Word Solitaire Help


  1. The Games
  2. An Overview
  3. The Dictionary
  4. A Glossary of Terms
  5. Frequently Asked Questions

The Games

  1. Anti-Gravity
  2. Elegance
  3. Free Cell
  4. Golf
  5. Griddle
  6. Jodi's Quotes
  7. Klondike
  8. Loch Ness
  9. Pyramid
  10. Simple Stacks
  11. Walls of Jericho
  12. Worm Hole



Objective: To play forever by spelling words with the letters that keep floating up.

Scoring: Points are awarded for every letter used, plus extra points for longer words.

Letter Distribution: Infinite supply of letter tiles, obtained by scrambling randomly selected English words.

Layout: 5 empty stacks, 5 word length indicators, and a field of letter tiles

Difficulty: Moderate

How to Play:




Objective: To reveal all 28 letters and use them to spell words on all 7 stacks.

Scoring: A fixed score is awarded for using all 28 letters, plus a bonus depending on the amount of time used.

Letter Distribution: 28 tiles randomly selected, using English letter frequency as probability

Layout: 7 stacks of letter tiles, and a letter bin

Difficulty: Hard

How to Play:



Free Cell

Objective: To spell out the 4 target words, thereby emptying all 8 stacks of letters.

Scoring: A fixed number of points are awarded for each letter scored, plus bonus points for completing all four words in a short time.

Letter Distribution: 52 letters obtained by shuffling four 13-letter words.

Layout: 8 stacks of letter tiles, 4 free cells (upper left), and 4 target words (upper right)

Difficulty: Easy

How to Play:



Objective: To clear all 7 stacks by spelling words with their letters.

Scoring: A fixed score is awarded for each letter used, plus a bonus for short time, minus a penalty for each bomb. 

Letter Distribution: 42 tiles randomly selected, using English letter frequency as probability

Layout: player rack (bottom), 7 stacks of letter tiles (middle), a pile of bombs (upper left), and a letter bin (upper right)

Difficulty: Moderate

How to Play:




Objective: To clear the entire grid by spelling words with all of its letters.

Scoring: A fixed score is awarded for each letter used, plus a bonus for shorter times.

Letter Distribution: 49 tiles randomly selected, using a common word game probability distribution.

Layout: player rack (bottom), a 7x7 grid of letter tiles (middle), a pile of smart stars (upper left), and a letter bin (upper right)

Difficulty: Hard

How to Play:



Jodi's Quotes

Objective: To reconstruct a famous quotation, one word at a time.

Scoring: A fixed score is awarded for each word, plus a time bonus, minus a penalty for each pass through the stock pile.

Letter Distribution: variable number letters, obtained by shuffling a quotation.

Layout: 5 empty stacks, a stock pile and waste pile, and a blanked-out quotation.

Difficulty: Hard

How to Play:




Objective: To spell out the 4 target words, thereby emptying all 7 stacks and both piles.

Scoring: A fixed number of points are awarded for each letter scored, plus bonus points for completing all four words in a short time.

Letter Distribution: 52 letters obtained by shuffling four 13-letter words.

Layout: 7 stacks of letter tiles (bottom), a stock pile and waste pile (upper left), and 4 target words (upper right)

Difficulty: Easy

How to Play:


Loch Ness

Objective: To clear all 7 stacks by spelling words with their letters.

Scoring: Points are awarded for each word scored, with significantly more points being awarded for longer words, plus a time bonus.

Letter Distribution: 49 tiles randomly selected, using English letter frequency as probability

Layout: player rack (bottom), 7 stacks of letter tiles (middle), a pile of smart stars (upper left), and a letter bin (upper right)

Difficulty: Easy

How to Play:




Objective: To clear all 7 stacks by spelling words with their letters.

Scoring: A fixed score is awarded for each letter used, plus a bonus for short time, minus a penalty passing through the stock pile. 

Letter Distribution: 44 tiles randomly selected, using a common word game probability distribution.

Layout: player rack (bottom), a pyramid of 36 letter tiles (middle), a stock pile and waste pile (upper left), and a letter bin (upper right)

Difficulty: Hard

How to Play:



Simple Stacks

Objective: To clear all 7 stacks by spelling words on them.

