BEYOND ------ QUICK HELP Numeric keypad Insert - turn left " " Delete - turn right " " Arrows - turn to that angle P key - pause S key - scan C key - communicate Escape key - save,load,help,quit F1 key - this help message F2 key - scenario-specific help ------ HOW TO FLY Objects at rest tend to remain at rest. objects in motion tend to remain in motion. Beyond recognizes this: if you are moving and applying no thrust, you will keep moving in the same direction. If you turn, it has no effect on your movement, unless you start applying thrust. You thrust be pressing the CTRL keys and shoot by pressing the ALT keys. (Not all ships are equipped with guns, however.) The 0 (Insert) and . (delete) keys on the numeric keypad can be used to turn left and right. The arrow keys on the numeric keypad will turn you to that angle (so, if you press the 9/pageup key your ship will turn until it is facing up, to the right. THE INSTRUMENTS There are three main instruments in any beyond ship: the coordinate display, the radar and the status bars. The coordinate display shows your position by two numbers, for X and Y position. Negative X is left, positive X is right, negative Y is up and positive Y is down: -1,-1 1,-1 0,0 -1, 1 1, 1 Your radar display will show a blip in the centre for you, with other blips representing planets and ships. The status bars show your recharge level, thrust setting, shield/armour and heat. Thrusting and shooting use up power and generate heat. If you drain all your power or overheat, you will be unable to thrust or shoot for a few seconds. Upgrading your generator and heat sinks will help prevent this. Your shield/armour display shows a bar to represent armour, which may be overwritten by a second bar, which represents shields. If your armour level drops to zero through staying out of port too long or being shot, your ship will explode. ------ HOW TO LAND If you fly over a planet that can be landed on you will automatically land on it. Pressing the S key will scan the nearby planets and give you information about whether you can land there or not. Press F1 while on a planet for help on the options there. ------ HOW TO COMMUNICATE If you land on a planet you may find someone to talk to there, and you can try to communicate with nearby ships by pressing the C key while in flight. Pressing F1 while communicating will give you more help on the communication system.