Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENUPAUL.EXE WINDOWS WINDOWANSWER R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDO Press F1 , then ENTER , for Answer Window Press ENTER to continue. Press ENTER to return to DOS. MENUPAUL A> by typing MENUPAUL at the prompt, thus: (including the music) you may bypass the initialization ceremonies NOTE: When re-entering APOSTLE PAUL TUTORIAL End of Screen # 21/21 r. All who are members of a church. q. All who live in anticipation of Christ's return. `All who have longed for his appearing' means: p. The day Christ returns to raise me from the dead. o. The day I die. `That day' probably means: n. The righteousness I will receive after I die. m. The reward I will get for being righteous. The `crown of righteousness' means: Select one of the options in each pair. 4. Paul anticipates his future.Reference : 2 Timothy 4:8Screen # 20/21 l. Paul lays a solemn charge upon Timothy. k. Paul relinquishes his own task. 2 Timothy 4:1-5 2 Timothy 4:6-8 3. Match. j. to ask Timothy to bring back his coat and books. i. to tell Mark to write the story of his life. h. to request Timothy to come to him soon in Rome. g. to complain that God is treating him unfairly. f. to inform Timothy that he will soon be executed. included among Paul's purposes in writing this letter. 2. Based on this reference, select the items which may beReference: 2 Timothy 4:1-18Screen # 19/21 his final days. 4:16 e. Paul desires Timothy's presence and support during 4:11b d. Paul wants Timothy to bring Mark with him. 4:11a c. Paul expects to die soon. 4:9 b. All Paul's associates, except Luke, have gone away. 4:6 a. At Paul's first defense, no one stood up for him.Reference: 2 Timothy 4:6-18 2 T I M O T H Y Screen # 18/21 o. Silence the anti-circumcision group. n. Appoint elders in every town. m. Arrange an island-wide evangelism tour. to Titus? 5. Which of the following is a specific instruction from Paul with Paul's authority. l. Titus was in Crete as a representative of Paul and k. Titus and Timothy were twins. j. Titus was the person who delivered this letter for Paul. 4. What conclusions can be drawn from Titus 1:5? i. He was considering retiring there. h. He had accompanied Paul there. g. Timothy had sent him there. 3. Under what circumstances had Titus come to Crete?Screen # 17/21 f. On the island of Crete. e. Uncertain; probably in Macedonia (cf. 1 Tim. 1:3). d. In prison in Rome. 2. Where is Paul? c. Rome b. Macedonia a. Crete 1. Where is Titus at the time Paul sends him this letter?Reference: Titus 1:5-16 T I T U S Screen # 16/21 too difficult. q. Timothy may have been finding his responsibilities p. Timothy may not have been doing his job well. o. Timothy may have been getting discouraged. n. Timothy may have been falling away from the faith. Select each statement which seems likely to you. directly to Timothy himself (as in qu. 4)? 5. Can you think of a reason why Paul might wish to write so m. To Timothy himself as a person. l. To Christians in general. k. To the people of Ephesus. To whom do these passages relate primarily? 1 Timothy 1:18; 4:6,12,14,16; 6:11-16; 6:20-21. 4. Compare the following passages:Screen # 15/21 j. Paul wants to ordain Timothy as a minister. i. Paul wants Timothy to come to him soon. ministry in Ephesus. h. Paul wishes to provide guidelines for Timothy's 3. 1 Timothy 3:14-15. What is Paul's purpose in writing this letter? return to Ephesus. g. Paul anticipates a possible delay in his plans to f. Paul wants to travel to Spain. e. Paul wants to send Timothy to Crete to help Titus. 2. Based on 1 Timothy 3:14-15 and 4:13, what are Paul's plans?4:13References: 1 Timothy 3:14-15Screen # 14/21 a. Corinth b. Ephesus c. Macedonia d. Rome Where is Timothy? Where is Paul when he writes this letter? 1. Read 1 Timothy 1:3. 1 T I M O T H Y Screen # 13/21 Enter t or f . Paul wrote 2 Timothy from prison in Antioch. Paul was imprisoned a second time in Jerusalem. Paul wrote 1 and 2 Thessalonians during this period. Paul evangelized Galatia during this time. Paul probably went on a fourth mission trip, including Spain. Paul kept preaching the gospel after being released. Paul immediately went back to Jerusalem after his release. Paul was released from the imprisonment described in Acts 28. show whether the following statements are probably TRUE or FALSE. 5. On the basis of the preceding quotations from the NIV Study Bible,Screen # 12/21 (NIV Study Bible p. 1843) was during this time that he wrote 2 Timothy.' Titus, Paul was again imprisoned under Emperor Nero c. 66-67. It his fourth missionary journey, during which he wrote 1 Timothy and `After Paul's release from prison in Rome in A.D. 62/63 and after (NIV Study Bible, p. 1836) literature that he took the gospel as far as Spain.' his first Roman imprisonment, and (3) statements in early Christian Spain, (2) Eusebius' implication that Paul was released following take place is based on: (1) Paul's declared intention to go to recorded in Acts 28. The conclusion that such a journey did indeed a fourth journey after his release from the Roman imprisonment missionary journeys. There is also reason to believe that he made `It is clear from Acts 13:1 -- 21:17 that Paul went on three on the next screen. 