Scoring: Points are awarded for each word scored, with significantly more points being awarded for longer words, plus a time bonus.

Letter Distribution: 49 tiles randomly selected, using English letter frequency as probability

Layout: 7 stacks of letter tiles, and a letter bin

Difficulty: Easy

How to Play:



Walls of Jericho

Objective: To tear down the walls by spelling words with all their letters.

Scoring: A fixed score is awarded for each letter used, plus a bonus for short time.

Letter Distribution: 49 tiles randomly selected, using English letter frequency as probability.

Layout: player rack (bottom), a 7x7 grid of letter tiles (middle), a pile of smart stars (upper left), and a letter bin (upper right)

Difficulty: Moderate

How to Play:



Worm Hole

Objective: To eat up the entire apple by spelling words with all of its letters.

Scoring: Points are awarded for each word scored, with significantly more points being awarded for longer words, plus a time bonus.

Letter Distribution: 49 tiles randomly selected, using English letter frequency as probability.

Layout: player rack (bottom), a 7x7 grid of letter tiles (middle), a pile of smart stars (upper left), and a letter bin (upper right)

Difficulty: Easy

How to Play:




Word Solitaire is a collection of twelve original, challenging word games.  They're inspired by solitaire card games, but they're played with wooden letter tiles a la Scrabble (TM).  You'll find that you need to use knowledge and strategies from both types of games in order to succeed at Word Solitaire!

Included in this package are word-based variations of today's most popular solitaire games like Free Cell, Klondike, Golf and Pyramid.  Plus several completely original one-player word games.  


Word Solitaire uses the ENABLE dictionary to check your words for correctness.  ENABLE stands for "Enhanced North American Benchmark LExicon."  It's a carefully researched and meticulously compiled combination of many other dictionaries (such as Merriam Webster 10th Edition and the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary), has graciously been made available for public use by its lexicographers.  For more information and a thoroughly annotated history of the ENABLE dictionary, you can visit: http://personal.riverusers.com/~thegrendel/.  

For Word Solitaire, the raw ENABLE dictionary data is contained in the file "words.lst" (located in the same folder as the game itself).  If you would like to add or remove words from the dictionary, you can do so by manually editing this file.  Just be sure to: 1) keep it in alphabetical order and 2) use lower case letters only.  

The version of the ENABLE dictionary that is included with Word Solitaire contains American spellings only.  However, by following the instructions at the Word Solitaire web site ( http://www.haversack.com/wordsol ) you can download and install an alternate dictionary with exclusively British or combined American and British spellings.


Glossary of Terms


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When I run Word Solitaire, I get an error message about my Colors setting.  What's wrong?
A: Word Solitaire relies on full-color graphics for its letter tiles and backgrounds.  If your display is set to less than 24-bit Full Color, the game's graphics cannot be drawn properly.  To fix this, right-click on your Windows desktop, choose "Properties" from the menu, select the "Settings" tab at the top, and finally change your "Colors" setting to "Full Color (24-bit)" or "True Color (32-bit)".

Q: When I run Word Solitaire, I get an error message about "file not found".  What's up?
A: Word Solitaire needs two files in order to function properly: a dictionary and a list of quotations.  These two files are named words.lst and quotes.lst, respectively.  Make sure that they are both present in the same folder as the game itself (wordsol.exe).  If you are missing these files, you can download them from http://www.haversack.com/wordsol.

Q: My copy of Word Solitaire has expired.  How can I keep on playing?
A: Go to http://www.haversack.com/wordsol and register!

Q:  Why should I register my copy of Word Solitaire?
A: Because it's the right thing to do!
A: Because it helps to support this site!
A: Because it helps me improve the game and write others like it!
A: Because it gives you a chance to offer feedback and suggestions for the game!
A: Because it gets rid of the nag dialogs and removes the 100-game limit!
A: Because it supports the shareware game industry, which brings you low-cost, high-quality, non-corporate games like this!
A: Because it's so darn cheap!

Copyright � 2001 Jason Mai and Susan Brooks.  All rights reserved.  Scrabble and the Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary are trademarks of Milton Bradley, a division of Hasbro.