**Strategist Checkers** **by** **Arthur Crump** **Table of Contents** **=================** 1. Getting Started a. How to Play Checkers b. Requirements c. Installation & Setup d. Starting Strategist Checkers 2. Troubleshooting & Technical Support 3. How to Contact Us **1. Getting Started** **==================** **a. How to Play Checkers** **-----------------------** Each player starts with 12 pieces, either 12 black pieces or 12 red pieces. The black pieces are set up on the first 12 black squares and the red pieces are set up on the first 12 black squares on the opposite side of the board. Players alternate turns moving one diagonal square at a time. In this version of checkers the red player moves first, followed by the black player. A player can only move to unoccupied squares. Once a piece moves to the opposite side of the board it is "crowned" and it is then called a "king". A "king" can move backward or forward one square at a time, as the limits of the board permit. Players must "jump" an opponent's piece in the next square if the square beyond it is vacant. If another "jump" is available from the new square, then the player must continue jumping until it runs out of jumps. An opponent's piece that is jumped is "captured" and removed from the board. To win at checkers you must either capture all the pieces of your opponent, or block your opponent's forces so they cannot move. The player making the last move wins. **b. System Requirements** **----------------------** To run Strategist Checkers, you'll need the following system: An IBM-compatible, 386 or better computer Two Megabytes of RAM A VGA monitor Windows 3.1, or Windows 95 Hard Disk with two Megabytes free Mouse You'll have more fun with these recommended additions: Pentium processor Four Megabytes of RAM **c. Installation and Setup** **-------------------------** 1. To get started with Strategist Checkers on a hard disk: a. Insert the Strategist Checkers disk in your floppy disk drive ('A', or 'B') b. From Windows 'run' A:\setup or B:\setup" and press Enter. c. Follow the screen directions. **d. Starting Strategist Checkers** **------------------------------** To start the game, double click on the Strategist Checkers icon in Windows. **2. Troubleshooting & Technical Support** **======================================** If you have a problem, chances are you can fix it without needing to get help. Try the following: If the game says you have insufficient memory, or if it crashes, try rebooting without loading any TSR programs, such as your disk cache. If the screen is to dark to see, try turning up the brightness on your monitor. If you are unable to fix your problems, try contacting us via electronic mail: **ao545@lafn.org**. Make sure you include your computer configuration and what you were trying to do when you encountered the problem. Also include any error messages that were displayed. **3. How to Contact Us** **====================** Write to: **AGCrump** **24708 Wisteria Lane** **Moreno Valley, CA 92557** E-mail: **ao545@lafn.org** Strategist Checkers is Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Arthur Crump