Welcome to Herdin' CatZ LE! If you download or use the Herdin' CatZ LE package you agree to the terms in the enclosed file 'license.txt'. Please read it before continuing. Details about this program and the full feature version, available for $10, are available at: http://www.notionssoftware.com/games Software requirements: ****************************** Palm OS 2.0 or greater Installation Instructions: ****************************** Note: Before installing this (or any other) software onto your Palm OS computer, it is recommended that you back up your current data by running HotSync. The Herdin' CatZ LE code is distributed as a compressed 'HerdinCatZLE13.zip' file or 'HerdinCatZLE13.sit' file for the Mac. These files include the software license ('license.txt'), the grayscale program ('Herdin CatZ LE.prc'), the black and white program ('Herdin_LE_BW.prc') and this Readme.txt file. *** Install Herdin CatZ LE.prc if you have version 3.1 or greater of the Palm OS. *** Install Herdin_LE_BW.prc if you have version 2.0 or 3.0 of the Palm OS. To install the program: 1. Download the 'HerdinCatZLE13.zip' or 'HerdinCatZLE13.sit' file to your desktop machine. 2. Extract the files from the 'HerdinCatZLE13.zip' or 'HerdinCatZLE13.sit' file using a tool such as WinZip or UnZip or Stuff-It. 3. On your desktop machine, start the Palm or Workpad Install tool. 4. Click on the "Browse" button and select the 'Herdin CatZ LE.prc' file, or the 'Herdin_LE_BW.prc' file for black and white, which you just extracted. 5. Click on the "Install" button and confirm if requested. 6. Place your Palm or Workpad device in its cradle and press the HotSync button. The program will then be installed near the end of the HotSync process. Game Instructions: ********************************************************************* If you want to pause the game, tap on the Menu button, or tap on the Applications button. If you quit the game in the middle of a level, the next time you start, you will be able to continue from the beginning of that level by pressing Continue at the Game Select screen. CORRAL CRAZE: ----------------------- Herd the cats into the corral by pushing them with the pen. The required number of cats to finish the level is shown by the cats outlined in the corral. Each time a cat gets to the corral, an outline is filled in. Hurry! There is a time limit indicated by the clock in the upper right corner. Don't let the cats escape! The door in the lower right corner will set them free if they reach it before you can herd them. RALLY CATZ: ----------------------- Herd the cat(s) through the obstacle course by pushing with the pen. The cat(s) must go through all sets of flags to complete the level. Hurry! There is a time limit indicated by the clock in the upper right corner. MOUSE MADNESS: ----------------------- Herd the mice into the corral by pushing the cat toward them with the pen. The required number of mice to finish the level is shown by the mice outlined in the corral. Each time a mouse get to the corral, an outline is filled in. Hurry! There is a time limit indicated by the clock in the upper right corner. Don't let the mice escape! The door in the lower right corner will set them free if they reach it before you can herd them. DOG RUN: ----------------------- This level is not available in the LE version. WICKED BROOMZ: ----------------------- This level is not available in the LE version. WORLD FINALE: ----------------------- This level is not available in the LE version.