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Living in Southeastern Idaho
Although southeastern Idaho lacks craggy mountains, its ranges are wide and long, generally well-watered, and easily accessible by vehicle and by foot. These are gentle green mountains, home to deer, elk, and nowadays, cattle. They are places where solitude is the rule.

The weather in southeastern Idaho is gentle, but erratic. Multi-year long cycles of drought and wetness are normal and farming is always a chancy business. The climate is normally neither very cold in winter nor very hot in summer, and never uncomfortably humid. Many residents think the weather is close to ideal.

Postcard view of a bull elk on the Pocatello West Bench, late 1930s. View looks east. Note the Portneuf River has been channelized with rip-rap, but the concrete channel has not been built. West Sublette is the east-west street east of the Portneuf River. The south end of Highland Boulevard is the street west of the River. The square white building is the present Pocatello Floor Covering store and showroom. The spire to the left of Red Hill is St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Abe Lillibridge collection, Idaho State University.

Many people from eastern Idaho think they live in one of the most beautiful places in the United States. One woman from Preston, returning home after years away, remarked that she was glad to see that it was still true that in Cache Valley the sky is bluer and the clouds are whiter than anywhere else she had been. It is to such people that we dedicate this book.

Production of this book was supported by the Ida Sarver Kackley and Lois Lynch Kackley Bear River Endowment to Idaho State University, presented by Evan, Ellis and Alvin Kackley1974. Invaluable assistance in preparation of the photographs and graphics of the book was provided by Lisa Anderson, Dan Bruner, Jos� Bunzow, Michelle Byrd, Susan Duncan, Caryn Elliott, Randy Gaines, Scott Gerwe, Glenn Harvey, Brian Hawk, Dee High and Dave Myers. We are grateful to Ron Hatzenbuehler, ISU History Department, and Dave Rodgers and Tom Ore, ISU Geology Department, for invaluable reviews. We thank the Bannock County Historical Museum, Idaho Museum of Natural History, Eli Oboler Library, Ketchum-Sun Valley Community Library and the Smithsonian Institution for use of photographs. Aerial photography would have been impossible without H.Thomas Ore, our pilot and friend. We are especially indebted to our friends and mentors Leigh Gittins and "Doc" Evan Kackley. Finally we thank each other, for patience and good humor, during the four year production of this book.

Recent References on Idaho History

  1. Arrington, Leonard J., 1994, History of Idaho, 2 vols.: Moscow, Idaho, University of Idaho Press.
  2. Idaho Humanities Council, 1994, Idaho and the American West, Boise, Idaho, 36 p.
  3. Idaho State Historical Society, 1976, Idaho, An Illustrated History: Boise, Idaho State Historical Society , 250 p.
  4. Peterson, F. Ross, 1976, Idaho: A Bicentennial History: New York, Norton, 292 p.
  5. Schwantes, Carlos, 1991, In Mountain Shadows: A History of Idaho: Lincoln, Nebraska, University of Nebraska Press, 203p.
