Send Orders To: Torpedo Software - PO Box 662 - Lynnwood, WA 98046 - USA LAB PACK ORDER FORM (For use by individuals, schools, agencies and business.) (Schools, Use your standard purchase order form if preferred, please note there is a $50 minimum for purchase orders.) PRICING #Computers $Per Computer 2-5 $12.00 6-19 $10.00 20-49 $8.00 50-99 $7.00 (Multi-school, district wide, or network licensing: call or email for quote.) 50% discount on purchase of second title, 65% discount on purchase of third title, see SPECIAL OFFERS below. (Shipping Address)______________________________________________________ (Street)________________________________________________________________ (City, State, Postal Code)______________________________________________ (Country)_________________(Contact Name)________________________________ (Telephone)_________________ (E-mail Address)___________________________ (Billing Address)_______________________________________________________ (if different) (Street)________________________________________________________________ (City, State, Postal Code)______________________________________________ (Country)_________________(Contact Name)________________________________ (Telephone)_________________ (E-mail Address)___________________________ Software Selection Please check one of the following to order worldwide versions: _______ "Around the World!" Geography Game (trial version titled "Europe!") _______ "GeoPuzzle!" Geography Game (trial version titled "USAPuzzle!") _______ "Sands of Time" History Game (trial version titled "EuroHist!") ______ SPECIAL OFFER: Geography Bundle (includes "Around the World!" and "GeoPuzzle!") Multiply per computer amount by 1.5. ______ SPECIAL OFFER: Geography / History Bundle (includes "Around the World!", "GeoPuzzle!" and "Sands of Time") Multiply per computer amount by 1.85. Computer Type Please check as many of the following as apply: (no additional charge for mixed types) ______ Windows 95 or later. ______ Windows 3.x. ______ Macintosh. Order Information Please fill in the following: _______ Total number of computers. _______ Cost per computer. _______ Subtotal. Additional Information Please fill in or check the following as applicable: _______ Add applicable sales tax (Washington 8.6%). _______ All orders add $3.00 shipping and handling. (avoid shipping fees by ordering and downloading from our web site): _______ For orders outside the US, add an additional $2.00 handling. _______ Total amount authorized (purchase order, minimum purchase $50.00) Terms: 60 days net, 1.5% interest per month applied after 60 days. __________________ Purchase order number. ________ Total amount enclosed (personal check) ________ Total amount authorized (credit card) VISA______ Mastercard_______ Card Number _______________________________ Expiration Date_________ Signature_______________________________________ (Greater of $5 or 15% handling fee for all returns.) Customer service and technical support: Email: Voice (425)775-2919 UBID 601 372 078