AUSTRALIA ORDER FORM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Registration can be by one of the following methods: 1) Cheque 2) Money Order 3) Credit Card - American Express, Bankcard, Mastercard, Visa. To register send payment/order to our local agent: SOFTWARE HEAVEN PO Box 148 Brookvale NSW 2100 AUSTRALIA Phone: (02) 9905-2960 Fax: (02) 9905-6251 E-mail: Please provide the following information: Name_____________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ City___________________ State/Prov.______________Zip/Postal Code____________ Country_____________________________________________________________________ Phone(optional)_______________________ E-Mail (if any)______________________ PELLENC's Products: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ ] Bomb Golf License at A$20 _________ [ ] 32 Card Bridge License at A$25 _________ [ ] Hockey Pong License at A$25 _________ + Shipping: postal mail A$1 _________ E-mail: FREE TOTAL _________ Payment Method: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ Check/Money Order ____ VISA ____ MasterCard ____ Am.Express ____ Other Name exactly as on credit card _________________________________ Credit Card #_______________________________________ Expiration Date__________ Signature ___________________________________________ (Only required for mail in and FAX credit card orders) Thank you for registering.