+----------------------------------------------------+ | This VENDINFO Product Information File contains both readable text | | and tools-accessible data about a product. See the last text | | section, below, for more information about VENDINFO and its tools. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ VENDINFO standard v1.04, produced by VendEdit v1.30, 3-Feb-1998 ===== Product Information ============================== Product: Moraff's Phrase Detective Version: 1.00 Version Date: 1-Feb-1998 Product Type: Software Basic Distribution Policy (see License, below, for details): Shareware, freely distributable by all channels Product Description: Unique 3D word game. Beautiful wooden letter blocks and music. Use all your puzzle skills including spatial perception! The height of each piece changes as you move it around, giving you clues about where it goes! FEATURES: Two 3D letter block sets, an hour of classical music, over 1500 phrases including 1000 trivia questions, and a 3D stats and high score screen! This is a fantastic new original word game! Reason for version: Major new program Category: Games; Word games Keywords: WINDOWS 95 LOGIC MORAFF MORAFFWARE GAMES BLOCKS TILES WORDS 3D Required Packages: DETECTIV This Package: DETECTIV Required Configuration Processor Family: Intel 80x86 (minimum 80486) Clock Speed: 66 MHz Minimum OS: Windows 95 Orders: Address: MoraffWare 14927 Lake Forest Dr. Lutz, FL 33549 United States Toll-Free Phone: (800) 842-4263 Phone: (512) 335-6399 FAX: (813) 972-0931 AmOnLine: MoraffWare Internet: http://www.moraff.com Other E-mail: moraff@moraff.com Support: Address: MoraffWare 14927 Lake Forest Dr. Lutz, FL 33549 United States Phone: (800) 842-4263 AmOnLine: MoraffWare Internet: moraff@moraff.com Other E-mail: moraffware@aol.com ===== Information for Users ("READ-ME") ================ Congratulations on obtaining a MoraffWare shareware game! MoraffWare is the undisputed leader in classic puzzle games for Windows '95 and NT. This game does not require installation. Simply run the executable program. This program can be run directly from a CD ROM, but you will be unable to save options, and stats or high scores will not be saved. ===== Packing List ===================================== As released by the author or publisher, this package contained the following files in addition to this VENDINFO.DIZ: Filename Size Date Time CRC32 READ_ME.1ST 171 3-Feb-1998 12:38p F9D97F00 DEFAULT.3DB 12136 26-Sep-1997 09:11a C1E24CF8 DEF_SHW.3DB 12063 1-Oct-1997 06:06a 213501F4 GR_STONE.3DB 9013 26-Sep-1997 09:41a 48A15894 DEFAULT.3DS 18675 26-Sep-1997 09:12a AF5EED1A DEF_SHW.3DS 17626 1-Oct-1997 06:06a 4B0E0754 GR_STONE.3DS 13231 26-Sep-1997 09:41a 097401DC PHDETECT.ALB 108 7-May-1997 07:30a B20AF274 READ_ME.BAT 408 3-Feb-1998 12:38p 6045DE43 HORSEY.BKG 110173 23-Jul-1996 07:21p 003F8E70 FILE_ID.DIZ 430 3-Feb-1998 12:38p 2EEC9D6D LEAD50N.DLL 678912 25-May-1995 12:00a 822CFE3D VENDOR.DOC 216 3-Feb-1998 12:38p 13796CEE PHDETECT.EXE 3046912 17-Dec-1997 10:09p 9BAECEF6 DEFAULT.FNT 258323 26-Sep-1997 09:06a CAE516FD GR_STONE.FNT 233252 26-Sep-1997 09:50a 9605D30B ICON.GIF 1053 3-Feb-1998 12:37p 79B4B21A PHDETECT.ICO 766 23-Jan-1997 12:26p B31C1204 VENDOR.INF 863 8-Jan-1998 09:58a C103B8EB BEETPATH.MID 25251 1-Jun-1997 01:43p BB1EA093 MOONLITE.MID 7461 2-Jun-1997 02:08a 3B59BD44 MOZART.MID 16992 6-Jun-1997 12:36p 52AB2AB9 MOZART2.MID 16611 2-Jun-1997 02:42p EBE5EACD MOZART3.MID 5987 9-May-1997 02:34a F9FFF813 MOZ_K397.MID 12619 2-Jun-1997 04:17p 56832333 SCHUBERT.MID 19212 6-May-1997 04:54p AA0D8D4C TOCCFUGE.MID 25177 24-May-1997 01:21a 3E456E4E DEF_SHW.TLS 96430 30-Sep-1997 10:39p 5D1DFEBF DESCRIPT.TXT 1532 4-Dec-1997 10:58p F718F4AB VENDOR.TXT 216 3-Feb-1998 12:38p 13796CEE ===== Installation ===================================== This game does not require installation. Simply run the executable program. This program can be run directly from a CD ROM, but you will be unable to save options, and stats or high scores will not be saved. ===== Warranty ========================================= MoraffWare games are provided on an as-is basis, there is no warranty and you use them at your own risk. If you have a problem with a MoraffWare game, shareware or full-version, you may call (800) 667-2330 for technical support. Within reason we will attempt to fix any problem related to our games. ===== License for Use and Distribution ================= The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Distribution Restrictions: None-This shareware product may be distributed any way you like. Specifically Recommended Distribution Methods: BBS's, online services, CD collections, Internet, retail rack distribution, shareware mail order, trade shows, flea markets, etc. Special Notes: MoraffWare never has any restrictions of any sort on the distribution of the shareware versions of its software. This policy is public record, and you may therefore distribute ANY MoraffWare shareware game, ANY way you like. ===== About VENDINFO Files ============================= Each VENDINFO.DIZ file contains extensive information about a product. This "human-readable" section is followed by a compressed data record useable by automated tools. The data record allows BBSes and other distributors to automate package handling, and provides users with a wealth of product information. VENDINFO tools (free viewer for users, free or inexpensive processors for distributors, editors for authors) are available from many sources, including the originators of VENDINFO: Rams' Island Software Voice: 303-841-2848 CompuServe: 76244,324 7644 E. Lakecliff Way BBS: 303-841-6269 FidoNet: 1:104/333 Parker, CO 80134-5904 USA FAX: 303-841-6269 RIME: 1235 ===== Compressed Data Record Follows =================== PK dC$jd# VENDDATA.o9 N  . FN&  n%$4' > . ~  n > .  ~ >/'H 8*(     ++  'GeɌNL+<А 9B9 V9ta:;GܰӏP[yZjQqR9ddJ L,1b)m2Ua#ұoGvDu/ej|̣r~{^7_w; wҌ2&~z?M1e} oLo$ ݵ:ݨwW㰯5"|e$rpүV" Zk~(6| |杇}Y~J~KӽG~c1^tkf9\o-wLLSc5ZvjO)/%ǣ~U;ݥnhLm%(.V)E.?L}>n8hsU贑w>>_?1iq( 9`|'u]":\0^ʅ,&_UU;۟qp=530:O}ćW҇or:>Hr|G͎t;]96kx]&ۈz[_V~屌-dލB^_ 2G?/fTWLgE3<7cm]?&{#x9Kn?h:WuK癮}֥+(KtU=b\Q!H&ۏdj_YǶ ]X**8p]/ọwrj:݂귭f ս* /s?=g~D7vbꓙz)V^uOms[rzeۖp!fj]:̯ 5͚2-W\%r~bN%ik@kSVOPJ%۲Dy*&6vR+Jdw S`g ;ت#x7T=JN`Tzʙ0|NΌǧirseԏ+ȩirRA8#J.7L A<ٌ~Y<