103 Word Solitaire 106 Hello World! 109 MAIN 110 Game Over 111 Paused 112 Are you sure you want to abandon the current game and start a new one? 113 New Game 114 Congratulations! You got a high score! 115 High Score 116 Do you want to play again? 117 Game Over 118 Hint 119 Word Solitaire failed to load its list of quotations. The list should be located in a file called "quotes.lst". Please make sure an original and uncorrputed version of this file is present in the game's working folder. 120 Error! 121 A. E. Housman 122 J. D. Salinger 123 C. S. Lewis 124 J. R. R. Tolkein 125 Wm. Shakespeare 126 P. G. Woodhouse 127 F. Scott Fitzgerald 128 T. S. Elliot 129 J. Austen 130 D. H. Lawrence 131 Registered Version - Thanks! 132 Thank you for registering! 133 Success! 134 The name and code that you have entered do not match. Your name must be at least 4 letters long, and the code must match exactly the one that was given to you when you registered (note that upper and lowercase letters are treated differently). Double check your registration and try again. 135 Invalid Registration Code 136 This action will erase your best score, worst score and average score (setting them all back to zero). \nAre you sure you want to proceed? 137 Reset Scores 138 &Play Again 139 &Quit 140 %d (out of %d) 141 Game Over 142 Word Solitaire failed to load its dictionary of words. The dictionary should be found in a file called "words.lst". Please make sure an original and uncorrputed version of this file is present in the game's working folder and try again. 143 Score 144 Score: %d 145 Jodi's Quotes 146 Klondike 147 Loch Ness 148 Golf 149 Pyramid 150 Free Cell 151 Griddle 152 Simple Stacks 153 Wildcat 154 A novel game. All the letters from a famous quotation have been scrambled, and you need to rebuild it. You have 5 empty stacks to work on. Go through the deck one letter at a time and try to spell out the words from the quote. 155 Like the classic solitaire game. You have 7 stacks of letters plus a stock pile with the extras, and you're trying to move the letters to the foundation in the right order. But instead of sorting hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades, now you're trying to spell four 13-letter words. 156 A fast and easy game where you try to maximize your score by spelling the longest words possible. There are 7 stacks of facedown letters, plus a draw pile of 'smart stars' to help you if you get stuck. 157 A thoughtful game with 7 stacks of faceup tiles that you clear by spelling words. Since everything is faceup, there won't be any surprises. But you'll need to plan ahead if you want to win! 158 A progressive solitaire where the letter tiles are arranged in a pyramid. You need to use the tiles at the bottom of the pyramid before you can free up the tiles above them. It starts out easy, but it soon gets hard! 159 Like the popular solitaire card game, 52 letters are dealt faceup onto eight stacks, and you're trying to move them to the foundation in the right order. But now instead of building four ascending suits, you're trying to spell four words. 160 A difficult game where letters are dealt faceup in a 7x7 grid. You remove them to spell words. But each letter you remove has to be adjacent to the previous one (up, down, left, right, or diagonal). 161 An easy game with lots of stacking and moving. Letters are dealt facedown onto 7 stacks. Drag them around and try to spell words with them. 162 A wildcard game where you need to clear 7 stacks of letters by forming one word after another down at the bottom. It'd be impossible, except there are 7 "wildcat" tiles that you can substitute for any letter. 163 \n<--- Click on the name of a game in this list, and a description of that game will appear here.\n\nClick on the up and down arrows of the scroll bar to see even more games in the list. 164 Loading the dictionary... 165 Welcome! 166 word 167 solitaire 168 %s - %s 169 %d (%d%%) 170 &New Game 171 %d 172 Gobble 173 Walls of Jericho 174 Worm Hole 175 Free Grid 176 Infinite Vowels 177 Elegance 178 Word Drop 179 Taipei 180 Cross Ways 181 Word Slide 182 Jumble 183 Anagrams 184 Race Word 185 A ripoff of Boggle 186 Walls surround the city of Jericho. You can knock them down by spelling words with their letters, but you can't breach the inner walls until you've used up all the letters from the outer ones. 187 A cute little game where you're the worm in the middle of an apple. You need to eat your way out, spelling words as you go. But you can only eat letters that you can reach from your ever-widening worm hole. 188 Clear the grid of letters by forming words. No draw pile, no smart letters, no reshuffles. Just use them all. 189 Five stacks are filled with consonants. Five piles offer infininte supply of