Operating Systems
-Windows 95/98/2000
-MacOS 7 or newer.
Internet Browser
- Netscape Navigator 4.0 or better
- Internet Explorer 4.0 or better
Both need to be capable of running Java script.
Monitor resolution
The Digital Atlas of
Idaho is designed for viewing at a minimum monitor setting of 800 x 600 screen
High resolution, such as 1280 x 1024, on monitors may display the atlas images
too small to enjoy. On Apple computer systems, images may appear faded or lighter
than on a PC. This is result of the Adobe Gamma control panel settings(and/or
monitor preferences) are totally different than PC settings. For more information
please consult your Apple Guide (Finder>Help>Apple Guide).
& Browser Plugins:
Proper functioning
of all of the different components of the Digital Atlas requires more recent
versions of the common internet browsers. You will need to be running version
4.0 - 4.7.8 of Netscape Navigator, and version 4.0 or higher of Microsoft Iinternet
Explorer. You can upgrade your browser by visiting the Microsoft web site for
a FREE UPGRADE of MS internet
Explorer or the Netscape site for a FREE
UPGRADE of Netscape Navigator.
Certain materials available on the Digital Atlas of Idaho will not function
without having plug-ins installed upon your computer. Here is a list of what
you will need:
Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer w/ Java and JavaScript
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Apple QuickTime
Microsoft Office 97 Software
WinZip or PKUnzip or MacZipit
PC-Users- be aware that for proper navigation menu functioning the following plug-in is required: Java Run Time Environment (JRE) - any version is fine. If you do not have this plug-in installed go to and follow their downloading/installation instructions. Some presentations and data are designed for usewith Microsoft Office 97 Software, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Quick Time, Cadviewer Lite,WinZip, and Java Script. If you still have problems viewing the active elements (such as Java or QuickTime) after upgrading, make sure to check your browser options to ensure that all image, animation, multi-media and Java enabling preferences are selected.
& Access Directions:
The Digital
Atlas of Idaho is distributed into two forms; CD-ROM and via the Internet. The
Internet format is designed for anyone who has access to the Internet. It is
free to the public. CD's can be obtained by school districts for schools that
lack an internet connection. Since the Digital Atlas is a continually growing
project, it is suggested to access the Atlas via the Internet. Updates are often
and are impossible to include on compact disc. Many features are exclusive on
the web version and require a continual online connection. For tutorials on
how to use the Atlas click here.
The Digital Atlas of Idaho Web Site is:
CD-ROM directions
To use
the Digital Atlas of Idaho CD, insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. Some versions
should begin activating its autorun sequence. If your operating system have
the autorun preferences turned off you will need to manually start the program.
To do this: open
your Internet. browser. Use the file>open page command of your browser, browse
to and select the CD-ROM drive, then select the index.htm file and hit open.
Some older versions may have a companion CD. To use the companion map archive
CD-ROM, first visit the Map Room located on the Main CD-ROM for access to tips,
tutorials and an overview of the archives. Then remove the main CD from your
CD drive and replace it with the map archive CD. Use the file>open page command
of your browser, browse to and select the CD-ROM drive, then select the mapcd_index.htm
file and hit open. This will take you into the main archive interface where
you can access linked information, tutorials, and GIS coverage's for Idaho.
We advise referring to the MapRoom_README.doc file before you begin using the
map archive (this document is located in the maproom_text folder).
Incompatibilities & Issues:
The Digital
Atlas was originally generated for a PC/Windows CD-ROM application in the first
phase. Since then, the Atlas staff has been converting the data
for a cross-platform environment. Hence, the use of Internet. based formats.
In reaching for this goal of cross-platform compatibility we are aware that
not every computer is a like. This product is PC/Windows 98 native, in which
means that several features of the Digital Atlas may not work. It is suggested
that you use the recommended products and applications referenced in the System
Requirements located at the top of this page.
Tips & Information:
-Reading and
comparing the System Requirements and Plugins
List information to your own computers ability should advert most problems.
If a software incompatibility is not found on our list please e-mail your findings
to us at:
-The Atlas Navigation found at the top of your screen provides links to all of the major materials found on the Atlas. You can use these links at any time to move forwards, backwards, up, down and around the Atlas! DON'T FORGET: if you get lost, you can always return to the main home page using the Atlas Home link in the navigation menu.
-Try getting started by reviewing the Site Index for an overview of the entire Atlas.
-With a few exceptions, links to other web sites will take you out of the Digital Atlas Navigation. Use the BACK BUTTON of your web browser to return.
-The multi-level Digital Atlas derives much of its functionality from "zooming" in and out on Idaho using maps, archives and linked information sets. Hot links may appear in any of the images you see, so make sure you scroll around and explore each new page. There are also many links to web sites that are external to the Digital Atlas. These links can be found in the Links section.
-Many of the links for printing and frame-free viewing of materials (such as those found in the many of the Teaching Resources) will open a new, full-size browser window when activated. This allows for easy, frame-free printing and viewing, as well as the ability to switch between windows for comparison of different data sets. The new window will not show the Atlas Navigation Frame. To use the Navigation Frame simply switch back to the main Atlas window (switching between windows is as simple as clicking on the icon buttons on your desktop tool bar). When you are done, simply close the new window to return to the main Atlas. In addition, some links will open a smaller browser window on top of your current window. BE AWARE: if you click on the screen outside of this new window, it will disappear and you will have to reactivate the link and allow the window to reload.
-In order to preserve technical
detail on the more complex maps and diagrams found in the Atlas, some images
may be larger than your screen. Such images are indicated by a magnifying glass
on an image or in button form located next to a thumbnail of the image. Just
CLICK on the magnifying glass to enlarge the image. When you are done viewing,
CLICK on the magnifying glass image or hit your browser's "back" button
to return to the page of origin. Here are some samples: (The
image with the plus sign will link you to a larger image. The image with a minus
sign will return you to your original location.)
Some tips for using maps supported by Cadviewer software:
-Some page numbers in the digital version of Rocks, Rails and Trails may differ slightly from the printed editions.
-When you are done using the Atlas simply use the command "FILE > CLOSE", or the "X" in the upper right corner of your browser to close the browser window and exit the Atlas.
-Find a Mistake? It is important to be aware that although the Atlas provides a great deal of information about the natural history of Idaho, it is not intended to be the definitive resource. Some modules are still under review. Please direct questions, comments, concerns or corrections to the Digital Atlas of Idaho
-Have an image, activity or exercise that you would like to Contribute? If you have an activity, exercise or image of geology, mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, rivers, plants, etc., that you would like to contribute, it can be sent to Just remember to let us know who to credit it to.
-Certain forms of color-blindness may lead to difficulties interpreting color-coded data on some of the Atlas maps and images. If you encounter problems please be aware that graphical information and data is also reproduced in the accompanying text.
-Terms & Conditions of Use: Materials found on the Digital Atlas of Idaho Web Site and CD-ROM may be used for personal or educational projects as is. For commercial or other forms of use, please contact the Digital Atlas for more information and permissions as some materials are copyrighted.