SNAKES! REGISTRATION INFORMATION: ================================= GENERAL INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------- Any questions about the status of the shipment of your order, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc, should be directed to: E-mail - Website - http:\\\~victrix How to register SNAKES! and get a copy of the latest version of the program and Level Design utility program: Just print out the registration form at the bottom of this page and mail it, with a check or cash for $15 (or the equivalent in your own currency), which also includes shipping and handling for all orders shipped outside Europe. VICTRIX SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 29 4840 AA PRINSENBEEK (NL) NETHERLANDS If you have an E-mail address we can also send you the full version via the Internet. REQUIREMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------- MIN. PC : 386, 4MB, VGA, MS-DOS 3.x and higher SOUNDCARD : SoundBlaster (pro) compatbile MIN. OS : MS-DOS 3.x or higher RAM : 640K conventional RAM HD SPACE : approx. 1.2MB REQUIRED : Keyboard PACKED : PKZIP PRICE : $15.00 (incl. p+p shipping outside of Europe) Price in U.S. dollars or equal amount in your currency. FORMS OF PAYMENT -------------------------------------------------------------- For prepaid orders, we will accept any of the following as payment: - Cash currency (U.S. dollars, or equivalent in your currency). - Eurocheques - Credit Card (only via the Internet at http:\\ DISK MEDIA --------------------------------------------------------------- Unless you request otherwise, SNAKES! will be sent to you on a 3.5" High-Density 1.44Mb diskette. CREDIT CARD REGISTRATION ON THE INTERNET -------------------------------------------------------------- You can order by credit card at ShareIt at their website: SNAKES! REGISTRATION FORM: --------------------------------------------------------------- Name :________________________ Address :________________________ ________________________ City :________________________ Zipcode :____________ Country :________________________ E-mail :________________________ Send by : [ ] Post [ ] E-mail Comments : SEND TO: VICTRIX SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 29 4840 AA PRINSENBEEK (NL) NETHERLANDS E-mail - Website - http:\\\~victrix ---------------------------------------------------------------