vowels. Clear the consonants to win. 190 A delightfully challenging game. You need to rearrange all of the letters in 7 stacks so that every stack spells a word. There are no stock piles, no free cells, no stars, no bombs. Just pure elegance. Can you master it? 191 A ripoff of Tetris. Letter tiles fall from the sky. Stack up tiles that spell a word (horizontally or vertically) and they are removed from play. 192 A ripoff of Taipei. Letter tiles are stacked on top of each other in various formations. Remove tiles from the top to spell words. Clear the entire formation of tiles to win. 193 A ripoff of adlib. A solitaire version of Scrabble. Use all of your 13 letters to create the crossword worth the most points. 194 Five empty stacks and a deck full of letters. Deal one letter at a time. You must place it on one of the stacks. No dragging between stacks. But as soon as you spell a word, it can be removed from the stack. 195 Make as many words as you can before time runs out using the letters of a really long word. 196 Use up all the letters from a really long word (or a list of words) to create a new list of words. 197 A ripoff of Word Zap. Spell words as quickly as you can using a set of random letters. 198 Choose Game 199 Are you sure you want to abandon the current game and choose a new one? 200 Hey, you should register your copy of Word Solitaire! If you do, you can play all the games forever! And you'll get free upgrades to future releases of the game! And you'll have a guilt-free conscience! And it's darn cheap -- twelve for the price of one! Just click the button below to get started... 201 It's fast! It's easy! It's cheap! Registering your copy of Word Solitaire is all that, plus it's the right thing to do! Use the online ordering form and your registration code will be emailed back to you immediately. Fantastic! 202 Dear Philanthropist: It is obvious that your taste in games is exquisite. We at Haversack Software commend you on your selection of Word Solitaire as your entertainment of choice. One minor, trivial detail seems to have escaped your attention. We scarcely bother to bring it up. It is merely the remittance of the $20 registration fee. We're so sorry to have concerned you with it. We humbly take our leave. Thank you. 203 I really do wish you would register your copy of Word Solitaire. It took me an awfully long time to write it! You know, I designed all the games from scratch. It took months of programming effort. I even took a class at the community college to learn how to design better graphics. Just so that word lovers like you could play new games. Whew! What an effort! 204 Wouldn't you just feel better about yourself if you registered your copy of this game? There are so many problems in the world today that you can't do anything about. But here's one you can -- the dearth of good word games! By registering your copy, you'll be encouraging game authors like me to write more! Problem solved! Now back to world hunger... 205 Isn't shareware great? Go ahead, try walking into a software store and finding games like these, at prices like these, with the opportunity to play them before you buy them. Go ahead! And be sure to check out their "No Returns" policy. See? So support shareware -- and register your copy today! 206 We interrupt this game to bring you a news flash...\n\nYour copy of this shareware game has not yet been registered! But if you register now, no more news flashes! 207 If you hate to see new original word games, if you'd prefer to play a hundred identical ripoffs of Scrabble(TM), then certainly DO NOT register your copy of Word Solitaire. Because that would just encourage me to write MORE games. And you'd hate that, wouldn't you? 208 Dude, like, you haven't, like, paid for this, have you, dude? That's totally not righteous! Check this out, dude. Click on, like, that register button down there. Awesome, dude! 209 How do i love thee,\nLet me count the ways;\nPay for your copy,\nAnd play all day! 210 Are you a Word Game fan? Do you wish there were more Word Games out there? Well do something about it! Register your copy of this game! By registering, you support the shareware industry and game authors like me. It proves that there's a market for Word Games, and encourages developers all over the world to write more! So do your part, register today! 211 Aren't these games nice? Relaxing, fun, happy goodness. Whoever wrote them should get a nice pat on the back. In fact, maybe you'd even like to buy that person dinner? Well, you can! Register today! I promise not to order anything expensive :-) 212 Generous. Honest. Supportive. Ethical. Helpful. Friendly.\n\nSo THAT'S why you're registering your copy of Word Solitaire today! 213 Click button. Read instructions. Fill out form. Submit payment.