MAIN MENU อออออออออ - Use any of the following methods to select a choice from the menu:  Position the bar with the cursor keys; and press enter.  Press the first letter of a menu choice. - Options:  Dive Log - Add, edit, delete/undelete, remove and view records. - Reports: * Activity * Dive Site * Land Location * Underwater Life at Dive Site * Fish Finder  Inventory/Maintenance - Add, edit, delete/undelete, remove and view records. - Reports: * Equipment Listing * Equipment Summary (Comments) * Maintenance Due Dates  Loran Number - Add, edit, delete/undelete, remove and view records. - Reports: * Loran Listing of Latitude and Longitude * Loran Listing of TD's * Loran Summary (Comments) * Destination Listing  Dive Certification - Add, edit, delete/undelete, remove and view records. - Reports: * Certification Listing * Certification Summary (Comments) * Organization Listing  Utility Functions - Modify sponsor name, sponsor phone, and user name.  Finished - Exit dive log program. DIVE LOG ออออออออ - Use any of the following methods to select a choice from the menu:  Position the bar with the cursor keys; and press enter.  Press the first letter of a menu choice.  Press the key to return to previous menu selection. - Options:  Add Records - Create dive site name. - Enter new dive log record.  Edit Records - Search for dive site. - Modify dive log record.  Delete/Undelete Records. - Search for dive site. - Mark dive log for deletion. or - Recall deleted record. NOTE: Records are not removed in the event that the record may be accidentally deleted. The marked deleted record may be recalled at any time.  Remove Records - Purge all marked deleted records from the system. NOTE: All deleted records will be permanently removed.  View Records - Search for dive site. - View dive log record.  Reports - View or Print: * Activity * Dive Site * Land Location * Underwater Life at Dive Site * Fish Finder  Exit - Return to main menu. DIVE SITE NAME ออออออออออออออ - Create  The user will be prompted for the name of the dive site; use any descriptive name that identifies the particular dive location.  Example: - Dive Site: [SOMBRERO REEF ] - Select (Also refer to navigation and edit keys)  Position the bar with the cursor keys; and press enter. - Search  The user will be prompted for the name of the dive site; use the complete name or the first few letters of the name. The search will find the best match for partial names.  Example: (To search for SOMBRERO REEF) - Dive Site: [SOM ] DIVE LOG RECORD อออออออออออออออ - Dive Site Name (Dive log is indexed by dive site name)  Descriptive name that identifies dive site. - Example: * Dive Site: [SOMBRERO REEF ] - Land Location  Name that identifies geographic land area near dive site. - Example: * Land Location: [KEY WEST, FL ] NOTE: Land Location is generally used to describe where the dive trip originated from. This information can be used to group several different dives to a particular geographic land location. If you were diving in Key West, you may log different dive sites, but the land location would be Key West. You may use a state, county, or city name; it's totally up to you on how to best identify the land location. - Dive Buddy  Name of dive buddy. - Example: * Dive Buddy: [John Smith] - Divemaster  Name of divemaster, instructor, or dive guide. - Example: * Divemaster: [Henry Adams ] - Date  Date of the dive. - Example: * Date: [05/01/92] - Dive Number  Sequential Dive Number (Incremented from previous entry). - Example: * Dive Number: [ 3] - Bottom Time  Total bottom time for the dive in hours and minutes. Format for bottom time is HH:MM, where H stands for hours and M for minutes (00-59). - Example (45 minutes): * Bottom Time: [00:45] - Time in Decimal  Total bottom time for the dive, calculated in decimal format Format is in hours. - Example (45 minutes): * Bottom Time: [ 0.75] - Weather  General weather conditions at the day of the dive. - Example: * Weather: [CLEAR SKIES ] - Water Condition  General water conditions at the day of the dive. - Example: * Weather: [CHOP 2-3 FOOT ] - Water Temp  Water temperature at the day of the dive in Fahrenheit or Celsius. - Example: * Weather: [ 78] - Water Depth  Maximum water depth dived at dive location in feet. - Example: * Water Depth (Feet): [ 50] - Visibility  Maximum visibility within the water in feet. - Example: * Visibility (Feet): [ 50] EDIT/VIEW UNDERWATER LIFE: ออออออออออออออออออออออออออ - QTY  Number of a specific type of underwater life. - Example: * QTY: [ 5] - Species  Specific type of underwater life. - Example: * Species: [GROUPER ] - LBS  Total accumulated weight for the quantity of species. - Example: * LBS: [ 200] INVENTORY/MAINTENANCE อออออออออออออออออออออ - Use any of the following methods to select a choice from the menu:  Position the bar with the cursor keys; and press enter.  