4. Study the quotations on this screen, and answer questionsScreen # 11/21 Timothy during his second imprisonment in Rome. f. Eusebius says Paul wrote his first letter to second visit to Rome. e. Eusebius says that Paul became a martyr after a after being a prisoner in Rome for two whole years. d. Eusebius says Paul went on a ministry of preachingScreen # 10/21 (Eusebius, `Ecclesiastical History,' 2.22.2-3) period of his stay at Rome when Luke wrote his history.' the martyrdom of the apostle did not take place at that mentions his first defence and his impending death. ... he wrote his second epistle to Timothy, in which he both finished his life with martyrdom. Whilst he was a prisoner, of preaching, and after a second visit to the city, that he cause, he is said to have been sent again upon the ministry restraint, brings his history to a close. After pleading his prisoner at large, and that he preached the gospel without after showing that Paul passed two whole years at Rome as a `... and here Luke, who wrote the Acts of the Apostles, 2. Read this quotation carefully, and answer questions on next screen.Screen # 9/21 pastorate in Rome. c. Paul plans to retire in Spain after serving a and then Egypt and northern Africa. b. Paul plans a fourth mission trip to Jerusalem and evangelize Spain. a. Paul plans to return to Jerusalem, then visit Rome 1. Paul's long-range plans. Reference: Romans 15:23-25 V. AFTER THE FIRST IMPRISONMENT Screen # 8/21 Enter t or f . A.D. 67 or 68. so far as it lists Paul's death as probably in d. The NIV Study Bible disagrees with Prof. Bruce in aftermath of the great fire of A.D. 64. terrible persecution of Christians by Nero in the c. F.F. Bruce believes Paul was executed during the time a few years after his first trial in Rome. b. F.F. Bruce believes Paul was arrested a second his first trial. a. F.F. Bruce believes Paul was tried and released at 3. TRUE/FALSE.Screen # 7/21 of Paul's death. 2. The NIV Study Bible suggests the year 67 or 68 as the date (F.F. Bruce, `Paul, Apostle of the Heart Set Free', p. 450) to be dated in or shortly after the year 65.' incident in Nero's persecution of the Roman Christians, and On this hypothesis, his execution was most probably an imprisoned, put on trial, sentenced to death and beheaded. supreme court, and subsequently arrested a second time, that Paul was released after his appeal was heard by the 1. `The hypothesis which is provisionally entertained here is Read these notes and answer the questions on the next screen. What happened to Paul after his first trial in Rome? IV. DATA FROM NON-BIBLICAL SOURCES Screen # 6/21 Enter letters. f. Paul expects to be condemned to death after this trial. to support him. e. When Paul came up for trial, none of his friends dared him in Rome. d. A friend of Paul had to search hard in order to find c. Paul is [again] a prisoner. b. Paul seems to have traveled to the island of Crete. a. Paul seems to have traveled to Ephesus and Macedonia. 1 Timothy 1:3 Titus 1:5 2 Timothy 1:8 2 Timothy 1:16-17 2 Timothy 4:6-8 2 Timothy 4:16 1. MATCH.References: 1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy III. DATA FROM THE PASTORAL LETTERS Screen # 5/21 Enter 1 or 2 . Paul's first or second trial in Rome? 2. So far as you know, do these passages deal with Enter a letter. b. Paul expects to be executed when his trial is over. a. Paul expects to be released when his trial is over. Philippians 1:21-26; 2:22-24; Philemon 22 1. What do the following passages have in common?References: Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Philippians II. DATA FROM THE PRISON LETTERS Screen # 4/21 Enter y or n . e. How Paul died. d. Paul's trial before Caesar Nero. c. How the Jews in Rome received Paul. b. Paul's living accommodations in Rome. a. Paul's arrival in Rome. YES/NO. 1. Which of the following does Acts 28 tell about?Reference: Acts 28:11-31 I. DATA FROM THE BOOK OF ACTS Screen # 3/21 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced re-entry. Press F4 then ENTER to restart screen. Press F3 then ENTER to display MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for ANSWER WINDOW. FUNCTION KEYS Further instructions will then appear on line 23. questions. After each answer please press the ENTER key. Clear and concise instructions are provided on-screen for all INSTRUCTIONSScreen # 2/21 P A U L ' S L A T E R L I F E Unit 8 APOSTLE PAUL TUTORIALScreen # 1/21