\n\nReceive code. Rejoice. Play forever.\n\nNow isn't that simple? 214 Want more games? Want new features? Well register your copy of Word Solitaire today, and you'll enable me to write them! Just click the Register button below to get started... 215 Oh my goodness! You are too, too kind. You love these games? Oh, how gracious of you. You want me to write more? Dear me, yes, that would be nice. And you want to pay for your copy? That's awfully sweet! I hardly know what to say! Perhaps you might just click the button below while my fluttering heart slows down? 216 It is my sincerest hope that you are enjoying the fun games in this Word Solitaire game pack. I only wish that I had more games to offer. Maybe if you register your copy, and your friends register their copies, I'll be able to write some more! Just click the Register button below if you'd like to get started... 217 Wow! 12 games! And all those free-plays! That's an entire working day of entertainment for free! And if you registered, you could play forever! Don't you think that's worth the itsy bitsy teeny tiny fee? 218 Have an idea for a new Word Solitaire game? Register your copy today, and maybe I'll take you up on your suggestion! I've got dozens of game ideas already on the drawing board, and I'm always on the lookout for more. But I need your support to continue writing them! So register your copy today, and send in your idea along with it! 219 What do you think, that I do this for fun? Well, okay, you're right. :-) I enjoy making games. But it's not easy! It takes a lot of time, and training, and equipment and dedication. I'd really be better off if I went and joined some dot-com startup company. Please please please don't make me do it! Register today! 220 Spontaneous. Whimsical. Lighthearted. Ebullient. Unpredictable.\n\nSo THAT'S why you're registering your copy of Word Solitaire today! 221 My butt hurts! I've been sitting here programming these games for so long that I'm sore! Help me take a vacation! Register your copy of Word Solitaire today, and help me get off my duff. I want to take a trip, visit friends, see the sun... 222 Okay, enough of the creative shareware reminders. After this message, I'm afraid we're going to start repeating ourselves. Gee, what a good time to register your copy! You won't be missing anything. In fact, you'll be gaining a lot! Register today by clicking the button below... 223 Time: %d 224 Anti-Gravity 225 An action game where words are heavy and letters are light. One by one, letters lose their gravity and float up to the top of the screen. If you can arrange them into words, they'll fall back down and you can keep on playing. Think fast to beat this one! 226 Click the "Play" button below when you're ready to play... 227 You are about to play Golf! 228 The objective is to clear the stacks by spelling words. 229 Spell one word at a time, choosing from letters \n at the bottom of each stack. 230 Just click on a letter to add it to your word. 231 A checkmark will appear whenever \n a complete word is formed. 232 Click the checkmark at any time to score \n your word and start a new one. 233 If you get stuck, click on a BOMB tile \n to discard your word. 234 Clear all 7 stacks to win! 235 You are about to play Elegance! 236 The objective is to spell a word on every stack, \n using up all of the tiles. 237 Click and drag with the mouse to transfer \n tiles from stack to stack. 238 You can move as many tiles as you want... 239 ...but you have to spell a word \n (or the beginning of a word) on all stacks at all times. 240 A checkmark will appear above each stack \n whenever it spells a complete word. 241 When all the tiles are face up and all seven stacks \n have checkmarks, you win! 242 The objective is to clear the grid by \n spelling words with all of its letters. 243 Click on any letter to start your first word. 244 Each subsequent letter in the word must be adjacent to \n the previous one (up, down, left, right, or diagonally). 245 A checkmark will appear whenever \n you form a complete word. 246 Click the checkmark at any time to score \n your word and start a new one. 247 If you get stuck, click on a lightning bolt \n to jump anywhere in the grid. 248 Empty the entire grid to win! 249 You are about to play Griddle! 250 You are about to play Free Cell! 251 The objective is to spell the four target words at the top. 252 The letters from the target words have been \n shuffled and dealt onto stacks. 253 Click and drag with the mouse to \n move a letter tile from place to place. 254 You can only move a letter tile \n onto a stack if it spells a word there. 255 But you can move any tile onto an empty free cell. 256 Score a tile by double-clicking it whenever \n it's the next letter in a target word. 257 Just spell all 4 words to win! 258 You are about to play Klondike! 