Press the first letter of a menu choice.  Press the key to return to previous menu selection. - Options:  Add Records - Create equipment name. - Enter equipment record.  Edit Records - Search for equipment. - Modify equipment record.  Delete/Undelete Records - Search for equipment. - Mark equipment for deletion. or - Recall deleted record. NOTE: Records are not removed in the event that the record may be accidentally deleted. The marked deleted record may be recalled at any time.  Remove Records - Purge all marked deleted records from the system. NOTE: All deleted records will be permanently removed.  View Records - Search for equipment. - View equipment record.  Reports - View or Print: * Equipment Listing * Equipment Summary (Comments) * Maintenance Due Dates  Exit - Return to main menu. EQUIPMENT NAME ออออออออออออออ - Create  The user will be prompted for the name of the equipment; use any descriptive name that identifies the particular dive equipment.  Example: - Equipment: [AIR TANKS ] - Select (Also refer to navigation and edit keys)  Position the bar with the cursor keys; and press enter. - Search  The user will be prompted for the name of the equipment; use the complete name or the first few letters of the name. The search will find the best match for partial names.  Example: (To search for AIR TANKS) - Equipment: [AIR ] INVENTORY/MAINTENANCE RECORD ออออออออออออออออออออออออออ - Equipment Name (Inventory/Maintenance is indexed by equipment name)  Descriptive name that identifies equipment. - Example: * Equipment: [AIR TANKS ] - Cost  Cost of the equipment. - Example: * Cost: [ 100.00] - Maintenance Date  Date of when equipment needs service or maintenance. - Example: * Date: [10/20/92] - Warning (Y/N)  Indicates that the user will be prompted that a piece of equipment needs maintenance. The prompt is activated 2 months prior to maintenance date. - Example: * Warning (Y/N): [Y] LORAN NUMBER ออออออออออออ - Use any of the following methods to select a choice from the menu:  Position the bar with the cursor keys; and press enter.  Press the first letter of a menu choice.  Press the key to return to previous menu selection. - Options:  Add Records - Create waypoint number. - Enter waypoint record.  Edit Records - Search for waypoint. - Modify waypoint record.  Delete/Undelete Records - Search for waypoint. - Mark waypoint for deletion. or - Recall deleted record. NOTE: Records are not removed in the event that the record may be accidentally deleted. The marked deleted record may be recalled at any time.  Remove Records - Purge all marked deleted records from the system. NOTE: All deleted records will be permanently removed.  View Records - Search for waypoint.. - View waypoint record.  Reports - View or Print: * Loran Listing Latitude and Longitude * Loran Listing TD's * Loran Summary (Comments) * Destination Listing  Exit - Return to main menu. WAYPOINT NUMBER อออออออออออออออ - Create  The user will be prompted for a waypoint number; use any number that identifies a particular destination.  Example: - Waypoint: [24] - Select (Also refer to navigation and edit keys)  Position the bar with the cursor keys; and press enter. - Search  The user will be prompted for a waypoint number; use the complete waypoint number. No need to use zeroes or spaces, use "1" instead of "001" or " 1"  Example: (To search for 10) - Waypoint: [10] LORAN RECORD ออออออออออออ - Waypoint Number (Loran Number is indexed by waypoint number.)  Descriptive waypoint number that identifies destination. - Example: * Waypoint Number: [10] - Destination  Descriptive name of the waypoint destination - Example: * Destination: [CHANNEL MARKER 21 ] - Latitude  Latitude Number. - Example: * Latitude: [027'50.00N] - Longitude  Longitude Number. - Example: * Longitude: [083'40.67W] - TD1  TD1 Number. - Example: * TD1: [14092.3] - TD2  TD2 Number. - Example: * TD2: [14092.3] DIVE CERTIFICATION ออออออออออออออออออ - Use any of the following methods to select a choice from the menu:  Position the bar with the cursor keys; and press enter.  Press the first letter of a menu choice.  Press the key to return to previous menu selection. - Options:  Add Records - Create certification name. - Enter certification record.  Edit Records - Search for certification. - Modify certification record.  