+----------------------------------------------------+ | This VENDINFO Product Information File contains both readable text | | and tools-accessible data about a product. See the last text | | section, below, for more information about VENDINFO and its tools. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ VENDINFO standard v1.04, produced by VendEdit v1.30, 24-Jun-1998 ===== Product Information ============================== Product: BOXES Windows Action Puzzle Game Version: 6.20 Version Date: 25-Jun-1998 Product Type: Software Basic Distribution Policy (see License, below, for details): Shareware, freely distributable by all channels Product Description: BOXES v6.2 [ASP] Fun, challenging, addictive puzzle game for windows. Eliminate colored crates by maneuvering and dropping boxes on them. But, watch out for falling stones. Smarts are more important than speed. It's not as easy as it looks! Minimum System Requirements: 386 or faster; Windows 3x or Windows 9x; 256 color VGA; 4MB RAM; 3MB free hard drive space; Mouse or Joystick; Sound Card (opt, but recommended). www.dynotech.com Reason for version: Fixed minor bugs and updated contact information. Category: Games; Arcade games Keywords: game games puzzles sound puzzle dynotech boxes fun tetris joystick music Required Packages: BOXES This Package: BOXES Registration Fee: 17.95-20.00 (US dollars) Required Configuration Processor Family: Intel 80x86 (minimum 80386) Clock Speed: 20 MHz Minimum OS: MS-DOS 3.3 Standard RAM: 640K Extended Memory: 3456K Hard Drive Space: 5000K Required: Hard drive Video Graphics Array (VGA) Color monitor Keyboard Mouse Won't Work With: Floppy only Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA) Hercules Graphics Card Color Graphic Adapter (CGA) Enhanced Graphic Adapter (EGA) Multi-Color Graphics Array (MCGA) Monochrome monitor Other Require: Tested and Certified by NTSL (December 1995) to work with OS/2 Warp. Orders: Address: DynoTech Software 1105 Home Avenue Waynesville, MO 65583-2231 USA Toll-Free Phone: (800) 396-6832 Phone: (573) 774-5001 FAX: (573) 774-3052 AmOnLine: DT Games CompuServe: 71373,572 Internet: dynotech@msn.com Other E-mail: www.dynotech.com [secure orders] Support: Address: DynoTech Software PO Box 4188 Waynesville, MO 65583-4188 Phone: (573) 774-5001 FAX: (573) 774-3052 AmOnLine: DT Games CompuServe: 71373,572 Internet: dynotech@msn.com Other E-mail: www.dynotech.com/faq.htm ===== Information for Users ("READ-ME") ================ This package contains BOXES v6.2 [ASP], by DynoTech Software. This document contains a brief description of the package and its features, along with instructions for its installation. Detailed documentation is included in the package, but it is in archived form, and is more easily read after installation. BOXES is available in both English and Spanish. To order the Spanish Edition, contact DynoTech Software at the address listed below (or call 573-774-5001). BOXES, Champion Edition: ISBN 1885708106 BOXES, Spanish Edition: ISBN 1885708114 BOXES, Standard Edition: ISBN 1885708122 BOXES II: ISBN 1885708157 BOXES III: ISBN 1885708173 ************* A REQUEST ************* We would appreciate copies of anything you publish concerning this software. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles, catalog descriptions, or other information you produce or distribute regarding this software product. Address: DynoTech Software 1105 Home Avenue Waynesville, MO 65583-2231 E-Mail: dynotech@msn.com 71373.572@compuserve.com FAX: (573) 774-3052 BBS: (573) 774-5907 WWW: http://www.dynotech.com/ http://dyno1.com/ http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/dynotech/ http://www.ttp.co.uk/dynotech.htm http://home.aol.com/dtgames/ FTP: ftp.ttp.co.uk ****************************************** Association of Shareware Professionals ****************************************** DynoTech Software is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals . If you have a question about BOXES, write to: DynoTech Software 1105 Home Ave Waynesville, MO 65583-2231 USA FAX: (573) 774-3052 Technical Support: (573) 774-5001 E-Mail: dynotech@msn.com or send a CompuServe message to DynoTech Software 71373,572. ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please contact: ASP Ombudsman 157-F Love Ave Greenwood, IN 46142 USA FAX: 317-888-2195 Email: omb@.asp-shareware.org ===== Packing List ===================================== As released by the author or publisher, this package contained the following files in addition to this VENDINFO.DIZ: Filename Size Date Time CRC32 OMBUDSMN.ASP 1911 25-Jun-1998 06:20a 578EBFD3 DYNOLOGO.BMP 2126 25-Jun-1998 06:20a 29033772 SETUP.CFG 1138 25-Jun-1998 06:20a 949EEF21 FILE_ID.DIZ 430 25-Jun-1998 06:20a 067320B4 SETUP.EXE 117760 25-Jun-1998 06:20a B8387EFF BOXES.SHR 547314 25-Jun-1998 06:20a 16AD008C SYSTEM.SHR 307768 25-Jun-1998 06:20a 431875AB README.TXT 1100 25-Jun-1998 06:20a 2937C6CB ===== Installation ===================================== From windows program manager, select RUN and enter A:SETUP or B:SETUP. Follow the directions on the screen. The setup program will install BOXES to your hard drive to the drive and directory you indicate. It also will create a DynoTech folder on your program manager and insert appropriate icons. ===== Warranty ========================================= LIMITED WARRANTY (SHAREWARE EDITION) The evaluation ("shareware") version of BOXES is provided on an "as is" basis. LIMITED WARRANTY (REGISTERED EDITIONS) Standard and Champion Editions of this program are warranted by DynoTech Software to be free from defects in materials or workmanship for a period of 30 days from the date you purchased them. If you notify DynoTech Software within the warranty period of such defects in materials or workmanship, DynoTech Software will replace the defective diskette. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, DYNOTECH SOFTWARE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NEITHER DYNOTECH SOFTWARE NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH SOFTWARE, EVEN IF DYNOTECH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. IN NO EVENT SHALL DYNOTECH SOFTWARE'S LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES EVER EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF THE CLAIM. