Gauss v1.0.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) EXPLANATION: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gauss is the famous mind game of the 8 queens of Gauss: How to place eight queens on a chess whitout anyone threaten to each other... Gauss is very simple to use: like a real game, choose the queen you want to move, drag it and just drop it on a place where it's possible... that's the more difficult! 2) DISK CONTENTS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Files in the directory Gauss of this disk are the following: - GAUSS.EXE THE program! - GAUSS.DIZ The usefullness of Gauss (for BBS...) - GAUSS.DOC This file! - GAUSS.TXT The DOS and Windows Write format registred form you - GAUSS.WRI are going to fill and send me as quick as possible with US$4 (20FF)..! It's better to locate the following files in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory but you can also keep them in the directory you install Gauss - VBRUN300.DLL The Microsoft Visual Basic v3.00 library. - THREED.VBX Microsoft Visual Basic v3.00 controls. 3) INSTALLATION: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On your computer, type the following (Except C:\> which is a possible prompt)! C:\>MD GAUSS C:\>CD GAUSS C:\GAUSS>COPY A:\GAUSS\*.* (or COPY B:\GAUSS\*.*) then on Windows, choose File/Execute and type C:\GAUSS\GAUSS.EXE or choose File/New then press OK and type for progam C:\GAUSS\GAUSS.EXE in order to install Gauss as an icon in an applications group. ----------------------- That's all falks! --------------------------------