SABOTAGE 1.0 ------------ (1.0 update : Palm IIIx and V compatability, exploding saboteurs!, speedups) (0.98 update : sound doesn't slow down the action any more!) (0.97 upadte : much more responive controls) A simple, quick, and challenging game by Julian Scott Title Screen ------------ Choose Start Game or Options Options Screen -------------- Back Reset Hiscore Register Sound on/off Start level Remap Keys Default Options Game ---- The object of the game is to defend yourself from the attacking saboteurs The saboteurs parachute in from the sky. Shoot them before they land. If three saboteurs enter your building during a level, the game is over. Each level lasts a short period of time, indicated by the long horizontal bar above the score panel. If you shoot too rapidly, your gun will overheat, so you must wait a while for it to cool down Watch the temperature indicator on the side of your building. As the leves progress, the saboteurs become more evasive, by opening their 'chutes later and weaving left and right more frequently Scoring ------- Shooting a saboteur in the air - 100 pts Shooting his parachute - 100 pts Making a saboteur splat into the ground - 100 pts Shoot the parachutes rather than the saboteurs for maximum points Every fifth level is a bonus level. Shoot as many ducks as you can. Registration ------------ This game is Shareware. Registration fee is $5. -- ONLY FIVE DOLLARS!! -- Registered version will save high scores and options, and allow you to start at any level you previously reached. Of course, you will receive any updates if you register. Unregistered version will only allow you to start at a level up to 10. All gameplay features are operational in both versions. Contact PilotGear HQ at to register this software. Register Shareware to keep the Pilot shareware authors going. Don't forget to review this game at