Delete/Undelete Records - Search for certification. - Mark certification for deletion. or - Recall deleted record. NOTE: Records are not removed in the event that the record may be accidentally deleted. The marked deleted record may be recalled at any time.  Remove Records - Purge all marked deleted records from the system. NOTE: All deleted records will be permanently removed.  View Records - Search for certification. - View certification record.  Reports - View or Print: * Certification Listing * Certification Summary (Comments) * Organization Listing  Exit - Return to main menu. CERTIFICATION NAME ออออออออออออออออออ - Create  The user will be prompted for the name of the certification; use any descriptive name that identifies the particular dive certification.  Certification: - Certification: [ADVANCED UNDERWATER ] - Select (Also refer to navigation and edit keys)  Position the bar with the cursor keys; and press enter. - Search  The user will be prompted for the name of the certification; use the complete name or the first few letters of the name. The search will find the best match for partial names.  Example: (To search for ADVANCED UNDERWATER) - Certification: [ADV ] CERTIFICATION RECORD ออออออออออออออออออออ - Certification Name (Certification is indexed by certification name)  Descriptive name that identifies certification. - Example: * Certification: [ADVANCED UNDERWATER ] - Certification Number  Identification number given by the certification organization. - Example: * Cert. Number: [P1234-56789 ] - Date  Date of certification. - Example: * Date: [11/02/91] - Instructor  Full name of the instructor who gave the certification. - Example: * Instructor: [JIM WALLACE ] - Instructor Num.  Certification number of the instructor. - Example: * Cert. Number: [P1234-56789 ] - Phone  Phone number of instructor, dive shop, or organization that can verify user's certification. - Example: * Phone: [(813)100-1234] - Organization  Name of the organization that gave the certification. - Example: * Organization: [PADI ] - Cost  Cost of the entire certification process. - Example: * Cost: [ 120.00] UTILITY FUNCTIONS อออออออออออออออออ - Use any of the following methods to select a choice from the menu:  Position the bar with the cursor keys; and press enter.  Press the first letter of a menu choice.  Press the key to return to previous menu selection. - Options:  Modify User and Sponsor. - Modify the name of the user. - Modify the name and telephone number of the sponsor.  User Registration - Enter information for official user registration.  Exit - Return to main menu. MODIFY USER AND SPONSOR อออออออออออออออออออออออ - Sponsor Name  Descriptive name that identifies your local dive shop. - Example: * Sponsor Name: [WORLD'S GREATEST DIVE SHOP ] - Sponsor Phone  Telephone number of your local dive shop. - Example: * Sponsor Phone: [(813)111-1212] - Dive User Name  Your name in a "First M. Last" format. - Example: * Dive User Name: [RICHARD P. SCOTT ] USER REGISTRATION อออออออออออออออออ - Full Name  Your name in a "First M. Last" format. - Example: * Full Name: [RICHARD P. SCOTT ] - Address, City, State, Zip  Your complete mailing address. - Example: * Address: [11204 4TH ST. N.; 107 ] * City: [ST. PETERSBURG ] * Sate: [FL] * Zip: [33716] USER PROMPT อออออออออออ - Information Prompt  The program will display an information window to the user. After the message is read, just depress any key to continue. - Example: * "Deleted Record" Ok - Decision Prompt  The program will display a decision window to the user. Use the Leftarrow key or the Rightarrow key to highlight the decision and depress enter to select it. - Example: * "View Print" NAVIGATION AND EDIT KEYS ออออออออออออออออออออออออ - Key - Action  Uparrow  Move up one line  Dnarrow  Move down one line  Leftarrow  Move left one character  Rightarrow  Move right one character  Ctrl-Leftarrow  Move left one word  Ctrl-Rightarrow  Move right one word  Home  Move to beginning of current line  End  Move to end of current line  Ctrl-Home  Move to beginning of current window  Ctrl-End  Move to end of current window  PgUp  Move to previous window  PgDn  Move to next window  Ctrl-PgUp  Move to beginning of memo  Ctrl-PgDn  Move to end of memo  Return  Move to beginning of next line  Delete (Edit Only)  Delete character at cursor  Backspace (Edit Only)  Delete character at left of cursor  Insert (Edit Only)  Toggle insert and typeover mode HELP ออออ - Hot Key  Interactive help screen; just depress the key to activate the help screen. - Limited Help  Help has been provided in most situations, but there are areas where help is not necessary or impossible to obtain.