that isn't shown, visit the web site or send me email, and I'll send it to you. This was an attempt to keep the .zip file size down. Enjoy! Michael Cooney Boku Strategy Games (800) 535-7068 (voice & fax)