------------------------------------------------------------------ Title : Zygote Filename : Zygote.wad Author : Jeremy A. Statz Email Address : None, really. Send a letter! Address below... Misc. Author Info : I edit a fanzine! Info below... Description : A moderate sized Doom 2 level. Fairly tough, depending. TONS of DeathMatch starts, since I don't like the way most levels only have 4 or 5. (Not all seem to function, though. Limit?) Additional Credits to : Jesse Gilles and Jason Statz, for testing. Additional Notes : It's called "Zygote" because I think it's an entertaining word. Also, it'll be last on any alphabetical list. This is my first significant Doom level, so it's a little uneven (the first half is intelligent, and careful, the last half is just visceral and fast. And NO, I don't have a single room with seven Cyberdemons in it or something. There is a big room full of monsters, but anyone can survive it, as long as they look around carefully (There's a trick to it). I made sure it wasn't impossible to finish, just hard. Par would be about 2:30. ------------------------------------------------------------------ --=Lemme see some stats!=-- Episode and Level # : Map 1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, lots. Difficulty Settings : Yes. On 4+ it's really nasty! Careful with your ammo, there's just barely enough, at first. New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None --=How'd THAT happen?=-- Base level : None. Build time : Um, way too long. Off and on for weeks! Partly due to occasional glitches in the editors that may destroy hours of work in seconds. (That's right, c'mon... keep building... AAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!! [Stab the Reset button] Die!) Editor(s) used : Waded 1.81, DoomEd (It started as a Doom level), Deep 6.1 for debugging, Edmap. Known Bugs : A few, very minor. (You'll only notice them if you stand in the exact right position, and face the exact right direction.) --=Fun Copyright/Permission Stuff!=-- If you really want too, go ahead and use this as a base for a different level. Just give me credit for the original, and mention where to get a copy of Matrix (see below). You want to distribute this somewhere? Do, please. Just make sure this file is included with it. --=Golly, Jeremy, Where can I get one?=-- BBS: Kaizen Online (A FirstClass BBS) 410-995-3600 Internet: FTP.CDROM.COM, maybe. I'm not sure yet. --=What's this fanzine thing I've heard so much about?=-- A fanzine is kind of like a newsletter, except extremely informal. Generally pretty chaotic and entertaining, too. Mine is Matrix, and it focuses mostly and video & computer games. There's also some stuff on MRPGs, movies, and such. To get a copy cheap ($1.00, which only covers printing and shipping costs), write to: Jeremy Statz N6148 170 St. Elmwood, WI 54740 If you've got comments on the level, send 'em too. I'm working on a Death- Match level. If it's finished by then, I might include a copy with the issue.