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Missouri and shall inure to the benefit of DynoTech Software and any successors, administrators, heirs and assigns. Any action or proceeding brought by either party against the other arising out of or related to this agreement shall be brought only in a COURT of competent jurisdiction located in Pulaski County, Missouri. The parties hereby consent to in personam jurisdiction of said courts. If you have any questions concerning this Agreement, or wish to contact DynoTech Software for any reason, please write to: DynoTech Software 1105 Home Avenue Waynesville, MO 65583-2231 ===== License for Use and Distribution ================= LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO ALL USE OR DISTRIBUTION BOXES and all associated software and documentation are copyrighted products of DynoTech Software and are protected by United States copyright law and also by international treaty provisions. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to DynoTech Software. The use or distribution of these products is expressly prohibited, except as authorized by the terms of this agreement. You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. U.S. Government Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). Manufacturer is DynoTech Software, 1105 Home Ave, Waynesville, MO 65583-2231. LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO TRIAL USE OF EVALUATION VERSION DynoTech Software grants you a limited license to use this software for evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed thirty days. LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO USE OF REGISTERED VERSION The software and the disks on which it is contained are licensed on a non-exclusive basis to you, the purchaser, for your own use. You are not obtaining title to the software or any copyright rights. You may use the licensed software on a single personal computer system, and make as many copies as needed for backup and archival purposes. If you need to use these products on more than one computer, please contact us concerning site licenses. LIMITED DISTRIBUTION LICENSE Permission is granted to individuals charging no fees, and to BBS's, User Groups, Mail-Order Disk Vendors, CD-ROM publishers, and BBS File-Distribution Networks regardless of fees, to distribute BOXES, provided they convey a complete and unaltered copy of the shareware version of this product (except that they may add a single information file or 'ZIP' comment to the files being distributed), and provided they claim no ownership of these products. Distribution by other channels, and distribution of modified versions, are also allowed, but only under the terms of the attached VENDINFO data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute these products is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute these products must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. DynoTech Software may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR REGISTERED VERSIONS This agreement is a legal contract between you, the end user, and DynoTech Software governing your use of this software. Using the software indicates your acceptance of this agreement. This agreement shall also be binding on any subsequent, authorized licensee. 1. DynoTech grants you the right to use one copy of the Software on a single-user computer, or on a single terminal or workstation of a multi-user computer or local area network. You may not use it on more than one computer or terminal at the same time. 2. You may not sublicense, rent or lease the Software. You may permanently transfer your license to use the Software and accompanying materials by delivering to another party the original diskette(s) and materials comprising the software package, and by simultaneously destroying all copies of the Software and accompanying materials in your possession (including, but not limited to, any previous versions). Such transfer terminates your license to use the Software. The new recipient of the Software accepts this Agreement and is licensed under the terms of this Agreement upon initially using the Software. 3. DynoTech further grants you the right to make a backup/archival copy of the software diskette to safeguard your investment. You may place the software on a hard disk, provided you keep the original software solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, copy, transfer, or otherwise use the Software except stated in this Agreement. ===== About VENDINFO Files ============================= Each VENDINFO.DIZ file contains extensive information about a product. This "human-readable" section is followed by a compressed data record useable by automated tools. The data record allows BBSes and other distributors to automate package handling, and provides users with a wealth of product information. VENDINFO tools (free viewer for users, free or inexpensive processors for distributors, editors for authors) are available from many sources, including the originators of VENDINFO: Rams' Island Software Voice: 303-841-2848 CompuServe: 76244,324 7644 E. Lakecliff Way BBS: 303-841-6269 FidoNet: 1:104/333 Parker, CO 80134-5904 USA FAX: 303-841-6269 RIME: 1235 ===== Compressed Data Record Follows =================== PK $f / VENDDATA.7       ( U/  6&7  /  $  /  o _  o  o*_ o) o /  ? ?  o$$6'7()   , $'&G.ȋD ꠅ9 ;3^x'לּ>rJ' 8QX2yts?~N-BWA\V>A +˲SA}$+'8x# t!9_Kӯfn?_]~csM%veL2FNTݿs[wj6v0ϟ?A5$L\+W cQx۲oW H[d({k)}'+gnw/Url2qJ1vX_gץSGUVh b^kK {qju20#m"ԷagsL[S䙊{i)~IHV#Pm Oo|< z:iYKVj9iy5Wf2ꤦmD9M۴KrC;.~}O~v٬UFZI&{:{jϩyjԐ8yjyE K/]`I,No[_A(qO⧟6l:J_=q4*Žn_RwedQ $L(T3!!&df[ӃW~ KJKSJ3%J*{}!!9ZpjS% 5J^c->.iCrn9 Fiw'q<ݩq9Mz%O91??~t8-%ahQUްzi2Ɨ&Id2iQE&Nz&Keδ{aoX,}7A@IF_na+HjN&-UxiWs= q H\0BU#2]Fq#l9q\:+ Pq^P74*=G' ೙Ç4sccWڜ4X̓~ 13TbѲo6mE j1PmgXLNGqi4]a \cΡ_*o-"4d0\?c$Rm7cG,*MXgW$=Sƌp2գ[`qQ_90<+x$W?uߚmۏ 绣+)Ėd•@T'p!ņ]HJ.Y򊒚-UA9ۚ(wqPHFFL^eD'bzֲa/C<핍K?Z[%ȅE%yqoНVM*xFď(^K[9 z5ό\sVBݑ!2\AJnwl