Title : Die Foreigner Die! Filename : thehyena.wad Author : Wavefront from IRC #doom Email Address : wvefront@lod.amaranth.com Misc. Author Info : I Like Mustard. Description : My first deathmatch wad...enjoy. Additional Credits to : Riptide, Brian, Klaatu for ideas and play testing. White Fang for writing an editor that doesn't require you to be a rocket scientist to use it. * Play Information * Episode / Level # : map 1 for DooM ][ Single Player : yea but why? Cooperative 2-4 Player : wasting your time.... Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Hell yea..4 player is recommended Difficulty Settings : None New Sounds : None New Graphics : None New Music : None Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Scratch Editor(s) used : Waded Known Bugs : None - email me if you find any.. * Copyright / Permissions * If you change it gimme credit. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com