259 The objective is to spell the four target words at the top. 260 The letters from the target words have been \n shuffled and dealt onto stacks. 261 Click and drag with the mouse to \n move letter tiles from stack to stack. 262 You can only move tiles onto a stack \n if they spell a word there. 263 You can also click on the stock pile \n to search through its letters. 264 Score a tile by double-clicking it whenever \n it's the next letter in a target word. 265 Spell all 4 words to win! 266 You are about to play Loch Ness! 267 The objective is to clear the stacks by spelling words. 268 Spell one word at a time, choosing from the \n face up letters on the seven stacks. 269 Just click on a letter to add it to your word. 270 A checkmark will appear whenever \n a complete word is formed. 271 Click the checkmark at any time to score \n your word and start a new one. 272 If you get stuck, click the STAR tile \n for a free letter. 273 Clear all 7 stacks to win! 274 You are about to play Pyramid! 275 The objective is to clear the pyramid by spelling words. 276 Spell one word at a time, choosing from letters \n at the bottom of the pyramid. 277 Just click on a letter to add it to your word. 278 A checkmark will appear whenever \n you have formed a complete word. 279 Click the checkmark at any time to score \n your word and start a new one. 280 If you get stuck, search the stock pile for \n a letter to help you out. 281 Empty the entire pyramid to win! 282 You are about to play Simple Stacks! 283 The objective is to clear the stacks by spelling words. 284 Click and drag with the mouse to transfer \n tiles from stack to stack. 285 Move as many tiles as you want... 286 ...but you have to spell a word \n (or the beginning of a word) on all stacks at all times. 287 A checkmark will appear above a stack \n whenever it spells a complete word. 288 Click the checkmark to score the stack's word \n and uncover the next tile. 289 When all the stacks are empty, you win! 290 You are about to play Walls of Jericho! 291 The objective is to knock down the walls \n by spelling words with their letters. 292 Spell one word at a time, choosing from \n letters in the outermost wall. 293 You must empty the outer walls before \n you can reach the inner ones. 294 Just click on a letter to add it to your word. 295 A checkmark will appear whenever \n you have formed a complete word. 296 Click the checkmark at any time to score \n your word and start a new one. 297 If you get stuck, click on a STAR tile for a free letter. 298 Knock down all the walls to win! 299 You are about to play Worm Hole! 300 You are a hungry worm in the center of an apple. 301 Your objective is to eat the apple by spelling words. 302 Spell one word at a time, choosing letters \n from the edge of your worm hole. 303 Just click on a letter to move there and eat it. 304 A checkmark will appear whenever \n your letters form a complete word. 305 Click the checkmark at any time to score \n your word and start a new one. 306 If you get stuck, click on a STAR tile for a free letter. 307 Eat the entire apple to win! 308 You are about to play Anti-Gravity! 309 The objective is to play as long as possible. 310 One by one, letters will float up from the bottom. 311 Use the arrow keys to move each letter left or right, \n and choose the stack it will land on. 312 Whenever you spell a word on a stack (vertically) \n its letters will fall down again. 313 But your words have to be long enough! 314 The number above each stack indicates \n its minimum word length. 315 If you get a BOMB tile, you can use it to clear \n all the letters on a stack. 316 If you don't like the current letter, use the \n space bar to trade it for the next one. 317 Keep spelling words to keep on playing! 318 You are about to play Jodi's Quotes! 319 The objective is to rebuild the famous quotation at the top. 320 The letters from the quotation will be erased \n and shuffled to form a deck. 321 Go through the deck one letter at a time and \n try to reconstruct the words in the quote. 322 You can click and drag with the mouse to \n move a tile from stack to stack. 323 Any tile may be moved onto an empty stack. 324 You can only move a tile onto an occupied stack \n if it continues to spell a word from the quotation. 325 If you forget the quote, click and hold on it \n with the mouse to temporarily reveal it. 326 Spell all the words in the quote to win! 327 This version of Word Solitaire requires a 32-bit Full Color display. It appears that your display is currently set to less than 32-bit color. To continue playing, please use the Display Properties control panel to increase your Colors setting and try again.