LANDING ------ Up to three options are available when you land on a planet: general information, trading, and the shipyard. General information can always be obtained by clicking on the button at the top of the screen with the planet's name on it. If a market or shipyard is present the appropriate button will be available. (If you are flying a ship with no cargo capacity the market button will never appear. If you are carrying cargo you must sell it to be able to buy a new ship.) The general information display provides you with a few lines of text about the planet you're on, and there may also be the option to visit someone from there. TRADING ------- When you select to trade a list of the available goods and their prices will be drawn down the left side of the screen, and a list of the goods in your ship's hold will be drawn down the right side. Click on a slot in the ship's hold (right side) to select it, and then click on a cargo item (left side) to try to buy that item and place it in the hold. If there is already an item in the hold it will be sold automatically. THE SHIPYARD ------------ The left side of the shipyard display shows ships for sale. the prices indicate the change in your bank balance when you buy the ship, so that if the listed price is negative, it means that your current ship is worth more than the new one. If your ship is damaged the price of a new ship will be raised to cover the cost of repairs. If your ship is one of the types on the list, it will be displayed in black. If your ship is damaged there will be a charge for 'buying' your own ship, which covers the cost of repairs. The right side of the shipyard display shows upgrade options. You can upgrade the speed of your guns, the quality of your heat sinks (slowing the rate of heat buildup due to thrusting or shooting) and the output of your generator. When you buy a new ship the upgrades are removed from your existing craft and transferred to the new one.